My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1236: Full Of Tension
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Chapter 1236: Full Of Tension

Chapter 1236: Full of Tension

Mrs. Nores looked at Mr. Nores and asked tentatively, "Is it possible that Camille didn't explain clearly

to Ayan? Should we call Ayan again?"

"Didn't you hear what Ayan said just now? It's obvious that the Armstrong family is just trying to deceive

us," Mr. Nores replied. He was more rational and naturally chose to believe Ayan.

After all, this project was also at Ayan's discretion. If Ayan didn't agree, then the project would be stuck

like this.

Mr. Nores remained calm and carefully thought for a moment before saying to Mrs. Nores, "Find a way

to contact Alicia. An apology must be made!"

Mrs. Nores defended her daughter, saying, "It was just a few wrong words. Does Camille really think

she can hold onto this because of Ayan? I don't think the Armstrong family's upbringing is that bad. It's

Camille who is being petty and not considering the overall situation."

Mr. Nores frowned and said displeased, "Don't talk nonsense. You can say these things in front of me,

but don't go to Alicia and speak nonsense. Otherwise, she'll twist your words and make baseless

accusations again."

Mr. Nores was very serious and worried that Mrs. Nores wouldn't take his words seriously. So henovelbin

arranged for his secretary to find Alicia, no matter what, they had to locate her. The project had been

delayed for too long, and as Mario had said, Ayan could completely let go of the project, but not Nores

Group. This project was the trump card in Nores Group's hands; otherwise, they wouldn't have waited

for so many years.

The more Mr. Nores thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was correct, so he quickly contacted


As for the phone call Mr. Nores made to Ayan, Ayan couldn't possibly ignore it. After comforting

Camille, he immediately sent a message to Horace, informing him of Mr. Nores' phone call and also

telling Horace that his original plan was to stop pursuing the matter further because he probably

wouldn't be able to embarrass the Armstrong family.

Horace understood Ayan's meaning and immediately agreed. He said, "I got it. I'll contact Mr.

Armstrong right away."

"Alright, thank you."

"You're welcome."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, they didn't continue the conversation since it was already late.

Horace wasted no time and immediately called Brody.

Brody, thinking it was good news, couldn't wait and asked eagerly, "Is the project issue resolved?

Today, I had my wife personally talk to Camille. It seems that the key is still with the Armstrong family.

Only Camille can persuade Ayan. Otherwise, who knows how long this will drag on?"

Brody didn't bother to ask about the reason and purpose of the call; he just started talking without

giving others a chance to speak.

After Brody finished speaking, he didn't forget to ask Horace, "Now that the project is back on track,

please cooperate closely with Simpson Group and ensure its successful completion. If there's anything,

let me know immediately."

Horace was also a very polite person, and he wouldn't interrupt when the other person was speaking.

He waited until the other person finished before slowly saying, "So, it was Mrs. Armstrong who went to

see Camille today?"

"Yes, I asked her to go."

"Ah." Horace deliberately sighed, his reaction completely different from what Brody had in mind. This

immediately made Brody worried, and he asked, "What happened?"

"Mr. Armstrong, you shouldn't have sent Mrs. Armstrong. She didn't handle the matter properly at all.

Instead, she went to the Nores family and told them that there was no need to apologize to Camille.

The Nores family believed her and immediately called Ayan to inform him about it. But Ayan got angry

after hearing it. Originally, this matter was solely the Nores family's problem. The root of everything lies

with the Nores family. Even if this project can't continue, Ayan would still involve Armstrong Corp in

other projects. But now, you let Mrs. Armstrong directly go to the Nores family. Isn't this slapping

Camille in the face? You should be well aware of the relationship between Camille and Ayan. Isn't this

indirectly slapping Ayan in the face?"

Horace didn't give Brody any mental preparation and directly explained every detail of today's events,

from cause to effect.

After finishing, he also sighed with a worried expression and said, "Mr. Armstrong, this situation is not

easy to handle. Ayan just called me and asked if it was Armstrong Corp's intention. Of course, I had to

say it wasn't. As for your wife's actions, should we consider them as her personal behavior or

representative of the entire Armstrong family?"

Brody didn't hesitate and immediately said, "Of course, it's her personal behavior. I only asked her to

talk to Camille and understand the situation, then figure out how to handle it. But she didn't inform me

about what she did."

Brody also realized the seriousness of the situation, so he didn't hesitate to shift all the blame onto


Brody's tone was no longer as triumphant as before; now he sounded deflated. He said, "As the person

in charge of Armstrong Corp, you should communicate with Ayan properly. I don't want to deal with this

anymore. It's your responsibility!"

"What about Mrs. Armstrong?"

"You deal with her. I didn't expect her to do something like this. It's clearly targeting Armstrong Corp!"

Brody didn't say much more, found a random excuse, and hung up the phone. As for this matter, he felt

it had nothing to do with him. He didn't want to be involved in any way. Everything was Page's problem,

everything was Page's fault.

Horace had already anticipated Brody's behavior, but he didn't expect Brody to shift the blame so

cleanly. Honestly, it was somewhat amusing.

On Page's side, she didn't return home all night. Brody was furious and kept trying to contact her, but

her phone remained switched off. Page only returned after daybreak the next day. Brody questioned

her about what happened yesterday, but Page didn't think she did anything wrong. She placed all the

blame on Camille, believing that Camille's lack of respect for her led her to act that way. Brody couldn't

contain his anger and without hesitation, he slapped Page hard.

Page was already in a bad mood, and as soon as she returned home, she was immediately hit. This

was unacceptable to her, and she couldn't hold back.

The couple started fighting right in the living room in front of the household staff.

Although Page's physical strength was not as strong as Brody's, she seemed to have some fighting

skills. Brody's face was scratched, covered in injuries that were shocking to see.

The conflicts within the Armstrong family continued to escalate, and there was news from Mrs. Nores

as well.

Mrs. Nores learned about Alicia's situation from Alicia's friend and went directly to her friend's house to

meet Alicia.

Seeing Alicia still searching for her in the middle of the night, Mrs. Nores couldn't bear it. Ultimately,

under the persuasion of Alicia's friend and Mrs. Nores, Alicia agreed to apologize early the next


So, early in the morning, Alicia appeared at Camille's company. She waited for Camille to arrive,

holding a bouquet of flowers, showing her sincerity.

Alicia didn't wear any makeup today, just a simple foundation. She looked delicate and vulnerable,

especially since she hadn't had much rest in the past couple of days. It gave the impression that she

was fragile and delicate.

Camille arrived at the company with Sienna and was informed of the situation by Yessica as soon as

they stepped inside the company's entrance.

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