My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1233: Right And Wrong
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Chapter 1233: Right And Wrong

Chapter 1233: Right and Wrong

She couldn't help but burst into laughter. She looked at Page and said, "You claim it's for my own good,

but can you explain how it's actually for my benefit?"

Page was instantly speechless, his face turning pale.

Camille didn't give Page a chance to speak again. She said indifferently, "Do you feel completely

incapable of providing a single example of how you have been good to me? Honestly, I can't think of

any either. In my memory, it seems you have a special fondness for Grace. As for me, there is certainly

no love left, not even a trace of maternal affection you have ever shown me. I used to think it was

favoritism, but I only recently realized that it's not favoritism, it's selfishness. You genuinely love Grace,

but I would rather not be Grace because having everything under your control and oppression is truly


She had completely lost herself, devoid of any personal thoughts, living like a mere walking corpse.

Camille had seen Grace at her unhappiest moments, and that's when she realized that sometimes

experiences aren't necessarily good.

Camille sometimes felt fortunate that she lived for herself, without subjecting herself to much suffering

or forcing herself to do things she didn't like.

Camille's words struck Page to the core. Originally, Page hadn't yet recovered from Grace's departure,

even though she had accepted the fact that Grace had run away from home. But she hadn't given up

on finding Grace.

However, she had no news whatsoever, as if the person had vanished into thin air.

So when Camille accused Page of not providing the motherly love that Grace truly needed, Page

instinctively asked, "Did Grace tell you all this? Do you know where she is? Camille, did you hide her

because you're jealous of her?"

Camille found it laughable. She let out a mocking laugh and asked indifferently, "Do you think I need

someone to tell me these things? Aren't they obvious facts? Otherwise, if you were so good to Grace,

why did she run away from home without letting you know anything about her whereabouts? You

should reflect on whether you've treated her as your own creation. You never think about what suits

her, but rather impose your choices on her."

"This is our business, none of your concern."

"Yes, indeed, it has nothing to do with me. So why are you coming to me now?"

"Do you know where she is?"

"Do you think I would know? Our relationship has become colder because of you. We don't even have

a way to contact each other, so why would she tell me?" Camille certainly wouldn't admit it. The reason

she said so much wasn't to vent her own dissatisfaction but to tell Page that what she was doing for

Grace wasn't truly good. This was probably the only thing Camille could do for Grace in front of Page.

As for herself, she had already gotten used to it over the years, so whether she could have Page's

motherly love didn't seem important anymore. After all, she had long surpassed the age of needing

love. Even if she were to receive it now, she would feel rather awkward, so she believed things were

fine as they were.

But Page didn't believe her words. She still thought that Camille must know where Grace was. After her

previous arrogant attitude, she had softened a lot. She looked at Camille and said, "Just tell me where

she is, okay? You also know that she hasn't left home for too long before. This is the longest she's

been away. What if she's in trouble out there?"

Page was anxious, her tone trembling. But Camille repeated her previous statement, "I don't know

anything. If I knew where Grace was, why wouldn't I just use that to blackmail you into treating me


Page was slightly taken aback, realizing that what Camille said made sense.

With narrowed eyes and a cold expression on her face, Page said, "Since you don't know where she is,

why are you saying all this? Do you want to lecture me with this matter? Do you still see me as your


Page resumed her lecturing attitude, but Camille simply let it go in one ear and out the other. She was

used to it, so it didn't matter to her. This was why experts always advised parents not to resort to

physical punishment, as it wouldn't solve any problems and would only make children more resistant to


Camille remained indifferent, her eyes filled with coldness. She knew that Page's visit today wasn't

really about Grace or asking for a birthday gift. Even though the Armstrong family's lifestyle was not as

extravagant as before, Page still had her own secret funds. The request for a 200, 000 gift was

probably just a casual remark. So what was the main purpose of her visit today?novelbin

Camille speculated in her mind because they hadn't been in contact for a long time, and Page wouldn't

come here without a reason. She carefully thought about recent events that might be worth Page's

special visit.

After a simple contemplation, she already had an answer. After all, there was only one thing at the

moment, especially when combined with Horace's phone call last night. The two together made it even

more evident.

Camille pursed her lips but had no intention of broaching the topic herself. Instead, she waited for Page

to speak up, as the atmosphere remained briefly quiet without either of them saying a word.

Their gazes locked, and ultimately it was Page who broke the silence, unable to contain herself any

longer. Her tone wasn't pleasant, and her voice was icy as she said, "I came to see you this time

because there's something you must do, and you better do it right."

"What is it?" Camille asked.

"Did you make Ayan suspend the collaboration with Nores Group? Let me tell you, it's not just Nores

Group involved in this. Armstrong Corp is also affected. Do you know how much impact it has had on

Armstrong Corp? Your father is getting anxious and upset because of this. You're also part of the

Armstrong family. Ayan is your husband, don't you know to support your own family?"

Page's tone was urgent, but there was no hint of pleading. Instead, she was commanding, ordering

Camille to understand the importance of distinguishing right from wrong.

But Camille smiled and said, "But Ayan and I are divorced now. Why would he listen to me?"

"Then you tell him that you don't mind what the Nores family's daughter did. Explain the situation to him

and make it clear with the Nores family as well. Apologize and let this matter go. Don't hold onto it, it

makes you appear petty, don't you know that?"

Camille responded indifferently, "Why should I apologize? I haven't done anything wrong."

"Didn't you understand what I just said? It's not just about Nores Group now, it involves the Armstrong

family too. Are you going to let the Armstrong family suffer along with it? Are you willing to see the

Armstrong family endure losses?" Page looked displeased, but her words clearly showed that she

didn't know what had really happened. She thought Camille was being unreasonable, fixating on Alicia.

Camille calmly stated, "The issue with Nores Group has nothing to do with me. The current situation is

a result of Alicia's disrespectful words and repeated provocations towards me. Even if I let her off, Ayan

won't. So I can't take charge of this matter."

"How can you just step back? Just explain it to Ayan, tell him that you won't pursue this anymore, it's

just a matter of disrespectful words. It's not a big deal. Why do you keep holding onto it? Besides, you

haven't suffered any loss. Is it necessary to be like this? Can't you be more magnanimous? Otherwise,

what will others think of the Armstrong family? You're really embarrassing us. Do you realize that?"

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