My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1220: Utilization
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Chapter 1220: Utilization

Chapter 1220: Utilization

Rex quickly shook his head and said, "Ayan, I didn't hear what you just said. We haven't even had our

meal today. Please don't tell Sienna about this, or she will definitely give me a hard time."

Rex was extremely reluctant. He had been deceived many times before, and this time he absolutely

wouldn't fall for it again.

Ayan looked at Rex's strong reaction and was quite surprised. It was evident that Sienna had educated

him multiple times, leading to such a significant response. Ayan couldn't help but take a deep breath,novelbin

acknowledging that Camille was indeed gentler.

Ayan didn't want to trouble Rex. Originally, he thought it would be more appropriate for Rex to handle

this matter, but since Rex had concerns, he decided to let it go for now.

However, they couldn't continue delaying the matter concerning Eileen. So, on the way back to the

company, Ayan said to Kian, "After you drop me off at the office, go directly to the police station and

inform Eileen that it's currently safest for her to stay there. If she truly trusts Preston, she can also

come out from there. However, I won't intervene if anything happens."

Kian nodded and said, "Alright, I will convey your words truthfully to her."

Ayan added, "Preston will never give up on this matter. He will definitely try every means to find Eileen.

He's a person who seeks revenge. Eileen's words this time have completely stripped away the last

straw from him. How could he pretend that nothing happened?"

"Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the situation to her. If she understands, she will

cooperate. But if she insists on coming out from there without understanding, there's no need to stop

her. We just need to keep an eye on her."

Kian was somewhat worried and asked, "Mr. Simpson, if we do this, after Eileen meets Preston, to

avoid his retaliation, could she twist the truth and tell Preston that you forced her? If Preston starts

spreading rumors online, it will have an impact on you and Simpson Group."

Ayan naturally considered this point, but he was confident that Eileen wouldn't have the courage to do


He smiled indifferently and said, "It's okay. If Eileen really wants to do something like that, let's see if

she has the ability!"

After all, if Eileen could betray Preston, there was a hundred percent chance she could also betray him.

However, the current Eileen would never betray him because Ayan held all the cards. If he completely

offended Ayan, Eileen's ending would undoubtedly be extremely tragic.

However, Ayan could only take a gamble at the moment, to see where Eileen's interests lie. Which side

would bring her more benefits?

Just in case, Ayan instructed Kian, "Keep a close eye on Preston. If you really discover that Preston

meets with Eileen, take immediate action."

Kian nodded, understanding the instructions. After dropping Ayan off at Simpson Group, he

immediately headed to the police station.

After a few minutes of private conversation with Eileen, she made her choice.

This was unexpected even for Kian.

He asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Isn't this the choice Ayan gave me, anticipating that I would choose this way? Isn't this the

result he wanted? Since he wants me to choose like this, then I'll choose. Please tell Ayan for me that I

can stay inside, but I have one request. I hope he can take care of everything and ensure that I don't

suffer any hardships."

Yes, Eileen's choice was to stay on the police station's side. She had already realized that if she made

this decision, Preston would definitely come looking for her. As for why he would look for her, it was

undoubtedly to teach her a lesson for her betrayal this time.

She was well aware of the shared goals and relationship between her and Preston. However, she had

no choice. After so much time had passed and Preston had shown no intention of taking action, Eileen

had almost ruined everything. This led to her deep regret.

Because she listened to Preston's words, she ended up in her current state. If it weren't for Preston,

she would have already become famous everywhere.

She had no worries about food and clothing, and she had the enviable fame and fortune. However, all

of this had been destroyed because she believed Preston's words.

Whenever she thought about these things, she felt extremely upset.

She felt that some things didn't directly concern her, and she didn't even know what had happened

exactly. The only thing she could do was focus on herself. But Preston informed her about everything,

dragging her into a grudge she had no knowledge of.

Thinking about it made Eileen feel very uncomfortable. She shouldn't have trusted Preston.

She took a deep breath and told Kian, "Tell Ayan to rest assured. I know how to make my choice. I only

hope that my life from now on can be a bit more peaceful. I don't want so many things that don't belong

to me, but I hope to be safe."

Kian didn't promise Eileen anything but said, "I will convey your words to Mr. Simpson. As for your time

inside, don't worry. As long as you cooperate, they won't make things difficult for you."

Eileen nodded, and then Kian left.

Kian felt that Eileen had undergone significant changes, so when he returned to Simpson Group, he

truthfully relayed Eileen's words and her reaction to Ayan.

Kian also said, "Mr. Simpson, Eileen has changed a bit. She no longer has the same arrogance as

before or unrealistic thoughts. She doesn't hold any illusions about you. It feels like she has become a

different person, much more mature."

"This incident should be enough to make her mature. If she doesn't mature after such a lesson, then I

believe she would truly be ruined."

"Well, that's true." Kian nodded and couldn't help but glance at Ayan. His expression showed a hint of

wanting to say something but hesitating.

Ayan noticed and asked calmly, "If there's something you want to say, just say it."

Kian finally spoke, "Mr. Simpson, if Preston is taken care of, will you spare Eileen?"

"It depends on what she does. If she continues to engage in illegal activities with Preston, even if I

spare her, the law won't. But if I spare her, and she still can't find relief, Mrs. Simpson might not be

willing. After all, Eileen has caused a lot of trouble for Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. Simpson probably dislikes


"Don't speculate about her thoughts. No matter how she is now, I stand on her side. If there comes a

time when she truly can't find relief, I will deal with Eileen accordingly. The benefits she has gained

from me are not insignificant, and those benefits are enough to offset her exploitation."

Ayan rarely expressed his thoughts so straightforwardly and sincerely, leaving Kian momentarily

stunned. But once he recovered, he quickly nodded and said, "Alright, I understand."

Ayan waved his hand, indicating for Kian to leave, and then he picked up his phone and dialed

Camille's number.

Camille was also at the company, busy with Sienna at the moment. So when she received the call, she

sounded a bit dismissive, "Hello? What's up? Do you need something?"

Camille's cold tone made Ayan feel a bit disappointed and wronged. "Why are you being so cold

towards me?"

Sienna, who was nearby, heard it and shrugged her shoulders, as if finding it overly affectionate.

Camille also looked helpless and said, "I'm not being cold. I'm just busy. So, do you have something

you need from me?"

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