My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1202: Partiality
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Chapter 1202: Partiality

Chapter 1202: Partiality

She still felt somewhat insecure about this because so many things had happened, all directed at Ayan.

Once their goals were achieved, Ayan wouldn't be able to explain everything clearly even if he wanted


Actually, from the beginning, she had considered the possibility of success or failure. But people always

hold on to hope in desperate situations, and she was no exception at this moment.

However, Ayan didn't answer her words. He simply glanced at her lightly and said, "If you believe, it will

happen. If you don't believe, it won't."

After that, Ayan didn't say anything more and left the visitor's room.

Ayan left the police station and got into a car. It was already around 4 p. m. The weather was good

today, so Ayan, seeing that he still had time, bought some snacks that the old Simpson liked, and then

went directly to the hospital.

Carrying the snacks, he arrived at the old Simpson's ward. The old Simpson's mood had been very

good recently, and his health was improving day by day. Especially the vegetables grown on the

balcony, they were already ready to be eaten in a short time. The old Simpson was thinking about

Timmy and naturally asked Fletcher or Talia to take them home for Timmy to eat. After all, they were

organic and natural.

When the old Simpson saw Ayan coming, his first words were, "Where's Cami? Hasn't Cami come?"

Hearing the old Simpson's question, Ayan squinted at him and his expression showed a hint of

grievance. He said, "Grandpa, you're showing your favoritism too obviously, aren't you?"

The old Simpson ignored his accusation and just made a faint sound. There was no emotion in his

eyes as he said, "It's good if you know, no need to repeat it. It's only yourself who will feel


Faced with the old Simpson's mercilessness, Ayan also felt helpless. He looked at the old Simpson,

who was in good spirits, and decided to play along with him. He said, "Grandpa, I'm the biological

member of the Simpson family, right? Camille is just your daughter-in-law. You treat her so well, aren't

you deliberately slapping me in the face? People outside are spreading rumors. Do you have

something on Camille? Otherwise, why would you treat her so well?"

Ayan's words were like a slap in the face to the old Simpson.

The old Simpson snorted coldly, his face filled with displeasure. He glared at Ayan and said, "If you

can't speak properly, then don't speak at all. If Cami hears this, what do you think she will think? I treat

her well because she deserves it. Besides, if the Simpson family doesn't treat her well, who else will?

Can we rely on the Armstrong family?"

The playful expression on Ayan's face gradually disappeared, and a trace of indifference filled his deep

eyes. His voice became low as he said, "Yes, indeed, we can't rely on the Armstrong family. After all..."

Ayan didn't continue speaking, but a faint mocking smile appeared on his lips.

The old Simpson had been listening attentively to his words and naturally sensed something unusual.novelbin

He looked at Ayan subconsciously and asked, "After all, what? What do you want to say?"

Ayan was slightly startled, but then he immediately showed a shallow smile and said, "Nothing. What I

mean is, you're right. The Armstrong family is not capable of treating her well."

The old Simpson didn't dwell on it. He just gave Ayan a disdainful look, and their eyes met. The old

Simpson said indifferently, "You should treat her better. Although you are divorced now, you should

understand that from the moment I allowed the Armstrong family to be the old Simpson, you married

her, and she is the only daughter-in-law of the Simpson family. I won't recognize anyone else. If you

want me to die in peace, then hurry up and bring her back to me."

Listening to the old Simpson's words, Ayan felt both helpless and a bit amused.

Indeed, it was quite amusing. Looking at the old Simpson, he resembled a protective mother hen.

But the old Simpson's eyes were always watching her every move, so she could only nod and follow

along, saying, "You're right. Don't worry, I will definitely bring her back."

"Hmph!" The old Simpson snorted coldly, his eyes showing a hint of coldness.

Ayan smiled and gently placed his hand on the old Simpson's arm. He said, "Alright, I came here to

have afternoon tea with you. I bought some pastries for you. Dr. Ellis said you can eat a small amount

now. Let me accompany you for a cup of tea."

The old Simpsonpaused for a moment, seemingly touched by Ayan's gesture. He softened his

expression and nodded, saying, "Alright, alright. Sit down, sit down. Let's have a cup of tea."

Ayan sat down next to the old Simpson and opened the box of pastries. He carefully selected a piece

and placed it on a plate for the old Simpson. The two of them chatted and enjoyed their afternoon tea

together, momentarily forgetting the tensions and conflicts that surrounded them.

As they sat there, Ayan couldn't help but feel a bit conflicted. He knew that the old Simpson's favoritism

towards Camille was partly due to her being the daughter-in-law of the Simpson family, but it was also

because she had been there for him during his difficult times. Ayan couldn't deny that Camille had been

a source of support and comfort for the old Simpson, especially when he was hospitalized.

However, Ayan also couldn't shake off the feeling of being left out and overlooked. It was as if his own

contributions and efforts were being disregarded, overshadowed by Camille's presence. He couldn't

help but wonder if he was being treated unfairly.

But as he looked at the old Simpson's smiling face, Ayan pushed those thoughts aside. After all, family

dynamics were complex, and it was natural for people to have their own preferences and biases.

Instead of dwelling on his grievances, Ayan decided to focus on the present moment and cherish the

time he had with the old Simpson.

In the end, what mattered most was not who received more favor or attention but the bonds they

shared as a family. Ayan knew that deep down, the old Simpson cared for him as well, even if it wasn't

always expressed in the same overt manner as with Camille.

As they finished their tea and pastries, Ayan felt a sense of contentment. He realized that seeking

validation and fairness from others would only lead to disappointment. The true measure of his worth

and happiness lay within himself and the love he had for his family, regardless of any perceived


With a renewed sense of clarity, Ayan bid farewell to the old Simpson, promising to bring Camille to

visit soon. As he walked out of the hospital, he couldn't help but feel a weight lift off his shoulders. He

knew that despite any challenges or differences, he would always have a place in the Simpson family,

and that was enough for him.

With a determined stride, Ayan headed towards his next destination, ready to face whatever obstacles

lay ahead and continue forging his own path, guided by his own convictions and the love of his family.

Ayan personally brewed the tea, and the grandfather and grandson drank and chatted while enjoying it

until before dinner.

Ayan then left the hospital because he wanted to have dinner with Camille. Upon hearing this reason,

the old Simpson was also very happy. The old Simpson laughed and said, "Alright, since you've

performed so well today, I won't scold you anymore. As long as you treat Cami well, I'll have a better

opinion of you."

"Fine, so I'm just a tool in your eyes, huh?"

"Hey, you got that right," the old Simpson admitted without denying it, and urged Ayan to quickly go

back and have dinner with Camille.

Ayan left the hospital and went straight back to Franklin Bay.

On the way, he checked his phone and looked at the online news. The hot searches were mostly about


Preston's appearance had been completely revealed, along with the things he had done. The police

had started investigating and wanted him to cooperate, but Preston seemed to disappear into thin air.

His phone couldn't be reached, and he wasn't in his apartment.

Oh, right, his apartment door had been pried open, and it was empty inside. It was later discovered that

he had escaped through the sewer pipe.

As for the pried-open door, it had naturally been handed over to the landlord. The landlord shouted

through the air, asking Preston to come back and pack his things, giving him two days.

If he didn't return to clean up by the end of the two days, everything would be considered abandoned

by him.

Seeing all this, Ayan didn't look too happy because this was just the beginning.

After confronting Preston for so long, he had gained a basic understanding of the person and knew well

that Preston wasn't the type to be completely remorseful after being suppressed once.

Not only would he not repent, but he would also bite back. It was all a matter of time because Preston

hadn't been completely suppressed to the point of being unable to crawl back up.

It was at this moment that Kian called.

After handling things at the police station, Kian also went to where Preston was at the moment.

Although the police didn't know where Preston was, Ayan did because he had always arranged for

people to track Preston closely.

Kian said on the phone, "Mr. Simpson, Preston went to an orphanage in the suburbs. He drove in

directly, obviously not his first time there. It must have been before we started monitoring him."

"Investigate the detailed information of that orphanage."

"Hmm, I'm already looking into it."

"Have our people keep an eye on him and don't let his whereabouts slip out of our control."


Kian asked curiously, "The police are also looking for him to cooperate with the investigation now. Mr.

Simpson, why don't we share the information with the police?"

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