My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1196: Arrogance
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Chapter 1196: Arrogance

Chapter 1196: Arrogance

At the moment, Preston still had great confidence. He simply thought that Eileen was deliberately

playing games with Ayan or getting too caught up in their complicated relationship. However, he

believed that Eileen could distinguish right from wrong. After all, if she didn't cooperate, she wouldn't

have a good outcome either. If Ayan wanted to deal with him, he would undoubtedly involve Eileen.

But despite thinking this way, he couldn't help but feel some uneasiness and anxiety. He spent the

entire night without closing his eyes, constantly waiting for a response from Eileen on his phone.

As the minutes and seconds passed, it was already the next day in an instant.

Seeing that the sky outside was already bright, Preston picked up his phone, but there was no

movement or change. He squinted his eyes, his face growing colder and more serious.

He tightly held his phone without saying a word, and his expression became increasingly unpleasant. In

the end, he couldn't even tell if it was due to worry or anger.

Preston didn't idle around. After getting up and going through his usual morning routine, he headed to

the company. Since both projects had nothing to do with him, he was quite free at Armstrong Corp.

Fortunately, no one paid him any attention and treated him as if he were invisible.

Oh, today was a good day.

It was payday at Armstrong Corp.

So the employees arrived early, energized as if they were injected with chicken blood. After all, it was a

once-a-month good day, and naturally, they wanted to show their efforts in front of Horace.

The company's finance department had also arrived early. Ever since Horace took over, Armstrong

Corp had undergone some changes. Previously, under Brody's management, salaries were distributed

separately, with priority given to the higher-ups, while the lowest level had to wait for about a week.

This caused dissatisfaction among many employees.

Now, Horace had changed it to the same time. The finance department distributed the pay slips, and

the salaries would be deposited into everyone's accounts in the afternoon of the same day.

Around nine in the morning, everyone was already queuing up at the finance department to collect their

pay slips. Quintus was no exception. He not only collected his own but also collected Preston's.

Although Preston was the project director appointed by Brody, his salary was still issued by thenovelbin

headquarters. After all, Brody wouldn't secretly provide money, as he wouldn't engage in unprofitable


But when it was Preston's turn, Quintus was denied. The finance department said, "You were brought

in by Mr. Walker, so he should be the one to pay you. Your position has nothing to do with Armstrong

Corp, and you didn't go through the HR department or our finance department. Therefore, you won't

receive a salary from us."

Quintus could hardly believe it. He had worked tirelessly for a month, assisting Preston in every way,

but he received no compensation. He argued continuously, stating that although he was brought in by

Preston, he was working for Armstrong Corp, and thus, Armstrong Corp should pay him his salary.

But the finance department countered with a question, "May I ask what work you have done for

Armstrong Corp? If you have finished with your inquiries, please leave and don't disturb the people

waiting in line behind you."

People behind Quintus started discussing him since they had never heard of such a person in the

company, naturally assuming that he wouldn't receive a salary. Quintus felt utterly embarrassed and

could only take Preston's pay slip and leave. He returned to Preston's office, where Preston sat at his

desk, waiting for Eileen's call and message. However, there had been no movement or news so far,

leaving his mood indescribable.

Quintus entered the office and placed the pay slip on the desk. After hesitating for a moment, he finally

spoke, "Mr. Walker, the finance department didn't provide me with my pay slip. They said that since you

brought me in, it's your responsibility to pay me. I didn't go through the HR department, so they won't

give me a salary."

Quintus looked at Preston cautiously, noticing that his expression hadn't changed much, and there was

no indication of him responding to Quintus' words. This displeased Quintus a bit, and he said, "Mr.

Walker, what should I do now?"

Preston raised his gaze and looked at Quintus, his face particularly grim, and his tone was extremely

cold as he said, "If they won't give it to you, what can I do? Do you expect me to go and ask for it on

your behalf? I'm busy right now. Deal with it yourself and don't bother me, okay?"

"But Mr. Walker, I came here with you. Now Armstrong Corp refuses to acknowledge my contributions

to Armstrong Corp, which means they are not acknowledging you as well!" Quintus made a final

attempt to argue, but deep down, he was already displeased with Preston's response. He had been

assisting Preston, not only keeping an eye on Horace but also dealing with Ayan's matters and various

trivial personal tasks for Preston. He had practically dedicated all his personal time to it. Sometimes,

even the expenses for the car's fuel came out of his own pocket. But now, Preston was being so cold

and heartless, which made Quintus, no matter how loyal he was, feel disappointed.

Preston looked at Quintus with a cold and displeased gaze and said, "Can't you just bear with it? Can't

you wait until I finish dealing with my affairs? Do you really need that salary so badly?"

"Mr. Walker, I do need it. I have a life too!"

"Enough, stop talking about it. I'll transfer it to you later."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Walker."

"Now, leave."

Preston waved his hand, clearly dismissing Quintus in a perfunctory manner. As soon as Quintus left

the office, Preston's phone received a message.

It was from Eileen.

She said, "It's done. You can proceed now."

Reading those few words, a faint smile appeared on Preston's face. It was the satisfaction of achieving

his goal. But in the next moment, he suddenly froze and dialed Eileen's number.

The call connected, but it was immediately hung up.

Following that, a message from Eileen arrived: "What are you doing? I can't talk right now. Do you want

to get me killed? You know he's here, don't you?"

Accompanying the message was a photo of a man sitting on the edge of a bed. From the back, it was

clear that it was Ayan.

After confirming it multiple times, Preston decided not to disturb Eileen any further. However, he

needed to verify one thing, so he dialed a number he had prepared in advance.

Once the call was answered, he calmly asked, "Has Mr. Simpson arrived at the company? I can't reach

him. We had an appointment to discuss our collaboration today."

"Hello, may I ask your name? Mr. Simpson hasn't come to the company yet. I can relay your message

when he arrives."

The person on the other end was Ayan's secretary, and getting through to the secretary's office wasn't

difficult, so Preston easily obtained the number.

Preston didn't respond to the question and simply said, "Has Kian arrived as well?"


"Alright, I understand. I'll come over in the afternoon."


Preston ended the call, and a smile appeared on his face. It was overflowing with satisfaction. He

immediately saved the background image of Ayan that Eileen had just sent and logged into the gossip

reporter's account. He posted the image.

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