My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1181: Complicated
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Chapter 1181: Complicated

Chapter 1181: Complicated

Camille was also taken aback, looking at him with a hint of surprise in her eyes. It seemed as if her

gaze was saying, "I've already reflected on myself, why are you asking me where I went wrong?"

Although she did make a mistake, being asked so seriously left Camille with an indescribable feeling. It

just made her uncomfortable.

Camille blinked lightly, her expression slightly stiff. The next moment, she heard the man ask, "Have

you figured it out? Where do you think you went wrong?"

"Not contacting Preston?" This didn't seem like a mistake either because Ayan had already said that

they should handle their own matters separately, and he wouldn't interfere with her interactions with

Preston. It was a fact that Preston had helped her with many things, which couldn't be changed or

erased. Even though many things had happened afterward, Preston had indeed made sacrifices for

her. Ayan had told Camille early on that she shouldn't feel too much pressure, so it couldn't be

considered a mistake, right?

After careful consideration, Camille asked again, following up, "Not giving him a chance to defend

himself regarding the online incident?"

Camille tentatively asked, and Ayan didn't interrupt her throughout. After she finished speaking, he

didn't show any sign of nodding in response. His clear black-and-white eyes just gently stared at her,

as if waiting for her to continue.

But Camille had already finished reflecting on herself. She had asked herself in her mind if she had

said everything she should or shouldn't have said. She frowned slightly, looking at Ayan and asked,

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Did you finish speaking?"

"Yes, I finished. So, do you have something to say?"

Their eyes met, and his voice sounded without any emotion, "I don't have anything to say. I just feel

that these reflections of yours are not important."

Camille was confused by Ayan's words, so didn't he think that she was reflecting on her actions just


Camille's expression stiffened as she looked at Ayan. She asked, "What did I say wrong? I know you're

concerned about me meeting Preston, but we didn't meet alone. Sienna accompanied me, even though

she didn't go inside the cafe. There were other people in the cafe at that time, not just the two of us, so


"That's not what I'm talking about." He interrupted Camille's words with a gentle voice, then corrected

her, "I don't find any of the reflections and self-reflections you just mentioned satisfactory because you

haven't done anything wrong. I've already told you before that meeting and contacting him are your

affairs. I just advised you to minimize contact if it's not necessary. That's all. And the self-reflection you

mentioned just now, I don't think it's necessary at all. We're a couple, so there's no need for us to be sonovelbin

cautious as if we're dealing with others."

He gazed at Camille, reaching out to pull her into his embrace. He held her waist, lowering his gaze to

look into her eyes, and said, "What did you think I was going to say? Did you think I would say that your

self-reflection wasn't enough?"

Camille remained silent, which was an admission to what he said.

He laughed and said, "Don't overthink, you know?"

Camille pursed her lips and softly replied, "It's your serious demeanor that made me overthink. Do you

know that?"

"Was it my fault?" he asked with a smile.

Camille lightly pushed his chest and then leaned her head against him. She said, "Actually, what I said

just now was sincere. Sometimes, I don't even know what's wrong with me. I'm torn between

contradictions, being soft-hearted, and self-reflection. I have a lot on my mind, and my emotions are


"Then open your heart and don't think too much. You can rely on me at any time without any worries.

As for Preston, with me around, he won't dare to do anything," Ayan said.

Ayan's words were not just to comfort Camille. He had always thought this way.

Initially, he did mind Preston a lot, and even now, he still cared about his presence. But he couldn't let

that conflict be imposed on Camille. Just like Camille said, Preston had helped him when she needed it

the most. He couldn't turn Camille into an ungrateful person because of his own reasons.

He embraced Camille and told her to respect her own feelings and follow her heart in everything she


He believed that after going through this situation, Preston would be more restrained. So, for now, he

could focus on dealing with the old Simpson's situation and handle the issues with Preston after the old

Simpson's surgery.

However, Preston was not one to sit idle. The next morning, he arrived at Armstrong Corp and went

straight to Horace's office.

Horace hadn't arrived at the company yet, but Preston ignored the secretary's objections and insisted

on waiting inside the office.

The secretary was wary and stayed close, afraid that Preston might do something to Horace's office

when they weren't paying attention. If he gained access to any confidential information, it would be a

big problem.

The secretary watched Preston carefully, but Preston sat on the sofa without any extra reaction. How

could he not understand the secretary's intentions?

He just chose not to confront them openly since he knew his purpose for coming today.

After waiting for half an hour, Horace finally arrived at the company.

As the CEO of Armstrong Corp, Horace's schedule was based on the company's affairs. He pushed the

door open and walked in, with the secretary immediately approaching him and discreetly whispering,

"Mr. Burris, Mr. Walker is here to see you. He has been waiting for a while."

The secretary took the opportunity to hang Horace's coat on the coat rack and gave him a meaningful

look, almost telling Horace that Preston was not a friendly visitor.

Horace, however, showed no trace of fear. He calmly walked towards his desk and sat on his office

chair before lifting his gaze to look at Preston. Indifferently, he asked, "Mr. Walker, did you come so

early just to sit in my office for a while?"

Naturally, that wasn't the case, and he knew it. He deliberately said it that way.

Preston took a silent deep breath and then stood up, walking towards the desk. He initially thought

Horace would come directly to him or sit on the sofa and talk to him. But unexpectedly, Horace went

straight to his desk, treating him as if he were a subordinate reporting work.

Despite his dissatisfaction, Preston couldn't show any excessive emotions. He discreetly glanced at

Horace and then finally spoke in a low voice, responding to Horace's earlier question, "Indeed, there

are some matters I'd like to discuss with Mr. Burris."

By using the word "discuss," it was evident that even Horace hadn't anticipated it. But even the

secretary knew that it probably wasn't something good. How could Horace not be aware of it?

Horace didn't expose him but simply gave him a faint look and said, "Mr. Walker, if you have something

to say, just say it directly. It's not a matter for discussion. After all, Mr. Walker was personally arranged

by Mr. Armstrong himself. If there's something important, it would be more appropriate to discuss it

directly with Mr. Armstrong."

Horace's reminder made Preston's expression stiffen. After all, the meeting Brody arranged to

announce his promotion had fallen through, making him the subject of ridicule and mockery among the

Armstrong Corp executives. He couldn't pretend that nothing had happened. He held a great deal of

resentment and dissatisfaction towards Brody.

However, in front of Horace, he had to maintain a friendly attitude. After all, he came to see Horace

today with a purpose.

Since he hadn't achieved his goal yet, he couldn't afford to have an extreme reaction or behave

impulsively. Even though Horace's words were harsh and hit him directly in the heart, he still had to

maintain a gentle demeanor.

The two of them locked eyes in a staring contest, with Horace showing no signs of backing down.

Instead, a faint smile appeared on his face as he continued to gaze at Preston.

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