My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1178: Risks
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Chapter 1178: Risks

Chapter 1178: Risks

Kian also nodded slightly, but he still had some concerns in his heart. He asked Ayan, "So, Mr.

Simpson, you trust Horace unconditionally?"

Ayan squinted his eyes at Kian, his expression filled with intensity. Kian immediately lowered his head

and said, "I apologize, Mr. Simpson. I was just..."

"I understand your concerns, but Horace is worthy of trust. If he can put so much effort into planning

with Grace, it's unlikely that he will easily have second thoughts. Even if he does, it doesn't have much

to do with us. After all, he is currently collaborating with Simpson Group. If he truly harms Simpson

Group, it won't be beneficial for him either. The most stable relationship in the business world is based

on mutual interests."

Ayan had no worries or doubts that Horace would betray him. After all, there was no need to suspect

someone who had proven their loyalty. If someone appeared overly loyal, it could actually raise some


Kian nodded along, understanding Ayan's thoughts and plans.

Ayan instructed Kian, "Keep an eye on Preston. Once Horace secures the museum project, Preston

will definitely become desperate."

"Is Mr. Simpson worried that he might do something excessive?"

"Not worried, just cautious. Because this person is capable of anything, we need to have control over

all his actions. Only then can we be prepared and not caught off guard."

"I understand, Mr. Simpson. Rest assured, I will keep an eye on Preston."

"Good, go ahead!"

Kian nodded and then left the office.

After Kian left the office, Ayan picked up his phone and sent a message to Camille. He invited her to

have dinner together outside. Although they had been spending almost every day together recently,

mostly for work, Ayan was in a good mood today and wanted to have some private time with Camille,

without being disturbed by Sienna and Rex.

Camille replied promptly, agreeing to the dinner.

After arranging the dinner plans, Ayan continued his work.

Perhaps because of his good mood, his productivity today was even higher than usual, which was

already quite high to begin with.

In the evening, Ayan took Camille to their usual place, Darkmoor, for dinner. Since it was just the two of

them, Camille didn't want to dine in a private room. They found a cozy seat near the window.

After placing their orders, the waiter left, and Camille rested her chin on her hand as she looked at

Ayan and asked, "Tell me, what's making you so happy? Can't you share it with me?"

"Is my happiness that obvious?" Ayan leaned slightly towards her, the gentle smile in his eyes clearly

visible. A faint smile appeared on his thin lips as he said, "It seems like I'm not disguising it well


"Why do you need to disguise it? Is there something happy that you can't share with me?"

"Do you want to know?"

"Yes, I want to know."

"Want to know? Well, you have to promise me something, hmm?" Ayan's eyes carried a tempting look,

indicating that he had some mischievous intentions.

Camille pursed her lips and indifferently said, "Never mind, don't tell me. I don't want to know. Let's just


After Camille spoke, she put down her hand supporting her chin and sat upright, creating somenovelbin

distance between her and Ayan. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at Ayan with

cold eyes. Her gaze seemed to say, "I won't ask, and I won't let you have your way."

The two of them locked eyes, maintaining their gaze for half a minute. Then Ayan's voice resounded

again as he said, "You're giving up just like that? You don't want to know about something that makes

me happy?"

"It's not something that makes me happy, so I don't really want to know," she rejected, shaking her


Now it was Ayan who became anxious. He reached out his hand towards Camille, gesturing for her to

give him her hand. Camille complied, and he held her hand, his voice still gentle as he said, "I set a

trap for Preston, and he fell into it. It's probably difficult for him to move freely in Armstrong Corp now."

Camille blinked lightly, seemingly a bit surprised by the news. Ayan noticed her reaction and asked in a

calm tone, "Why aren't you saying anything?"

Camille regained her composure and responded, "It's unexpected. Why did you suddenly target him


"It's not sudden; it was planned for a long time. He was too arrogant. Although the Armstrong family

treated you poorly, and even though you have no connection to Armstrong Corp now, he wanted to use

Armstrong Corp to achieve his goals, just like how he used the Walker family before. Naturally, I

couldn't sit back and do nothing. I won't give him any chance to establish a foothold. I want to give him

a glimmer of hope and then utterly disappoint him when he thinks he can achieve his goals."

Coldness filled Ayan's eyes, but the hand holding Camille's remained unchanged, warm and gentle.

Camille lightly pursed her lips and nodded slightly, acknowledging Ayan's words.

She said, "This matter has nothing to do with me. Actually, you don't need to tell me. I don't care about

what happens to him in the end. We've already said and done what needed to be said and done, so I

don't really care about his current situation."

Camille also felt a bit helpless, especially when it came to Preston. Although their interactions had

decreased, the things related to him hadn't diminished at all. Sometimes, she truly felt mentally


Camille sighed helplessly, her expression turning cold.

Ayan gazed into her eyes as if trying to see through her. The two of them maintained their unwavering

eye contact.

Camille asked, "Do you not trust my words?"

Ayan lightly shook his head. "Of course not. I was just thinking, did he contact you on his own accord?"

Camille furrowed her brows slightly and asked, "Are you implying that you suspect I secretly contacted


"I don't suspect you, I'm just worried that he might threaten you," Ayan replied.

"No, he hasn't contacted me on his own, but I did reach out to him," Camille admitted. Her original

intention was to keep it a secret from Ayan, but since he had already asked, it meant he already knew.

Otherwise, based on her understanding of him, he wouldn't deliberately ask again.

Ayan smirked and asked, "You contacted him on your own?"

"Yes, we talked about something, but I don't want to discuss it. Is that okay?" Camille asked


Ayan was momentarily taken aback, and then he didn't press Camille for any more details. He had only

asked out of concern that Preston might threaten Camille or say something that made her

uncomfortable. He especially worried that Preston might sow discord between him and Camille, but

now, seeing Camille's reaction, he didn't need to be overly concerned. However, he still needed to keep

an eye on Preston.

At that moment, the waiter arrived with their food, and the two of them stopped discussing unrelated

topics and focused on their meal.

During the meal, Camille took the initiative to ask about the condition of the old Simpson. Brody had

been with him these past few days, and neither Camille nor Ayan had visited. However, Ayan and Dr.

Ellis naturally maintained regular contact, so Camille would inquire about her grandfather's condition

through Ayan.

As Ayan served her food, he responded in a gentle voice, "Grandfather's condition has been stable

these past few days. Perhaps it's because Dad has been with him every day, and his mood has

improved, so his overall health is better than before. Dr. Ellis suggested that we maintain this for about

a month, and then he can undergo the surgery."

"Will the risks of the surgery be lower than before?" Camille asked.

"Well, it seems that way for now, but Grandfather's age is a factor, and surgery itself carries risks. So

there are some risks that cannot be avoided," Ayan explained.

Ayan and Fletcher had already considered this when they made the decision for the old Simpson to

undergo surgery. Not having the surgery meant the possibility of accidents at any time, and while the

risks of the surgery were unpredictable, once it was successful, there would no longer be the constant

threat of unforeseen circumstances.

It was a gamble, in a way.

No matter which path they chose, it seemed they would face torment.

Yet, the world of adults was complex and offered no other options.

Camille took a silent deep breath, her worry overflowing.

But she knew that Ayan's concerns were no less than hers, so she reached out and gently held Ayan's

hand. She said, "Ayan, we have to believe in Grandfather and believe in Dr. Ellis, okay?"

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