My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1169: Fish Out Of Water
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Chapter 1169: Fish Out Of Water

Chapter 1169: Fish Out of Water

They maintained silence for quite some time, and Preston showed no intention of speaking. Eventually,

Jenson took the initiative, saying, "Mr. Walker, do you understand what I mean? Take some time to

consider it. Give me an answer tomorrow. I need to respond to the museum's higher-ups since the

project is about to begin, and we can't afford to delay."

After Jenson's words, Preston just uttered a disinterested "Hmm" and hung up the phone on his own.

Preston, with a stern face, placed his phone heavily on the desk. Quintus, standing nearby, observed

with some unease and asked, "Mr. Walker, has something happened?"

Preston sneered coldly, "They want to cut off my retreat!"novelbin

Quintus looked at Preston's icy expression, filled with obvious coldness and anger. He tentatively

asked, "Mr. Walker, you..."

"Get the car ready. We're heading to the Armstrong family."

Preston directly cut off Quintus's words and stood up from his desk.

There was absolutely no way he would give up on the museum project. Having finally secured this

project, he couldn't let it slip away easily. Everything he was doing now was for this project. In the

future, he had to rely on this project to establish a foothold for Armstrong Corp and gain Brody's trust.

So, he couldn't allow any accidents with this project.

Preston spent the entire journey consolidating his thoughts and intentions. His face remained cold and


Upon reaching the Armstrong family's entrance, he didn't immediately open the car door. Instead, he

sat in the car, maintaining calm and silence, organizing the words he would say and preparing Sienna

for the upcoming conversation. No matter what Brody said, he had to make Brody agree based on the

benefits the project would bring to Armstrong Corp and Brody personally.

He took a deep breath and then got out of the car.

He looked indifferently at Quintus and said, "Wait here."

Quintus nodded lightly, sitting in the car, waiting for Preston.

Preston was a frequent visitor to the Armstrong family, and the servants were familiar with him.

Moreover, he had arranged his informants within the Armstrong family. So, as soon as he reached the

door, someone immediately opened it.

Preston asked in a low voice, "Is Mr. Armstrong at home?"

The servant quickly nodded, "Yes, Mrs. Armstrong is also at home."

Preston nodded subtly and then walked in.

As soon as he stepped inside, he heard Brody and Page arguing. It was about Brody's lack of

responsibility towards the Armstrong family and the prolonged delay in repaying Page's various credit

cards, leading to a heated quarrel.

Brody remained indifferent throughout, as if he didn't care about Page's insults and accusations.

Faced with Brody's lack of response, Page became even more furious. The argument in the living room

grew louder.

It wasn't until Preston cleared his throat that Page's voice abruptly stopped.

Both of them turned their gaze towards Preston simultaneously. Page's expression was extremely

unpleasant, and she interrogated the servant with anger, "Can anyone just freely enter my home? Have

I hired these people to eat and drink for free without doing their job?"

Faced with Page's questions and yelling, the servant dared not even breathe heavily, keeping his head

bowed down.

Finally, Brody sensibly instructed the servant to leave first. After the servant departed, Brody turned his

attention to Preston. There was a hint of displeasure in his expression, but he didn't explode. He asked

in a somewhat cold tone, "Is there something you want, Mr. Walker?"

Preston nodded slightly, but there was a trace of displeasure in his eyes. The use of "Mr. Walker" by

Brody felt like a harsh slap across his face.

However, now wasn't the time to dwell on such insignificant matters. Preston didn't pay much attention

and replied calmly, "Yes, there's something I'd like to discuss with you. I didn't expect Mr. and Mrs.

Armstrong to be in the middle of a conversation. I apologize for the interruption. Have you finished your

discussion? If not, I can wait outside."

His tone was mild, lacking warmth, which made it uncomfortable to listen to.

Especially for Page, already in a bad mood, this remark, delivered at this moment, naturally annoyed

her. Without any restraint or even a pretense of civility, she coldly snorted and looked at Preston,

saying, "Since Mr. Walker is so self-aware, then wait outside for a while. Once we're done discussing

family matters, Mr. Walker can come in. How about that?"

Page didn't regard Preston highly. She knew Preston was friends with Camille, who didn't listen to her,

and naturally, she didn't consider Camille's friend worthy of respect.

Moreover, she had never approved of Brody collaborating with Preston. Brody not only disregarded her

opinion but also directly arranged Preston in Armstrong Corp. This behavior was undoubtedly a

challenge to her authority.

The more Page thought about it, the angrier she became. Without waiting for Preston and Brody to

speak, her voice continued, "Preston, you're just a manager at Armstrong Corp. I hope you understand

your position. Can a manager casually come to the chairman's house? If you have any business, report

it to the company's general manager, Horace, instead of overstepping boundaries."

Page's words undoubtedly made Preston's face turn unpleasant. He squinted, his expression revealing

a hint of coldness. His voice was icy as he said, "Mrs. Armstrong, I respect you as Mr. Armstrong's wife

and Camille's mother. I won't argue with you. However, basic respect should be given between people.

This is the fundamental quality of being human. I am just a manager, that's true, but I was personally

arranged by Mr. Armstrong to enter Armstrong Corp. Therefore, my direct superior is Mr. Armstrong. I

will report anything I do to Mr. Armstrong first. As for anyone else, I don't recognize them."

After Preston finished speaking, he didn't spare Page an extra glance, so he couldn't see the extremely

displeased expression on her face.

Brody appreciated Preston's words, and he naturally sided with him. In a tone not very friendly, he

coldly said to Page, "If you want to maintain the current situation, stop causing a ruckus. Otherwise, the

final result won't be what you want. Don't think you can get what you want by threatening me. We can

break the net even if the fish dies."

After Brody's words, Page's emotions flared up again, but Brody wasn't going to continue wrestling with


Brody looked at Preston and said, "Let's talk in the study."

Preston nodded and followed Brody back to the study.

Once the study door was closed, Brody walked to the desk and sat down. Preston took a seat in a

nearby chair. The words Brody just spoke echoed in Preston's ears, so he discreetly observed Brody

and casually asked, "Mr. Armstrong, did you have a disagreement with Mrs. Armstrong? Is there

anything I can help with? If there is, feel free to ask; there's no need for any formalities."

Brody lit a cigarette, sighed with a hint of helplessness, and said lightly, "It's just the two of us at home.

Camille rarely comes back, and Grace has been missing since she ran away. So she decided to blame

me for everything related to Grace leaving and is currently threatening me with divorce!"

Preston knew the kind of person Brody was, so he understood that believing half of what Brody said

was probably enough.

But now, he and Brody were on the same boat, and he knew what Brody wanted to hear. He replied,

"Mrs. Armstrong indeed doesn't understand you. Considering the immense pressure you're under at

Armstrong Corp, she should be supporting you from behind."

"Ah, men understand each other. I don't ask her to do anything, but she's too domineering, even

threatening me with divorce," Brody said with a bitter smile, making it sound like a genuine complaint.

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