My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1166: Result
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Chapter 1166: Result

Chapter 1166: Result

"Of course not; you're my most important person. The first bite naturally belongs to you," Sienna said

as she sat beside her. With an expectant look, Sienna said, "Try it. I guarantee you'll be satisfied. I

know you like spicy food, so I specifically learned this dish just to let my baby taste the food I made."

Listening to Sienna's self-praise, Camille shook her head helplessly. Then she reached for the

chopsticks, picked up a piece of beef, and tasted it. The flavor was sour and spicy, with a slight hint of

toughness in the beef, likely from the sour and spicy taste of the lotus root. Surprisingly, the beef

became more delicious the more she chewed.

Camille carefully savored the dish, eating a piece of beef and then a slice of lotus root. It was crunchy

and tender.

Sienna, on the side, kept watching her, awaiting her response. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Sienna asked, "How is it? Is the taste okay?"

Camille pursed her lips, her face bearing a faint, watery smile. The smile seemed to console Sienna in

some way.

Sienna pressed for an answer again, "How is it? Is it acceptable?"

From the initial "Is the taste good?" to "Is it acceptable?" now, it was enough to show that Sienna was

becoming a bit uncertain.

Feeling Sienna's anxiety, Camille smiled subtly and replied, "Yes, it's delicious. It's the flavor I like."

Having said that, Camille didn't wait for Sienna to regain her composure; she started taking another


After eating several more bites continuously, Sienna finally snapped back to reality. She wore a happy

expression and said, "Really? Is it really delicious? I knew it; I knew my cooking skills are on point.

After the design competition ends, I'm going to enroll in a cooking class. From now on, I'll be a great


Sienna had developed a love for cooking. She found it to be a stress reliever, especially when handling

ingredients and putting them in the pot. It felt incredibly relaxing and comfortable.

Camille, watching Sienna's satisfied expression, couldn't help but laugh. She then requested, "Don't be

too full of yourself. Can you get me a bowl of plain congee first? It's a bit overwhelming to eat this dish

alone. Although it's indeed delicious, the lotus root is a bit salty!"

Having finished her remark, Sienna happily went to the kitchen to prepare the congee. She looked

ecstatic, as if she had just won a grand prize.

After eating a bowl of congee and enjoying most of the lotus root and beef, Camille naturally couldn't

eat much for dinner at home. So, during dinner, Ayan was eating while she sat beside him.

Ayan, looking at her absent-minded appearance and occasionally feeding her some dishes, found it

quite amusing. He asked, "Is Sienna's cooking so good that it left you so full that you can't eat anything

at home?"

"It's pretty good; after all, she made it. If I didn't eat more, she'd probably be disappointed, right?"

"You seem to care a lot about her feelings."

"It's a two-way street."

Ayan glanced at her, his deep eyes slightly squinting, and in a low, husky voice, he said, "You came

back early this afternoon? You didn't run home from the office with Sienna, did you?"

Camille involuntarily paused because his words felt like a probing question.

Camille bit her lip slightly, her voice soft and calm. "It's a bit boring. Sienna mentioned wanting to relax

and relieve some stress. Although the preliminary round of the design competition went smoothly, the

real challenge lies ahead. She's feeling a bit nervous and wanted to take a break."

"Where did she go to relax? Back home?" Ayan asked casually, as if it were just a casual questionnovelbin

without much intention.

However, Camille had something on her mind, and she subconsciously hesitated. Meeting Ayan's

gaze, their eyes locked for a moment, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

Camille blinked, quickly lowering her head, and replied, "Nothing, I was just thinking, why are you so

concerned about Sienna today?"

"I'm not concerned about her; I'm concerned about you. Can't you tell me where you went today? Is

there something you're keeping from me?"

Ayan's inquiry was natural and relaxed, as if it were just a casual remark.

As their eyes met, Camille had something on her mind. After all, she didn't want to let Ayan know about

her meeting with Preston for the time being.

She planned to tell Ayan after resolving the matter, feeling that Ayan already had enough on his plate.

If she added these trivial matters to his worries, she would feel guilty.

Propping her chin with her hand, Camille adjusted her emotions before raising her gaze to meet Ayan's

eyes. With calm composure, she asked, "Why are you asking me like this? It feels as if you're

questioning one of your employees. I don't like that tone at all."

Ayan also put down his chopsticks, locking eyes with her. He calmly smiled and asked, "So, tell me,

how should I ask to make you feel comfortable?"

"You should ask, 'Did you and Sienna not go shopping and spend some money today?' My motivation

for making money comes from you. If you don't spend a little, I won't have the motivation and

enthusiasm to make money."

Camille finished speaking and couldn't help but laugh. It seemed a bit too self-centered.

Watching her laugh, Ayan, with a serious expression, asked, "Alright, then let me ask you. Why didn't

you and Sienna go shopping? How long has it been since you've spent my money? I heard from Rex

that after Sienna entered the preliminary round, she used his money to buy a substantial amount of

gifts for your company's employees. Shouldn't you also buy something? Let everyone know that your

man is generous too."

Camille burst into laughter; he seemed like a jealous child.

Camille said, "Mr. Simpson, are you trying to be a spending deity? Why compare yourself to Rex even

in the matter of buying gifts? I haven't participated in the competition; Sienna is the one competing. I

don't want to use your money to win people over for her. After all, my Mr. Simpson, earning money is

so hard, and I'm so concerned about you!"

She raised her eyebrows, her gaze seemingly pleasing, and Ayan's mood became exceptionally good,

especially with the last few words making him particularly pleased.

Although Camille couldn't tell Ayan about meeting Preston, she took the initiative to ask Ayan, "Have

you contacted Horace lately? How's the situation at Armstrong Corp now?"

Ayan looked at Camille with a faint frown, a hint of curiosity in his question, "Why the sudden interest in


"I care about my shares. They're in Horace's hands now, and I just want to know his specific moves.

Although I'm not a major shareholder, if Armstrong Corp continues to operate well, my shares will

become quite valuable, you know?"

"Didn't you get shares from Grandpa for Simpson Group? You didn't seem this happy."

"It's not that I'm unhappy. It's just that Simpson Group has you. But Armstrong Corp is different. The

Armstrong family was never willing to give me shares, and I'm just that rebellious. The less they want to

give me, the more I want them. What do you think?"

Camille's lips curved into a faint, self-deprecating smile, tinged with a hint of irony.

In truth, shares meant nothing to her because she didn't want them. If it was something she desired,

she would fight for it regardless, just like when she married Ayan. Despite knowing he didn't love her,

she chose to marry him.

Because only by fighting for something could she know what the outcome would be.

If she hadn't fought for it, their paths might have ended long ago, and the present scene wouldn't exist.

Ayan didn't press further on Camille's words. He responded in a low voice, "With Preston joining

Armstrong Corp, it's making things difficult for Horace. Preston even brought his secretary into

Armstrong Corp. Horace is probably troubled by this. Tomorrow, when he returns to Simpson Group, I

plan to have him invite Preston to join the collaboration project with Mario."

"If you invite him to join this project, won't people suspect your relationship? I mean, Brody and

Preston," Camille asked with some concern.

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