My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1043: Selfishness
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Chapter 1043: Selfishness

Chapter 1043: Selfishness

She whispered her thoughts to Ayan, and they held hands as they walked to Sienna and Rex's front

door. Seeing the bedroom light on, Camille called out casually, "Sienna, come down and hang out!"

There were only two independent villas around, so they wouldn't disturb anyone.

Sienna immediately heard Camille's voice. She was already lying in bed, playing on her phone, and

Rex was reading nearby. They exchanged glances when they heard Camille's voice. Sienna

immediately asked, "Is that Camille's voice? Is she calling me?"

Sienna tossed the blanket aside, jumped out of bed without bothering to put on her shoes, and

mumbled, "Did Ayan kick her out of her house or something?"

Of course, that was impossible, but Sienna couldn't help but worry. She rushed to the bedroom balcony

and looked around. There was no sign of Camille anywhere.

Sienna furrowed her brow and called out, "Is it you?"

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

No response.

So had she misheard?

But she wasn't that old; how could she mishear?

Sienna glanced around but didn't spot anyone. She turned back into the room, but as soon as she

stepped inside, Camille's voice rang out once again from outside, "Sienna, come and join me!"

Sienna turned around and walked back to the balcony, but there was still no one in sight.

Sienna huffed lightly and said, "Camille, I know it's you. Stop hiding."

Camille remained silent.

Sienna felt a bit uneasy. After all, it was getting dark, and it was a bit scary. Just when she was lost in

thought, she suddenly noticed a figure behind a tree in the villa's garden. The figure was tall enough

that she could see the head. Could it be Ayan? Sienna asked with a light tone, "Camille, are you being


Camille didn't answer.

Sienna said, "Mr. Simpson, is Camille unwell? You should take her back to take her medicine."

Ayan didn't hide; he had been standing still the whole time, gazing at Camille who was hiding in the

corner of the wall. Each time she called out, she covered her mouth and giggled. Seeing her so happy,

he naturally had no reason to hide.

When Sienna spotted him, he didn't seem the least bit uncomfortable. Instead, he took a step back to

expose himself fully to Sienna.

He raised his gaze to Sienna, and with a somewhat helpless tone, he said, "Sorry for disturbing your

rest. We had a late, heavy dinner, and I'm taking her for a walk."

Ayan's words held no hint of reproach or displeasure, and Sienna only heard the full indulgence in his


Rex, who had just come out of the bedroom at this moment, had his arm lightly around Sienna. His

distinct eyes held a touch of amusement. He said, "Ayan, did you get kicked out of your place and are

intentionally trying to make your presence known under my building?"

Ayan slightly furrowed his brow, and his pitch-black eyes glanced indifferently at Rex. "Do I need to

seek attention? I haven't said anything."

Sienna and Rex both laughed, and Rex continued, "Don't be shy. If you've really been kicked out, I can

open the door for you right now. I have plenty of rooms in my house. You can stay for a year or more.

How about it?"

Ayan snorted softly. He lowered his gaze to the woman still hiding in the corner and spoke in a gentle

but slightly indifferent tone, "Were you planning to hide and let them scold me?"

Only then did Camille have to come out, waving to Sienna, "Didn't you hear my voice?"

Sienna replied, "Of course, I heard it. I called you several times, but you didn't show up. What could I


The four of them chatted for a while, and Rex naturally brought up the events of the day. Ayan didn't

have much to say, but Camille shared her thoughts.

After a while, Ayan took Camille back.

As soon as she entered the room, Camille was pressed against the wall in the hallway by Ayan. She

instinctively pushed him away, but Ayan huskily said, "I just played along with you, now it's your turn to

make it up to me."

With that, he lowered his head and kissed Camille. She tried to block him with her hands, but Ayan was

relentless. His kiss was fierce, not allowing any room for refusal. Despite her relationship with Timmy,

Camille couldn't resist his passion and intensity. She responded as she had in the past.

The room's temperature gradually rose, like dry tinder meeting an open flame, igniting without any


Camille didn't remember how she ended up back in the bedroom. The night was destined to be long,

like a fish suddenly encountering an endless ocean in the vast desert, causing unrestrained joy.

But when the flames had burned themselves out, the world seemed to stand still. Camille rolled over,

not wanting to move at all. When Ayan tried to come closer and hold her, she kicked him away and said

indifferently, "Stay away from me."

There was anger and annoyance in her words.

Ayan didn't disturb her further, tucking her in with the blanket, allowing her to get some rest.

Early the next morning, Ayan got up first and instructed the housekeeper to wake Camille at nine.

Then, he headed to the office himself.

On his way to Simpson Group, Ayan called Horace.

It had been two days since the Armstrong Corp incident. It was time for Horace to take some action.

Horace answered the call, and Ayan spoke casually, "The situation is almost over, so it's time for you to

make your move. Otherwise, once the Wesley family leaves Hance City, this whole thing will come to

an end, and it won't be easy for the Armstrong family to comply."novelbin

Horace was also on his way to the office. He replied, "The situation looks bad, and I'm worried Grace

won't be able to handle it. Her heart isn't strong enough, and she's easily influenced. Even though her

parents may control her, she still feels soft-hearted towards them, so it might be a bit difficult."

"Do it as soon as possible. If Armstrong Corp continues to develop like this, it will have major problems

sooner or later. You need to understand that if he could sell you the shares and then have a

disagreement over control, he could do the same with someone else." Ayan reminded him in a

detached tone.

Horace naturally understood the intricacies of this situation. He also knew that Brody and Page only

cared about their interests. When it came to their interests, no one, no matter who they were, could


Horace fell silent for a moment. His voice was somewhat low as he asked, "Mr. Simpson, are you doing

all this just for the future of Armstrong Corp? After all, Mrs. Simpson doesn't hold many shares in the

company, and you don't lack the dividends from Armstrong Corp. So, are you doing this for a specific


This question had been bothering Horace for a while, and he hadn't found the right opportunity to ask

Ayan. However, the question had been gnawing at him, so he had to ask, even though he hesitated.

In response to Horace's inquiry, Ayan didn't display any displeasure or emotional excitement. Instead,

he chuckled lightly and calmly replied, "It's very simple. Due to family reasons, I won't interfere with

anything related to the Armstrong family. However, that doesn't mean this matter will end here. What

they've done has crossed my bottom line, and not just once. So, how could I do nothing?"

"Is that the only reason?" Horace asked.

"Of course not." Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his thin lips formed a meaningful smile. He

continued, "There is indeed another reason, but I can't tell you because the timing isn't right yet, and it's

unrelated to you. It's a personal motive of mine."

Though Ayan didn't directly reveal his personal motive to Horace, he had made it quite clear. Horace

understood and decided not to press further.

Horace simply said, "Within three days."

Those were the only words he uttered.

Ayan responded calmly, "We'll await Mr. Burris' good news."

The call ended at this point.

Ayan arrived at Simpson Group and, after parking his car, took the elevator to his office, ready to start

his work for the day.

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