My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1029: Digging A Pit
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Chapter 1029: Digging A Pit

Chapter 1029: Digging a Pit

Grace pursed her lips and remained silent, perhaps overwhelmed by the multitude of information she

had received. After all, Horace had been completely open with her about the issues surroundingnovelbin

Armstrong Corp. Since she would eventually hear about it from the Armstrong family, he thought it was

better to tell her directly.

Horace believed that to ensure Armstrong Corp's continued success, he had to make this decision,

regardless of the consequences. If he clung to power for too long, Brody would eventually turn against

him, and in the end, it would harm Armstrong Corp. So, doing it this way was no different from digging

his own grave.

Grace stayed quiet for a while, her expression heavy. The sudden and weighty news was difficult for

her to digest.

Horace, watching her closely, asked softly, "Grace, are you blaming me?"

Grace continued to bite her lip, her expression showing the burden she carried. The situation was so

sudden and serious that it was hard for her to process.

Horace remained calm and reached out to gently hold Grace's hand. He looked into her eyes without

evasion and said, "Grace, if you blame me, I won't argue because no matter what, I would have made

this decision, and it had to be done."

He continued, "I won't deny that this decision also benefits me personally. I don't want to tell you that I

did it for you because I don't want you to feel pressured or guilty towards the Armstrong family. Even

without you, I would have done this, and perhaps even more ruthlessly."

Horace wanted to make sure Grace understood this clearly, as it could create a rift between them if left


Horace added, "You don't have to respond immediately. I told you about this because I didn't want to

keep it from you."

Grace met Horace's gaze and asked softly, "Is Armstrong Corp really going to end?"

"Of course not. Setting aside the effort I've put into it, even for your sake, Armstrong Corp won't end

like this. However, there are inherent risks in Armstrong Corp's current state. I wanted us to have a

thorough understanding while there are no unexpected issues. Although the Armstrong family has

exited Armstrong Corp officially, I will privately transfer your father's shares to your name. Let's keep

this between us, without letting anyone else know."

Horace was completely open, as if he were showing Grace his heart.

Grace could feel his sincerity, and it touched her deeply. However, she didn't show it on her face.

Instead, her expression softened, and she asked, "It's not just about us, is it? Who else knows?"

Horace replied, "Your sister and her husband."

That was just one more person, after all, as they were a married couple.

Grace raised an eyebrow and asked, "Cami knows too?"

Horace answered, "She doesn't know, but Ayan will definitely figure it out." After all, they're both men,

and Ayan will understands his intentions.

Grace nodded gently, and her emotions seemed to have settled since her initial struggle. She

whispered to Horace, "I understand what you mean, and I know that your decision is not aimed at the

Armstrong family or my parents. I do understand the reasoning behind it. Maybe I got a bit too caught

up in my feelings due to the attachment. But I believe I'll adjust my mindset soon. Don't worry; I'll be


Horace felt relieved to hear her words. He replied, "I'm glad you can say that. If you ever have doubts

that you can't convince yourself to overcome, just tell me. We can discuss it together. But for now, I

suggest you refrain from contacting any friends your parents might think of, especially with Camille's

situation and the issues with Armstrong Corp. The Wesley family may also hold your parents

responsible. With both pressures, I'm concerned they might see you as a sacrificial pawn. Although it's

just my guess, you understand them better than I do, and I believe you might have some answers in

your heart."

Horace's tone became very serious, and the weight in his eyes deepened.

He was genuinely worried that Grace might secretly return to the Armstrong family. If that happened, he

didn't know how to protect her.

So, he tried to convey all possible scenarios to Grace, one by one, in the most comprehensive manner

possible. Grace was like a blank canvas, and her world was simple-just her parents and family. She

had always followed her parents' arrangements throughout her life, making her incredibly vulnerable

and lacking a sense of security.

Horace couldn't directly confront her thoughts or adopt a forceful attitude like he would with employees.

He had to gradually penetrate her heart, making her realize that she wasn't alone in this world and that

he was there for her.

At this moment, Horace's thoughts were something Grace couldn't fathom, and he had no intention of

revealing them to her just yet. Instead, he chose to be patient and accompany her like teaching a child.

They talked for a long while, and under Horace's repeated heartfelt confessions, Grace made a

promise to him. She said, "If I ever decide to go back or do something else, I'll tell you in advance."

"Good, but remember your words. No matter the circumstances, you must tell me," Horace


"I got it."

Grace couldn't help but find Horace a bit verbose, but she understood that he was doing it for her sake.

She appreciated his concern.

The night passed, but the situation did not end with time.

Brody continued to maintain the standoff and did not release any clarification messages. However,

regarding Camille's divorce from Ayan, Simpson Group had responded, citing Brody's personal account

being inactive for a long time due to hacking. Although netizens had doubts, several media outlets had

released videos early in the morning showing both of them leaving the villa together, effectively

dispelling the divorce rumors.

Camille and Ayan were now in the car on their way to the company. Camille sat upright in the back

seat, and when she noticed Ayan's rigid posture, she couldn't help but tease him, "No need to be


"How can I not be? If they capture me looking ugly and ungraceful, it would be embarrassing for you,"

Camille said anxiously, her adorable appearance making Ayan chuckle.

Ayan replied, "Don't worry; they are at a distance and won't capture your face in detail."

"Are the reporters' cameras really that low-quality? Aren't paparazzi famous for having high-resolution

cameras?" Camille asked with curiosity.

"It's not about the reporters having low-quality equipment; it's about me not liking high-resolution

images that show too much detail. We're just dispelling rumors; there's no need to waste so many


Camille teased, "Could these words come from you?"

Ayan didn't notice the subtlety and replied with a frown, "What did I say that you didn't hear?"

"You said a lot, so I don't know which specific sentence you're talking about," Camille said with a light

smile, biting her lip playfully.

Ayan was getting frustrated. He grabbed her chin with his fingers, forcing her to meet his gaze. His

tone became slightly stern as he asked, "When are we getting remarried?"

"Mr. Simpson, your tone sounds like you're ordering an employee. I don't really like it," Camille

straightforwardly conveyed her thoughts. She looked at Ayan and asked softly, "Saying it like this, you

won't be angry, will you?"

"Are you concerned about whether I'm angry or not?" He replied, looking displeased.

Camille smiled and said, "Of course, I care. If it weren't for you yesterday, I'd probably be in Chesen

City by now. So how could I not care about you?"

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