My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1023: Surprise
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Chapter 1023: Surprise

Chapter 1023: Surprise

Ayan gently caressed Camille's hair. His expression was difficult to read, his eyes filled with a cold and

sinister look, but his voice was gentle as he said, "You don't need to think about this answer. It's not

something you should be concerned about. It's something they should think about. Why are they so

cruel to you? We can't change others; we can only change ourselves."

Ayan kissed her hair gently. Even though Camille was in his arms, he still felt afraid. That fear clenched

his heart, especially now that he recalled it. If the Armstrong family continued to remain stubborn and

the Wesley family continued to act in secret, Camille would have already been taken to Chesen City.

Although he was confident he could find her, he feared what harm the Wesley family might do to her.

The fear of losing her again weighed heavily on Ayan's heart. His voice grew hoarse as he continued,

"In the future, if you want to surprise me, don't keep it a secret from me. Even if you want to surprise

me, you should tell me. When you come to find me, I can pretend not to know, understand?"

Camille chuckled at his words. She softly replied, "If I tell you, can it still be called a surprise?"

"As long as you're willing, I can cooperate with you. If I cooperate with you, it will be a surprise. I don't

want anything like what happened today to occur again. Do you understand?" His tone was serious,

and his deep eyes revealed a trace of gloom. This matter was not over in his heart.

Listening to his voice, Camille finally felt a bit more at ease. In truth, during this entire incident, she

hadn't felt much fear. When she realized that something was wrong with that woman, she began to

wonder who it might be. However, before she could figure it out, she was taken away, and she had no

control over what happened next.

Initially, she had considered many possibilities, but all of them were shattered one by one. She hadn't

offended anyone, and even if someone came after her because of Ayan, they wouldn't choose to act at

Ayan's territory. The only possibility was that the they were running out of time and would seize any

opportunity to achieve their goal.

But she hadn't expected it to be arranged by Brody and Page themselves. This was revealed to her by

the man who had slipped up. She wasn't taken back to the Armstrong's villa, and the handwritten

divorce declaration was coerced by Brody's threatening phone call.

Then she was taken away by the Wesley family.

Of course, she didn't believe that she had been taken to Chesen City like this because she believed

that Ayan would find her before that.

Thinking of Ayan, who was currently by her side, she felt a sense of security.

She reached out and gently wrapped her arms around Ayan's waist, her voice murmuring softly and

tenderly, "Ayan, it's so good to have you."

Ayan, upon hearing these words, gave a soft snort and said indifferently, "Now you know how good I

am, right? Since you know how good I am, when do you plan to go through the remarriage procedures

with me? Do you know that I just went to the Armstrong family, and they tried to use this as a way to

kick me out? I couldn't even respond with dignity."

Camille pursed her lips, her expression becoming cold. There was a coolness in her eyes, and her

voice was devoid of warmth as she said, "They are good at finding excuses. I'm really curious, besides

getting this money, what else can they gain by doing this?"

They dared to offend even Ayan and the Simpson family for the sake of this money. Could they really

go to any lengths for money?

Camille became more and more puzzled as she thought about it. Were these the actions of loving


She was also a mother, and she couldn't bear the thought of her child being harmed in any way. So

why were Brody and Page so afraid of not gaining anything from her? Even though she was already a

mother, they showed no signs of letting her go.

Did they want to squeeze her until there was nothing left to exploit?

Camille thought about all this, and it felt like her heart was bleeding. She should have been used to it

by now, but every time Brody and Page presented new challenges, each time the harm she endured

was different.

Ayan sensed Camille's discomfort, and he quickly reassured her, saying, "I don't know if they can still

get that money now, but I do know that Armstrong Corp will undergo a complete change of ownership.

This is the price they should pay. Don't be soft-hearted. Even if you threaten me, I won't agree to let

them off."

Ayan preemptively injected this warning into Camille's mind because he was concerned that she might

feel sympathetic if she saw the Armstrong family truly left with nothing. He wanted her to know that he

wouldn't be swayed no matter what happened.

As they spoke, the car had smoothly pulled up at Franklin Bay.

Ayan helped Camille out of the car, and just as they entered the house, Sienna rushed over, following

closely behind.

Sienna had been keeping a close eye on Camille's situation, but to avoid disturbing Ayan while he was

searching for Camille, she had been getting updates from Kian. When she heard that Camille had

returned, she couldn't wait a second longer to come over. Rex accompanied her.

Sienna looked Camille up and down and asked, "Are you okay? Nothing happened, right?"

Camille glanced at Sienna. Although they had only separated at the office in the afternoon, seeing each

other now felt like they hadn't met in a long time. Camille looked at Sienna and replied softly, "I'm okay.

Nothing happened."

Sienna finally felt relieved, but her expression still showed a touch of annoyance. She said, "Those so-

called parents are despicable." After a moment, she quickly added, "Don't stop me; I'm about to start


Camille smiled slightly and felt touched because Sienna had been incredibly kind to her. Apart from

Ayan and the Simpson family, both Sienna and her grandmother were not blood relatives, but they had

treated her so well.

After Sienna had vented her anger, Camille interrupted her and said, "I'm hungry. Can I havenovelbin

something to eat first?"

"Of course, let's eat right away. I'm sorry; I didn't think about that," Sienna said quickly.

Camille mimicked Sienna's tone and said, "It's okay."

Sienna accompanied Camille to the dining room, while Ayan and Rex headed to the living room.

Rex looked at Ayan and asked, "Is it really Camille's parents who did this? Forcing her to marry into the

Wesley family in Chesen City? Isn't this too melodramatic?"

Ayan's face was quite somber, and his expression was cold and indifferent, as if he had a layer of frost

on his face. He said, "It's not melodramatic; it's the truth. The Armstrong family has gone too far, and

they have completely lost their minds. Since they want to take back the shares of Armstrong Corp, I

won't follow their wishes."

"You're really planning to cut all ties and not give them any respect?"

"I'll give them respect, but who will give me respect?"

Ayan snorted lightly, and his expression remained cold.

Rex asked in a low voice, "Aren't you worried that Camille will feel uncomfortable? Even though what

they did was outrageous, they are still her parents, right? Camille might be reluctant, won't she?"

"She won't," Ayan responded with absolute confidence. He said, "The Armstrong family has completely

crossed her bottom line with what they do. Even if she feels sympathetic and unwilling, she won't just

sit back and do nothing."

What the Armstrong family had done went beyond being simply outrageous.

After finishing her meal, Sienna left with Rex, and it was already past 9 p. m.. Ayan had a light meal

himself and told Camille, "I need to go out for a bit. You can take a bath and rest. I'm afraid I might be

back late, so you don't have to wait for me, okay?"

Camille raised her eyes to meet Ayan's gaze, and she nodded gently. Her voice was somewhat hoarse

as she asked, "Are you going to the Armstrong family?"

"No, I'm going to meet the Wesley family. Since they're in my hands now, there are some things that

need to be clarified before I can release them. I don't have the leisure to keep them here forever."

The last few words from Ayan were quite rare and made Camille chuckle. She said, "Mr. Simpson, isn't

providing room and board as simple as it sounds for you?"

Ayan reached out and gently pinched her cheek, his eyes filled with affection. He said, "I only want to

provide for you."

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