My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1008: Transfer
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Chapter 1008: Transfer

Chapter 1008: Transfer

Horace was busy with work, and the meeting was still half an hour away.

In the face of Brody's questioning, Horace remained calm and handed the signed documents to his

secretary. He gestured for Brody to sit down before beginning the conversation.

However, Brody had no intention of sitting down. His mind was filled with the need for an explanation.

He asked Horace, "I received a call from the legal department about attending a meeting on changes in

stock ownership. Mr. Burris, can you please explain what this is about? Did you make this decision on

your own? When did I, as a member of the Armstrong family, agree to this change in our stock


Brody's emotions were running high, and his face turned red with anger. He stared at Horace, his eyes

burning with rage, and pressed for answers. "Mr. Burris, shouldn't you at least provide me with an


Horace maintained his composure and calmly responded, "Mr. Armstrong, could you please sit down

so that we can have a proper discussion?"

Brody remained standing, his face still filled with anger. He exuded an air of frustration because

Armstrong Corp was his life, his bottom line. He regretted sharing a portion of his shares with Horace,

and now he was paying the price.

However, Horace remained composed, still looking at Brody with utmost sincerity. He offered a faint

smile and said, "Mr. Armstrong, if you don't sit down, how can we have a proper discussion? If you

want an explanation from me, then you must allow me to explain, isn't that right?"

Brody, furrowing his brow, remained silent for a while before finally walking over to the sofa and taking

a seat.

Horace personally poured a glass of water for him and placed it in front of Brody. Then, he sat across

from him and began to speak, "Transferring ownership of shares does not involve the shares under

your name. After all, transferring ownership requires the consent. So, without your approval, how could

I possibly touch your shares?"

Horace patiently explained, though his words only deepened Brody's frown.

Brody stared at Horace and questioned, "What do you mean by this? If it's not my shares, then


His face grew even darker, and his eyes were filled with disbelief as he asked, "Camille?"

Horace replied calmly, "Yes, it's Miss Camille. She has signed a transfer agreement with me."

Brody couldn't believe it, and his emotions flared. He protested, "This can't be true. Camille belongs to

the Armstrong family, and her shares cannot be sold off without my approval. She has no right to do


Horace's expression remained unchanged as he spoke, "We have already signed the agreement."

He walked over to his desk, picked up the agreement he had signed with Camille, and handed it to

Brody. Camille's signature was on the document.

While Brody was unfamiliar with Camille's handwriting, her identity information on the document

confirmed its authenticity.

Brody looked at Horace and said, "This is not valid."

Horace responded, "Mr. Armstrong, I provided the funds, and Miss Camille willingly sold her shares to

me. This is reasonable and legally protected. Why wouldn't it be valid?"

Horace's attitude remained calm throughout the conversation. Regardless of Brody's anger, he

maintained his gentleness and showed respect. Brody was Grace's father, and even though he had

been harsh towards Grace, Horace had no intention of being disrespectful.

However, Brody's reactions and the signs of his treatment towards Grace and Camille raised

suspicions. While Brody and Page might treat Grace better than Camille, this favoritism was only

evident when compared to Camille. Without that comparison, their treatment of Grace was still quite


Horace, the outsider in this situation, could see the situation clearly. But Grace, as a party involved and

burdened by her parents, lacked the courage to object.

Thinking about all this, Horace's gaze became even deeper, and his expression toward Brody

appeared somewhat stiff. However, his voice remained unchanged as he said, "Mr. Armstrong, now

that I've become the largest shareholder of Armstrong Corp, it's only natural for me to collect your

company seal. This is a common practice in every business. I've put just as much effort into Armstrong

Corp as you have, so you should trust that I can manage all matters related to the company."

If the phone call from the legal department was meant to remind Brody, then Horace's words now were

a direct declaration of the established facts, hoping that Brody would accept the reality.

Brody's face was extremely unpleasant, to say the least. It was no longer enough to describe it as

merely "unpleasant." He had a cold expression on his face, and he looked at Horace with indifference.

He said, "So, Mr. Burris, are you implying that you want to override my rights and position in Armstrong


Horace replied calmly, "Why would I want to do that? You can voice your opinions directly to me, and

when it comes to matters and decisions related to the company, I'm willing to discuss them with you."

"Discuss with me?" Brody sneered, "Do you believe that yourself? I suspect you've been looking

forward to this day for a while, wanting to take ownership of Armstrong Corp for yourself."

"Mr. Armstrong, your words are a bit excessive, don't you think? In the beginning, you approached me

for a partnership with the condition that I would inject funds into the company, and you offered me

corresponding shares, didn't you? How come now it has become my mistake? Mr. Armstrong, before I

invested in Armstrong Corp, you were the one most familiar with the company's situation, weren't you?"

"Even so? But Armstrong Corp belongs to the Armstrong family. Under the current circumstances, with

you becoming the largest shareholder of Armstrong Corp, it's unfair to our family. Besides, your

cooperation with Camille doesn't count. She still belongs to the Armstrong family, and anything she

signs with you is invalid without my approval."

Brody spoke his mind plainly, without caring whether his words would be effective or not. His only goal

was to dissuade Horace from purchasing Camille's shares. He didn't care about the process, as long

as he achieved his objective.

However, Horace wouldn't act according to Brody's wishes. Although his attitude remained calm and he

showed no intention of openly confronting Brody, his unyielding demeanor made Brody feel uneasy.

Just then, the secretary knocked on the door and reminded Horace that the meeting time was

approaching. After acknowledging her, Horace turned his gaze back to Brody and asked, "Will you be

attending the meeting?"

Brody, with a cold expression, looked at Horace and replied, "Mr. Burris, you seem determined to push

things to a breaking point, don't you? But don't forget an old saying, 'A skinny camel is still bigger than

a horse.' Don't bully the locals. This is Hance City. Even if you become the largest shareholder of

Armstrong Corp, I still have some influence here. If I have to compete with you, I have the ability and

resources to do so."

Brody's words were laced with threats. He made it clear to Horace that if they wanted to coexist

peacefully, Horace should refrain from acquiring Camille's shares and maintain the current status quo,

where their relationship within Armstrong Corp was equal. Brody didn't mind a mutually assured

destruction scenario.

Despite Brody's threats, Horace simply smiled lightly, showing no signs of fear. His tone remained

neutral as he said, "Do you believe your threats are directed at me or Armstrong Corp? As you've

mentioned, Armstrong Corp ultimately belongs to the Armstrong family. If you harm me, you're also

harming Armstrong Corp. Whose losses would be greater? My loss is merely financial, while yours and

the Armstrong family's losses would be the result of years of effort and dedication, something money

can't buy, isn't that so?"

With those words, Horace stood up from the sofa, looking down at Brody. He said, "Since you don't

support the change in stock ownership, I assume you won't be willing to attend the meeting. In that

case, I won't push you."

As Horace spoke, Brody immediately retorted with a cold expression, "Of course, I will attend.

Otherwise, you'll have complete control, won't you?"

After these words, Brody promptly left the office, leaving Horace with a trace of a smile at the corner of

his mouth.

The theme of the upcoming meeting was undoubtedly the issue of stock ownership changes. Camille

had already entrusted everything to her lawyer, so there was no need for her to be present.

But Brody insisted, wanting to call Camille personally. He said, "Who knows if it's true or not? I'm

concerned that someone might be manipulating things behind the scenes!"

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