My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 41: Bitch, I’ll Tear You Apart
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Chapter 41: Bitch, I'll Tear You Apart

An hour and a half had passed.

Ryan postponed the meeting and headed straight back to the Ensfield.

It was a bright summer day, but Ryan entered the living room with a ferocious cold look.

The moment his eyes glanced towards the twelve paper boxes, his face turned ice cold.

As he skimmed through the delivery information of each box, he scowled all of a sudden.

"Ryan, is it because Wendy's heart belongs to someone else that she rejected you?"

Luke assumed.

When he finished speaking, Ryan shifted his eyes towards him.

His gaze was comparable to that of a cold, piercing arrow that shot a chill straight into his heart.

He quickly waved his hand, "Well...What I said earlier was balderdash.You're so attractive, but Wendyturned you down.How could she fall in love with some ordinary person instead of you?"

Luke's words didn't console him at all.

Instead, it made his face grimmer.

He recalled...

Previously, Wendy mentioned that she planned to marry an ordinary man after her contract with thecompany was over! Remembering this, his eyes blackened.

He then puckered his lips, turned around, and walked away.

Luke, trying to catch up, raced towards him.

"Alas Ryan, where are you headed?"

"The shooting site!"

Wendy returned to the set as soon as she brought all the boxes home.

When she arrived, filming was in progress.

She paced straight towards the dressing room to put on a different outfit then do her makeupafterwards.

Inside the dressing room, there were four seats overall and three of the seats had already been taken.

Two makeup artists groomed the actor, as another cast member waited for her turn after she changedher clothes.

After taking in her surroundings, she walked towards the only available seat and was about to sit down.

"Stop right there!"

The dressing room door swung open.

Emerging from the door was Evie and her assistant.

She wore a tight black an ordinary man after her contract with the company was over! Rememberingthis, his eyes blackened.

He then puckered his lips, turned around, and walked away.

Luke, trying to catch up, raced towards him.

"Alas Ryan, where are you headed?"

"The shooting site!"

Wendy returned to the set as soon as she brought all the boxes home.

When she arrived, filming was in progress.

She paced straight towards the dressing room to put on a different outfit then do her makeupafterwards.

Inside the dressing room, there were four seats overall and three of the seats had already been taken.

Two makeup artists groomed the actor, as another cast member waited for her turn after she changedher clothes.

After taking in her surroundings, she walked towards the only available seat and was about to sit down.

"Stop right there!"

The dressing room door swung open.

Emerging from the door was Evie and her assistant.

She wore a tight black skirt and three inch heels.

Before Wendy was able to take a seat, she took it from her.

A moment after sitting down, she crossed her legs and shifted her gaze in Wendy's direction, who wasstill standing in the exact same spot she was earlier.

She then raised her eyebrows and said, "I'll teach you a lesson today.I've been in the entertainmentindustry for five long years.This means I'm your senior.I'm going first for makeup and you will wait forme, understand?"

Evie was the most well-known among all the artists in the room.

No one dared to tell her off like Daisy did.

As they all heard this, they gave each other shaken looks.

No one had the guts to speak out after that.

Even the two makeup artists didn't dare utter a single word.

Wendy remained frozen, and stood there in complete silence.

"Why are you still standing there?"

Evie glared at her, "You're blocking my view.Get out of my sight at once!"

Wendy had witnessed a lot of drama unfold among the cast.

Even if she couldn't recall any instance wherein she had purposely offended Evie, she constantlybullied her nevertheless.

This time, Wendy decided to stand up for herself. She was the type of person who could be dealt withusing reason but not easily swayed by force.

Hearing Evie's remark, she looked at her indifferently, "Excuse me, but get out? I will not! Or maybeyou can teach me how to get out as well, since you're my senior."

Evie was infuriated.

She struck the palm of her hand on the table and cursed at Wendy.

"Go to hell, Wendy Finch! Who on earth do you think you are and how dare you speak to me that way?Do you think you belong here because of your good looks? Just to let you know, there are manystunning women out there.You may be in today, but you're also dispensable! Surely, someone will takeyour place soon."

With her costume on, Wendy smiled elegantly and remarked, "Thank you for further emphasizing mybeauty! Anyways...If someone does that they aren't considered a true actress.Also, I never liked themeither.Thank you!"

Evie was speechless.

She became angrier the more calm and collected Wendy was! The little bitch had the audacity to stealher role and dared to raise her voice at her.

In Evie's perspective, Wendy's behavior provoked her to do the same! She rose from her seat andglared at her, "Bitch, how dare you answer back to me? !"

Wendy extended her hands and fluttered her eyelashes in an innocent manner.

"I honestly don't know what I did to enrage you like this."

"Evie, please don't be so upset.Girls tend to age faster when they get angry.The wrinkles at the edgesof your eyes have become so deep; it makes it seem as if you are angry often.I wouldn't worry though,you can still do something with those wrinkles.I can recommend you an effective eye cream if youwant! It will surely bring back your youthful self,"

Wendy said as she smiled.

The mention of wrinkles! As well as returning back to her youth! It became so obvious that Wendy waspoking fun at how old Evie looked.

No woman could tolerate such embarrassment.

As soon as Evie was about to lose her cool, Wendy continued, "I noticed that your wrinkles arehideous,and that the condition of your skin is worsening as well.Take a good look at the pores on yourface and the endless blackheads on your nose.Tut, tut, if you go on like this, your once pretty face willbe ruined!"

She let out a sigh then resumed speaking, "You are still in your thirties, am I correct? Then why do youlook like you're forty years old already?"

Evie was raging at this point! "Stupid bitch! How can you think I'm more than thirty years old?"

'I'm only twenty-nine years old for crying out loud!’’


Wendy widened her eyes in an exaggerated manner.

"Are you actually more than forty years old? Oh gosh, I'm truly so sorry.Then you really take good careof yourself! My apologies again.You look stunning for a woman in her forties!"


All the artists inside the dressing room couldn't hold their laughter in any longer.Evie was twitching withrage.

"You bitch, I'll tear you apart!"

All of a sudden, she pounced on Wendy angrily.

She then raised her hand and clawed her opponent's face with her sharp nails.

Luckily, Wendy had prepared herself for the attack.

When Evie was just about to jump at her, Wendy was able to dodge which caused Evie to trip and fall.


Evie screamed as she fell knees first on the ground, spraining herself.

Her knees experienced some heavy impact from the floor tiles.

With a muffled sound, she cried out in agony.

"Oh my god, Evie!"

With a shocked expression on her face, her assistant ue.

bet fmt hurried to help her get back up.

Her knees ended up scraped and very swollen.

Immediately after, dark red blood gushed out of her knees. "Wendy Finch! You did this on purpose! I'msure you did!" Evie exclaimed.

"Now, what did I do?"

"You purposely tripped me up!"

"Evie, please don't take this the wrong way.It was you who accidentally fell down because of yourexceedingly high heels.How could you possibly blame that on me?"

Wendy looked quite distressed, "Even if you aren't fond of me, you do not have the right to treat me thisway."

All the people in the dressing room lowered their heads and didn't dare to glance at them.

Everyone in the room could attest that Wendy did not trip her on purpose.

"You tripped her on purpose.I saw it with my very own eyes!"

Evie's assistant started to defend her employer.

"Why am I not surprised? You're her assistant.Of course you're on her side," said Wendy, shruggingher shoulders.

The assistant became infuriated as well.

Evie's lungs were about to burst in anger.

Her two legs were burning in pain.

She grasped onto her assistant's arm and was just about ready to slap Wendy in the face withouthesitation.

"Bitch, how dare you do this to me? I'll slap you right in the face!"

Before she was able to, Wendy got a hold of her wrist.

She said in a cold tone, "Evie! Has anyone ever told you that you can never to slap a person across theface? Surely, it will be wiser for you to think twice before you do anything! I still have my part to playtoday.novelbin

If you slap me and delay the progress of the shooting, the director will hold me accountable for wastingtime...Sure, he will then find out about why.Can you afford for that to happen? !"

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