My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 322: Take It As A Threat
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Chapter 322: Take It As A Threat

Jeffrey thought, ‘‘If Wendy gets hurt, Uncle Ryan will do everything in his power to get to the bottom ofit.If he finds out Dad and Mom are behind it, he will make them pay a heavy price."Bruce...Are youthreatening me?"

Nellie asked.

"You can take it however you want."

Jeffrey stood up, his face devoid of any emotion.

"Anything else? I have to go.I still have plenty of work to do."

"You're always so busy.Why don't you just quit acting?"

Jeffrey's eyes narrowed.

"Is this another one of your conditions?" Nellie was taken aback.

"No.I just don't want to see you working too hard." Jeffrey sneered.

"I'd rather be exhausted with work than be here with you."His words were like barbs, stabbing Nelliewithout mercy.

She rested her hand over her chest, and her eyes were filled with shock and hurt.


"I'm serious."

"Look.I know you're in a bad mood, and you're probably just lashing out..."

Bruce scoffed inwardly.

‘‘Whatever! She can think whatever she likes.If this made her feel better, then so be it"

"I'll ask you one last time.Anything else?" he asked.


"Go ahead."

"Invite Mia here for dinner tomorrow!"

Jeffrey saw through her intention and shrugged.

"Okay, fine!"

He knew Nellie was worried he only said yes but wouldn't go through with it.

"Anything else?" he asked.

Nellie looked at her watch and said, "It's almost noon.Stay for lunch.I'll ask Leah to cook your favoritefood..."

"No need.I said I'm leaving!"

Nellie opened her mouth to respond, but Jeffrey grabbed his car keys and told her, "I don't want to stayand bother you here.Goodbye."

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving her staring after his retreating back.

Nellie was stunned.She was so overcome with emotion that she couldn't utter a single word.

First Brian, then Jeffrey.Her sons disappointed her one after the other.She was pissed off! Jeffrey drovethe car at full speed and left the villa area.

He always felt depressed being around his mother.

The moment he was out, he felt like he could breathe again.

A gust of cold wind blew, mussing up his green hair.

After driving out of the suburbs, he eased his foot on the gas pedal and slowed down.

I He pulled his hair in frustration, and he felt suffocated.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

Bad parents always brought out the worst in their children.He barely noticed the traffic lights turn red.

Squeak! Jeffrey stepped on the brake, and the tires rubbed hard against the ground.

The car ground to a halt.

He rested his forehead on the steering wheel.

I have to invite Mia for dinner tomorrow. Jeffrey groaned.

The more he thought of it, the more irritable he became.

He didn't have any romantic feelings toward Mia.

The only reason he agreed was that he knew if it wasn't Mia, his mother would find another woman forhim.

Besides, he didn't hate her.

The last time they met, he didn't bother asking for her phone number.

However, he remembered Mia telling him she was a member of his fan group.He had a chat roomdedicated solely to his fans, and it was managed by his staff.

Sometimes, he would pop in to chat with his fans.

He logged in to his account.He checked everyone's profile photo in the group chat, and after a fewseconds of searching, he finally found her.

Her profile photo was a cartoon version of him.

He saw the image on Mia's shirt the day she asked for his autograph.He was pretty sure this profilewas hers.

Mia told him she drew it herself and she was the only one using it.He clicked the account and chosethe video call option.

Then he waited.

After a while, she still didn't pick up.He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

Jeffrey waited a bit more until the traffic lights turned green.

The car behind him kept on honking, so he drove his car to the side of the road and continued waiting.

Then, the video call was connected.

Mia's stunned face appeared on his screen.

Her eyes were wide and she was gaping at him.


"Jeff?" her friend asked.

Mia quickly covered her screen and said, "It's nothing.

I need to take this call."

Mia went to a quiet place and took her hand off the screen.


"What are you doing?"

"I...I just finished my class..."

Mia still looked astonished, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.She blushed and couldn't look straight athim.

"How did you know that this is my account?"

"Your profile photo."

"Oh, right!"

Mia's whole face burned red.She nervously tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

"Well, what can I do for you?"

"Give me your phone number."


Mia was stunned for a while.

"Oh, okay."

She lowered her head and dictated her number.

Jeffrey ended the video call and dialed her phone.


Mia's voice was laced with uncertainty.

"It's me!"


"Mia, are you free right now?"

Jeffrey had no time to beat around the bush, so he simply went straight to the point.

Mia was checking her class schedule.

Her afternoon was full of classes, and she didn't have any free time.

But she thought of meeting Jeffrey, and so she came to a decision.

"Yes, I'm free.I don't have any class later."

"Can you come out and meet me? I need your help."


Mia agreed without hesitation.She didn't even have to think twice.

"Ywood University, right?"


"I'll pick you up!" Jeffrey offered.

Meanwhile, Nellie was still in the villa.

After Jeffrey left, Nellie was so angry that she smashed several of her beloved flowerpots.

Her sons were all so disappointing.They really knew how to piss her off! She was breathless withanger, and her chest ached.

She put her hand on her chest, trying to catch her breath.

It took her a long time to calm down.She stole a glance on the table.

There, she saw the documents scattered.

Some even fell to the floor.

It was about Wendy.

After she talked with Jayden last night, she asked someone to investigate her.novelbin

The report didn't just focus on Wendy.

There was also information on the main characters of the play, the Story of Concubine Ivanka, andWendy's relationship with her fellow actors.

All of a sudden, her eyes landed on the name of the leading actress.


Nellie's eyes lit up as an idea came to her.Her face broke into a smile.

"Bruce, I think you need a little push.Just in case you don't take me seriously!"

On the other hand, the crew were nervously filming on set.

Carter was filled with anxiety, and everyone else around him could feel it.

They were busy catching up with the schedule.He was so stressed out that his hair started turning grey.

Last night, he received a call from Kane, the CEO of Glory Media.

Kane told him that the actors needed enough rest so they could work more efficiently.

As a result, Carter had to change the schedule so the actors would get off work before ten in theevening.

Carter was confused with Kane's order.

He had been working in the industry for many years, but it was the first time he carried out such anorder.

"Odette! Get ready.You're next."

"l’ll be right there."

Odette was playing with her phone when she heard Carter's voice.

She was about to hand it to Mary when it suddenly buzzed.She flipped the screen towards her to seethe message.

Suddenly, her entire body stiffened!

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