My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 277: Low Spirits
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Chapter 277: Low Spirits

After what Eris said, a stunned silence lingered for a few seconds.Then, the place erupted withenthusiastic roars.

All the reporters stood up and shouted their questions.

Their voices were so intermingled that it was hard to tell where they were coming from.

"Eris, do you think you've done something so bad that you're unable to stay in the show business?"

"Have you realized your mistake?"

"Eris! You've been banned by the company and have been replaced in the Story of Concubinelvanka.Is that the reason why you decided to quit?"

"Eris, please explain!"



"Please be quiet and listen to met"

Eris shouted at the top of her lungs, effectively penetrating through the noise.

One by one, the reporters lowered their voices into a murmur.

Anticipating Eris to give a speech, they aimed the cameras at her and started recording.

Eris showed up in a different style today.

In the past, she always wore a white dress, which perfectly complemented her long straight blackhair.She looked like an angel straight from heaven, an authentic dream girl that captured everyone's


But today, her face looked pale and haggard.

She was wearing a tight black sweater partnered with a black woolen coat and a pair of leggings thataccentuated the shape of her thighs.

Her hair was tied into a ponytail, revealing her bony cheekbones and sunken eyes.She lowered herhead and smiled bitterly.

"Over the past few days, I have been under the spotlight.First of all, I'd like to apologize to my fans.I'msorry for letting you down."

Eris looked straight into the camera and bowed deeply.

The reporters began to look at each other, not sure what to make of this demonstration.

Eris’ eyes looked slightly wet.

Then, she looked at the reporters and continued, "Secondly, I want to apologize to all of thenetizens.I'm sorry for flooding your timeline with too much news about me.I'm sorry!"

She performed another deep bow.She came off extremely sincere to everyone watching.

When Eris stood straight, tears were starting to roll down her cheeks.

"Lastly, I want to apologize to my sister, Wendy! Wendy, I admit that it was all my fault.From the verybeginning, I already knew that Brian was your boyfriend.I should've never liked him, nor should I'vebeen close to him in the first place.But more importantly, the thing that I regret the most was druggingyou with the hopes that the two of you would break up.I should've never put you in danger..."

A chorus of gasps erupted in the crowd.

Before, Eris refused to admit her crimes no matter how much she was pressed by the reporters.

But now, she was admitting it right in front of them.

All of them had their mouths wide open.

Eris covered her face and cried behind her palms.

"Sorry! I'm truly sorry! I had no idea that the consequences would be so serious! I've been haunted bymy conscience over the past few days.I know that no matter what I say or do, there's nothing that willchange the fact that I did something horribly wrong.I no longer want to explain my side.I just want toadmit to all the mistakes I've made.I'm willing to take all the criticisms from the public.I want to appeaseeveryone's anger, that’s why I'm willing to quit the show business..."

Despite the range of emotions she displayed in her speech, the reporters didn't feel an ounce ofsympathy towards her.

They began rebuking her, with much more venom in their voices. "Eris, did you just confess to yourcrime?"

"Your mother killed Wendy's mother, and then you stole her boyfriend.How dare you ask forforgiveness?"

"Shame on you!"

"You're disgusting!"

Eris pursed her lips as she let the curses from the crowd rain down on her.

She wanted to tear their mouths apart, but had no choice but to remain quiet and look remorseful. Theonly emotions she could show in front of the cameras were regret and self-blame.

With tears streaming down her eyes, she performed another deep bow, her head almost reaching herknees.

"I'm so sorry.I had no idea what my mother had done.I was only a child at that time.Wendy, I'm reallysorry.I don't expect you to forgive me.The reason I said this in front of the media today is that I want tomake myself feel better."

The rage in the reporters’ voice began to wither. Although they hated Eris, they hated Cacia evenmore.What Cacia had done were too vicious for them to forget.

She killed Wendy's mother and then took her property.

After that, she pushed Wendy and Reese into a dangerous situation! With Cacia already in prison, thereporters could only vent all their anger and hatred on her daughter, Eris.

But after Eris show of remorse, they began to see things a little bit differently. Some reporters in thecrowd nodded their heads in agreement. The video that showed Cacia killing Cassie was shot a longtime ago.

At that time, both Wendy and Eris were still kids.

It was too far-fetched to say that Eris was involved in her mother's crimes.

If they were really accomplices, Eris would've already been arrested by the police.

The reporters looked at Eris, whose eyes were red and marred with tears.They fell silent.

Eris had already been punished.

At first, this A-list actress was at the peak of her glory.

But now, she had become everyone's target.Her parents were imprisoned.She lost her job.

And then, her fiance left her.

In the past, she refused to admit any of the things she had done.

But now, she apologized to the public in front of the media.

She even said that she was willing to quit the show business.

The reporters didn't hate her that much anymore.

Eris' press conference lasted for two whole hours.

She kept bowing and maintained an apologetic air, constantly regretting her own behavior.

Her attitude appeared so sincere that no one could find anything wrong with it. As soon as the pressconference was over, videos of it began to go viral.

When Wendy received the news, she was in the middle of filming at the set.

During the intermission, Daisy ran towards her, with her mobile phone in her hand.

"Wendy, Wendy! You have to watch this video!"

It was an edited version of Eris’ press conference.

It was cut down into three minutes, and Wendy was able to finish it quickly.

Once she was done, she raised her eyebrows.novelbin

"Wow! Can't you believe Eris’ audacity? She even held a press conference to announce to the publicthat she's quitting her job.What an idiot!"

‘Idiot? I don't think so.In fact, I think Eris made a really wise decision.She put herself in a verysympathetic position and won everyone's heart"

Daisy took back her phone and said in a disdainful tone, "It's good that she quit the business.You nolonger have to deal with such a two-faced bitch in the future."

The thought of how fake Eris’ show of gentleness was and comparing it to how vicious she was inreality sent shivers down Daisy's spine.

‘Damn! Women like her are too scary! If you offended her even by accident, you'd probably die andnever see it coming"

"Eris was making an unnecessary move," Daisy commented.

"She was not." Wendy placed her hand on her chin and was deep in thought.

"What?" Daisy looked confused.

"Check her Weibo page.You'll see what I mean."

Immediately, Daisy opened Weibo on her phone.

The top video on the page was her announcement that she was quitting the show business.

Daisy scrolled down to the comment section and was shocked by what she saw.

The netizens who had been cursing her angrily seemed to have a change of attitude once they saw thevideo.

The situation had now been reversed. "Ah...get what you mean.Watching this video, I don't know whybut I suddenly feel sorry for Eris!"

"Me too.Now that I think about it, the only thing that Eris did wrong was to fall in love with Brian.Andcan you really blame her for that? After all, no one really has control of their own heart.On the contrary,I think it's Brian who's the jerk.Shit! If he hadn't given Eris so much hope of being with him, shewould've never done so much for him!"

"You're right.Now that Eris has realized her mistake and been punished for it, I no longer hate her."

"She was just implicated by her mother.If not for that, robbing her sister’s boyfriend wouldn't be as bigof a scandal.How could such a thing cause a huge impact?"

Daisy was speechless, her face housing a shocked expression.


Wendy wasn't as shocked as Daisy was.She was lost in her thought.

‘After what happened this time, Eris seems to have become smarter"

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