My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 263: We Are Looking For You
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Chapter 263: We Are Looking For You

Eris' instinct told her to run away, and she did exactly that.She ran as fast as her legs could carry her,but her speed was nothing compared to the several strong men chasing her.

"Stop her!"

In less than a minute, she found herself being surrounded by five men.She bent over and put herhands on her knees, resisting the urge to vomit as she let the air return to her lungs.

"Bitch, how dare you run away!"

A man with a scar on the corner of his eye shoved her so hard, Eris almost fell to the ground.She liftedher scarf to cover her face and avoided the man’s gaze.

"I'm not Eris! You got the wrong person!"

"No! You're Eris! Shit! I can recognize you even though you're wearing a scarf!" Eris swallowed.

She was surrounded by several men.

At this point, no one was coming to rescue her.

Even though the wind was chilly, these men were wearing gray waistcoats that highlighted their strongmuscles.

The ferocious looks on their faces were capable of striking fear into anyone's heart.Eris looked at themintently, trying to identify who they were but to no avail.She had no idea who any of them were.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"We are your creditor!"


A look of shock crossed Eris’ face.

‘When did I ever owe someone debt?’ "I think you've got the wrong person."

"I'm looking for you, Ruben's daughter, Eris!"

"But I don't owe any of you money!"

"No, but your father did!"


While Eris was still struck with disbelief, the man took out a document from his pocket.He unfolded itand put it right in front of her.

"Look here! This is the OU note your father wrote.He owed a total of ten million dollars.And adding theinterest, that's a total of thirteen million! Your father has already paid twelve million, so there's only amillion left.Pay the money back quickly!"

‘One million?’ Eris took a deep breath and said, "Are you kidding me? Why don't you just rob someoneelse? What's more, you said my father wrote this IOU? Why would my father owe you so much moneyfor no reason? Did you forge this IOU on purpose so you can use it to blackmail me after you learnedthat my father was jailed?"

Erin thought it was possible.

The fear on her face slowly dissipated and turned into rage.

"Let me tell you: you won't get anything from me!"


The man turned to the man behind Eris and gave a subtle signal.

Immediately, he grabbed her hair.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Eris screamed in pain.

"Look at it clearly!" As he spoke, he pressed Eris’ face close to the IOU.

"Shit! Don't say that I'm cheating you.Look here! You should know your father's handwriting.Check itand see that it's really his!"

Eris, whose eyes closed when the man grabbed her, opened her eyes and looked at the IOU.Shecouldn't believe what she had just seen.

It was indeed her father's handwriting on the note.

His father liked to connect all the characters together when writing his name.

Moreover, there was also a fingerprint at the end of the IOU.

A look of horror began to creep up her face.

"Have you seen it clearly?"

Eris gritted her teeth and said nothing.

"Let her speak!"

The man behind Eris puller her hair hard, making her cry in pain.She franticly shook her head and said,"It's impossible! Why would my father owe you such an exorbitant amount of money?"

Her eyes quickly scanned the content of the IOU and saw a line stating that the debt would bearinterest.

When she saw how much it would be, it was horribly high.

‘This isn't an IOU note.This is extortion!’ She looked at the date of the debt on the paper, and her heartsank.

The debt had only been for one month, and yet the interest had already reached three milliondollars.This was another unfair, horrible situation she found herself in.

"You should ask your father why he owes me the money.Don't ask me.I'm not your father!"

Eris was so dumbstruck by everything that had just happened, she couldn't even utter a single word.

"But since you asked, I will tell you.Your father used the money to gamble!"

"Bullshit! Don't try to fool me.I won't believe you!"

"Okay, okay! Cut the crap and give us the money!"

"I have no money!"

"Damn it! Are you kidding me? You're a big star.How could you have no money? Eris, don't play trickswith me, or else..."

The man’s face suddenly turned cold, with a pair of icy eyes staring right through her.He grabbed Eris’chin with one hand and started to rub her cheek using his thumb.

When the man noticed the pale, terrified look on her face, he snorted.

"I'm not interested in you at all.But if you don't pay me back, you will no longer be able to seduce menwith your pretty face in the future!"

Eris swallowed, as though she was trying to push down her heart intent on jumping to her throat.

‘Are they going to disfigure me?’ Her body trembled violently as she shook her head in fear.

"My father owes the money! You should ask it from him! I have nothing to do with it!"

"Are you stupid? If we can go to Ruben, we would've never wasted our time and energy to chase youdown here.Everyone knows that your father is in prison now.Cut the crap.You are his daughter.It’s onlyright that you pay back the money he owes."novelbin

Even though Eris was highly terrified of the men threatening her, she was still able to summon anounce of hate directed to her father.

‘I hate Ruben so much! How dare he leave me with such a big trouble after he was put into prison?’Eris gritted her teeth, the hatred burning in her eyes.

"My father has more than one daughter.In fact, he has two more! Reese and Wendy.Why don't you goto them?"

"Damn it! Everyone in Ywood knows that both Wendy and Reese have already severed theirrelationship with Ruben.Ruben loves you the most.Now that your parents are in prison, they must'vetransferred their apartment to you, right?"

‘Did they come for the apartment?’ Eris instinctively clutched her bag.

She now knew what they were after.

Noticing her slight movement, the man gave another signal to the man behind Eris.

That man immediately grabbed her hands and held it with a vice grip.

"Ah! Let me go! Let go of me! This is illegal! I'll call the police!"

The man in front of her pulled her bag off her body and zipped it open.

"Go ahead! Call the police, I'm not scared.You owe me money."

Once the bag was fully opened, he took out a document inside the bag.

"Give that back to me! Damn it!"

When the man opened the document and realized it was a property ownership certificate with Eris’name on it, he quickly threw the bag to her and began to laugh.

"Ruben is really nice to you, isn't he? He even transferred the only property he has to you.He's so goodto you, and yet you don't want to pay off his debt!"

Eris' eyes flashed red with anger.

Staring at the property ownership certificate, she gnashed her teeth.

'l was planning to sell that apartment and start a new life!’

"This apartment might be a little old, but it's still worth around three million dollars because of Ywood'shigh housing price.Sell it and pay us back.Then we won't come to you in the future.Sounds good?"

"No way!"

The man's gaze turned sharp.

He grabbed Eris by the collar and shouted at her, "Shit! Don't push your luck with me!"

At this moment, a group of people were starting to gather.Eris knew this was her chance to escape andseized the opportunity.

"Help! These people are blackmailing me!"

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