My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 258: How Are You Going To Thank Me ?
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Chapter 258: How Are You Going To Thank Me ?

Wendy was speechless.It turned out that Jeffrey just wanted to have free dinner.She rolled her eyes athim.

"I don't have money!"

She had only been in the country for a short time, and the only acting job she was able to do was a rolein the Story of Concubine Ivanka.

Moreover, she was only paid thirty percent of what she was supposed to earn Before Raymond had hisoperation, he had to take a kind of drug to maintain his health.

This cost Wendy all of her money since the drug was worth tens of thousands of dollars per bottle.

One time, she had to borrow two hundred thousand dollars from Reese in order to pay back Ryan forthe money she owed.

However, he refused to accept it.

Now, that money remained in her bank account.

Aside from this money, she only had a few thousand dollars in her name.

Knowing what kind of person Jeffrey was certainly didn't help allay her concerns.

He was a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

If she decided to have dinner with him, it would certainly cost her at least a few thousand dollars.

"I have no money!" Wendy shook her head.


"I don't have money!"

She spread out her hands with her palms facing up to further hammer down her point.

Seeing this, Jeffrey gritted his teeth.

"Shit! You ungrateful woman! I gave up a well-paying acting opportunity just for you! And you're noteven willing to invite me to a meal? How stingy!’ He was seething in anger.

"Then I'll treat you.Does that work?"


Wendy nodded without a second thought.

Jeffrey clenched his fists so hard his nails dug into his palms.

"Give me the address.I'll be there once work is over."

"Call me when you're done with your work.I'll pick you up!" Jeffrey offered.


Wendy put on her hat, mask, and sunglasses before leaving.

Jeffrey exhaled a giant sigh of relief.

"Shit! The whole process might've been torturous, but at least I was able to ask her out for dinnertonight!’

"Ransom!" he called.


"Have you prepared everything I asked you to?"


A look of silent determination crossed Jeffrey's face.

He was no longer going to wait! Tonight would be the night he would confess his love to Wendy! Wendyhadn't been to the set for ten days, but being there felt as though she had never left at all.

Outside the set, there were all kinds of media reporters waiting.

Fortunately, Wendy was familiar with the different routes that she managed to bypass all the reportersand entered the set using a different entrance.

In the set, the staff were busy working.

No one noticed Wendy's arrival.

The actors were gathered in groups, busy talking about the most recent trending topic.

"Have you heard that Brian and Eris have broken off their engagement?"

"Really? I thought they were very much in love? Why did they suddenly cancel their engagement?"

"In love? Ha! It's just another lie.I don't think they cancelled their engagement out of a whim.I heard thatfor rich families, the most important factor they're considering is reputation.Since Eris is involved inscandals, she must no longer be eligible to be married into a rich family!"

"I heard that Brian had an interview with reporters this morning.He made it clear that he has broken upwith Eris."

"What a heartless man! Eris’ scandals were only brought to light during Wendy's press conferenceyesterday.It didn't take long after that for Brian to announce their breakup.That was quick!"

"Exactly! Eris is a bitch and Brian is a heartless man.They're a perfect match!"

Hearing what they were talking about, Wendy couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

She was surprised by how decisive Brian's actions appeared to be.

After all, he loved Eris so much that three years ago, he kicked Wendy in the belly even though shewas eight months pregnant.

Wendy never expected Brian would dump Eris so soon.

‘Wow! I can only imagine Eris' expression right now"

Wendy went straight to Carter.

With a speaker in one hand, Carter and the props assistant were busy decorating the scene.

"Hello, Carter!"

He squinted his eyes and looked more closely at this person before him.


She took off her hat, sunglasses, and mask and smiled.

"Yes, it's me!"

After a short pause, Carter handed the speaker to his assistant.

"Why didn't you call me in advance? I could've asked the security guards to pick you up.The set wassurrounded by reporters this morning.Did you see them?"

Wendy winked at him.

"I used a different entrance."

"Ha-ha! You're smart!"

Carter grabbed her wrist and pulled her to an open space.Then, he observed her from head to toe.

"Are you alright?"

"Everything is fine."

Carter laid his hand on her shoulder and sighed.

Ever since the day of the audition, he had a good impression of Wendy.

After their recent collaboration, he found himself liking her even more.

After all, she was punctual, dedicated, and a certified professional.

Moreover, she was also gentle and kind.No one could ever dislike such a girl.

‘Wendy, congratulations! You've gone through all the hard times."

"Thank you for not replacing me!" Wendy joked.

"You should thank someone else for that."


Wendy narrowed her eyes at him.

‘You should thank Glory Media!"

Carter didn't want to hide it from Wendy.

"Ever since I first saw you, I felt that the role of Lady Faye belongs to you.When you got involved inthese malicious scandals, people suggested that I replace you with another actress.Deep in my heart, Ireally didn't want to.I know very well that the only person suits to take the role of Lady Faye is you!"

Wendy listened intently, clutching her chest as though she was holding her softening heart.

"At first, your scandals did bring us bad publicity.The investors pressured me to replace you.Some evenbrought their preferred actress to the set! I almost gave in to the pressure! Fortunately, our biggestinvestor is Glory Media.The other day, Kane called in person and told me that if you were replaced,Glory Media would withdraw all of their capital!"

Wendy couldn't believe what she was hearing.She had no idea of all that was happening behind thescenes.


"So if you want to thank someone, thank your company.I can see that Glory Media views you withutmost importance.You must work very hard in order to not let the company down."

Wendy nodded in a daze.

"Well, get your makeup ready and change your clothes! We'll start shooting as soon as possible.Wehave to get this done quickly!"


Wendy went to the dressing room with a dazed expression still etched on her face.She greeted thedresser and they began to chat casually.

However, her thoughts were preoccupied with something else.

‘Kane called Carter in person.That means Ryan ordered him to do so"

A bittersweet feeling took hold of her heart.

Without intending to, she took out her phone and searched for Ryan's number.

After staring at his profile picture for a long time, she finally typed a message.It was just a few words.

"Thank you, Ryan!" the message read.

It didn't take long for him to send a message back.

"277" Wendy lowered her head and began composing her reply.

"Thank you for stopping Carter from replacing me with another actress!"

This time, he didn't reply immediately.Wendy waited for her phone to light up, hoping for Ryan's reply tocome in.

After a while, she gave up.

But before she could put her phone away, her phone buzzed.She saw a text coming from Ryan.

"How are you going to thank me?" it read.

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