My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 250: I Will Do As You Say
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Chapter 250: I Will Do As You Say

"How could it be possible?!" Brian's heart pounded against his chest so violently he could feel it bounceback at the bottom of his throat.

Upon realizing that his mother was not joking, cold beads of sweat started to roll down the side of hishead.

"Mom! What are you talking about? It's impossible."

"Why is it impossible?" Nellie retorted.

"I know Oliver Group was founded by Grandpa, but it only became the giant that it is today under UncleRyan's leadership.He's a business genius! He has a steely resolve and is far more talented thanme.How can I compete with such a guy?"

Ryan had long been a renowned legend in the business world.The people of Ywood viewed him like alegend.And compared to him, Brian was nothing more than an ordinary person.How could he possiblydefeat Ryan "Not only that—"

"So what is it that you're trying to say?" Nellie interrupted in a gentle voice.

"Most of the shares of the company are in Grandpa's hands.It's only logical for them to be passeddown to his son, right? Besides, except for Bruce, no one else in our family has contacted Grandpathese past few years.I haven't seen him in almost fifteen years.Even if we were close before, I'm surethe passage of time had diluted our relationship..."

It also didn't help that his parents were driven out by his grandfather in the past.

As a result, their relationship might be even lighter than he supposed.

"Mom, what I'm saying is your idea is too impractical." Nellie chuckled.


"No.In fact, it's impossible! Mom, I have to tell you something that you might not like.You should knowhow determined Grandpa was when he drove us out.At that time, he hated us so much.It was very rarethat he didn't attempt to cause us trouble these past few years.How can you expect that he'll be willingto give us any property?"

Fifteen years ago, when Jaylen and Nellie were driven out of the family, Brian was already elevenyears old.

He knew exactly what happened.

Anson publicly severed his relationship with Jaylen and Nellie after they had done something so badthat it merited such a drastic punishment.

More so, he announced that he would never give Jaylen and Nellie any property.With such atumultuous history, how could they reconcile so easily?

"Mom, you'd better give up this idea."


"First of all, I can't defeat Ryan.Second, Grandpa has also issued a public statement that he won't giveus any property."

Nellie chuckled again.


"First of all, Ryan is also a human, which means he has weaknesses.He's not as invincible as youthink.Nellie grabbed his wrist.

"That's why I want you to marry a lady coming from a rich family.With the help of your parents-in-law, itwill be possible." Brian kept his lips pursed.

Just the very thought of Ryan was enough to strike fear in his heart.

Although Ryan was only a few years older than him, Brian was still very much afraid of him, a kind offear that seemed rooted in instinct.

As long his eyes would cross Ryan's cold ones, he was sure to freeze on the spot, completelydebilitated by his mere aura.

To stand in his presence was already daunting in itself.To resist him would be next to impossible.

No matter how much his mother tried to reassure him, he did not believe her words at all.

If Ryan were so easy to deal with, Jaylen and Nellie would've never been kicked out fifteen years ago.

"Mom—" Nellie interrupted him again.

"Your grandpa indeed publicly announced that he won't give your dad and me any property.But henever mentioned you and Bruce.You two still have a chance."

Brian was at a loss for words.

What her mother said made sense, but he still heavily doubted the feasibility of her idea.

‘Is it really possible?”


"Don't be so eager to deny the opportunity! Brian, you should know how precious the shares of OliverGroup are! Even if you only get a few percent, the annual revenue would be enough for you to live a

carefree life.Your grandpa has at least more than 30 percent of the shares.That's an astronomicalfigure!"

Brian's throat tightened as he tried imagining how astronomical his grandfather's shares were.

"Your grandpa has a clear distinction between what he hates and what he likes.Even though he hatesboth your dad and me, he won't have any prejudice against you and Bruce.If you can win his favor, he'slikely to give you some of his shares.That should be enough for you to squander for a lifetime! Moneyisn't the only benefit.If you get along with him, it will be reported by the media, and trust me, if thathappens, all the bigwigs in Ywood will show you respect!"

As his mother outlined the benefit of her plan, Brian allowed himself a brief moment to construct whatthat fantasy would look like in his head.

Money! Power! Women! They were only three things worth pursuing for a man.

Money! He didn't lack it.But of course, no one disliked money.He would be more than glad to havemore.Power! He didn't have any.He was just a plain businessman.

The only reason some people looked up to him was because of his parents’ background.

There were a lot of rich people in Ywood.

And within that group, he wasn't the most outstanding.

He remembered how Ryan was respected.

To have that kind of power, it was indeed very tempting for Brian.He also had his own desires.

If he were to be rich and powerful, he would be able to attract women of all kinds.

It wasn't going to be just Wendy, but other women as well! This was the life he wanted! His eyes lit upas the fantasy in his head took more shape.

"Mom, I'll do as you say," Brian said, his face looking determined.

Nellie's eyes lit up.

"That's good! When the storm dies down in two days, I'll prepare a gift for you to bring when you visityour grandpa."

"Okay," Brian assented.

There was one more problem lurking in the back of his mind.

"Uncle Ryan..."

"Don't worry.Your dad and I will take care of it."

Nellie looked calm and confident.

Brian sensed a deceitful vibe hiding behind his mother's eyes.He threw away the can of beer to oneside and asked, "Mom, do you have a plan in mind?"novelbin

Nellie smiled but didn't say anything.


"Don't ask about anything you shouldn't know.It's not good for you.Anyway, just focus on building agood relationship with your grandpa.As for Ryan, I won't let him have the chance to cause any troublefor you."


On the other hand, Jeffrey was calling Wendy.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service..."

"Shit!" Jeffrey cursed.

He hung up his phone and quickly redialed the same number only to get the same pre-recordedmessage.

‘Damn it!" He almost smashed his phone.

"Jeffrey, don't worry.Maybe Wendy turned off her phone to avoid the journalists.You can try her againlater."

Ransom, his agent, tried to comfort him.

"Shit! How can I not be anxious? I had no idea that she was in such big trouble! Damn it! If I hadknown, I would've rushed back even at the cost of breaching the contract!"

Jeffrey put away his phone and glared at Ransom.

"You have the nerve to say that? I've told you to pay more attention to the news concerning Wendy.Isthis how you're doing what I asked you to do? If I hadn't accidentally browsed the news, I would'venever known that she was hurt so badly!"

Ransom rubbed his nose and didn't dare to speak.

He was wronged.

It was not that he didn't pay attention to it.

He was an agent of Glory Media.He signed a contract with them and received adequatecompensation.His superior asked him to keep what happened to Wendy a secret from Jeffrey.He wasstuck serving two masters.

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