My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 239: Silent Redemption
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Chapter 239: Silent Redemption

Eris collapsed on the stage.But this time, no one pitied her.Wendy was about to conclude the pressconference when there was a sudden interruption.The police had arrived at the scene.They rushedstraight to Cacia and Ruben and apprehended them.

"We got a tip that the two of you were involved in an intentional murder.Please come to the policestation and cooperate with the investigation."

A shiver ran down Cacia's spine.As for Ruben, his mouth went dry, and he could barely speak.

"No, we didn't...We didn't do it," he stammered.

But the policemen were only being polite.

After all, not only had they received a tip, but they had also received the video of Cassie's murder.

The evidence spoke for itself.Instead of continuing to waste their time, the policemen just handcuffedRuben and Cacia.

"Please come with us."

"Nol" Cacia cried, shaking her head with panic-stricken eyes.

"I'm innocent.I'm innocent..."

Despite her protests, she was dragged down from the stage by the police.Her swollen cheek face ithard for her to speak, but she still opened her mouth and cursed fiercely.

"Wendy, how dare you treat your father and stepmother like this? You'll go to hell for this!"

But Wendy just ignored it.If curses like this could work, Ruben and Cacia would have gone to hellseveral times already.

"Dad! Mom!" Eris cried desperately, rushing over to stop the police.

"They were framed.They didn't do anything..."

"Get out of the way!" the policeman at the front said sharply.

Eris shook her head desperately, with tears streaming down her face.

With a serious look, the policeman continued, "You are obstructing our work.If you don't get out of theway right now, we will take you to the police station, 1005 “

Hearing that, Eris froze and gradually withdrew her hands.By that time, the policemen had draggedCacia and Ruben out of the hotel hall and shoved them into the police car.

The whole arrest was captured by the reporters with cameras.Once the commotion in the hall had dieddown, Wendy picked up the microphone again.

"Well, I've said everything that I wanted to say.If you have any questions, now is the time.My agent willanswer them for you." The hall was quiet.

None of the reporters had any questions.

After all, Wendy had already explained everything clearly.

"In that case, the press conference is officially over."

With the help of the security guards, Wendy and the others left the scene.

Meanwhile, Eris wanted to take this opportunity to quietly slip away.

But she had barely taken two steps when she was noticed by the reporters.

"Eris is trying to leave!" one of them shouted.

Hearing that, the rest of the reporters rushed forward to block Eris' way.

"Eris, all this time, have you been acting off screen?"

"You are just a young woman.How can you be so vicious?"

"How did you have the heart to frame your sister? Don't you get nightmares when you sleep?"

"You stole your sister's boyfriend but acted like you were the victim.You even claimed that Wendystabbed you! How can you be so ruthless?"The reporters besieged Eris, attacking her one afteranother.

Before Eris could answer, someone in the crowd snorted and said coldly, "She must have inherited itfrom her mother.Just by looking at Cacia, you can tell what kind of person Eris is."

"No, that's not true!" Eris said desperately.

"What do you mean?" a reporter asked.

However, Eris didn't have the words to explain.Her head was buzzing, making it impossible for her tothink her way out of this situation.

Staring at the microphones that were just inches away from her face, she felt suffocated.

She wanted to retreat, but everywhere she turned, she was surrounded by reporters.Her mind wentblank.She could see the reporters opening and closing their mouths, but she couldn't hear what theywere saying at all.

As she looked at their accusing faces and contemptuous eyes, all she could hear was a shrill ringingsound in her ears.She couldn't help trembling.

"Eris! Eris..."

In the luxury car outside the hotel, Ryan's tense shoulders slightly relaxed after the live broadcast wasover.

He moved his stiff fingertips and turned off the iPad.

"Well, I must say, the press conference was a success! It's finally over," Luke said happily, stretchinghis arms.

He had barely finished speaking when he saw Wendy, Roger, and the others being escorted out of thehotel by their security guards.

"Hey, look! Wendy came out!"

Luke craned his neck and was about to roll down the window to greet Wendy.But his finger had barelytouched the button when Ryan stopped him.

"Ryan! Wendy's right there."

"I'm not blind,"Ryan said curtly.

Luke speechlessly watched Wendy and the others disappear from his sight. Then, he turned to Ryanwith a downcast look.

"Ryan, I'm trying to help you.You've done so much for her.Now that the press conference is over, andher name has been cleared, why don't you congratulate her?"

Ryan didn't reply, but just put away the iPad with a frown.However, his silence made Luke feel evenmore anxious.

"Ryan, what's wrong? You should tell her what you've done for her.It's not easy to get such a goodopportunity.Why aren't you taking advantage of it? At this rate, when will Wendy become my sister inlaw?'

When Ryan heard that, his frown deepened.

"Be quiet!" he hissed.

Luke pursed his lips, but in his mind, he complained, ‘Damn it! I said all that for your own good, but youasked me to shut up.It's so unfair!’

Ryan knocked on the back of the driver's seat and said to the driver, "Let's go."

"Sir, where are we going?"

"To the company."


The driver obediently started the engine.

After a few minutes of silence, Luke couldn't help speaking up again.

"Ryan, why are we going to the company now?"

"For work!"

Luke’s jaw almost dropped in shock.

‘Well...I guess I should have known better than to ask"

Leaning towards his workaholic brother, Luke whispered, "Ryan, do you have a plan for winningWendy's heart? In my opinion, men should have a strategy when pursuing women.You should be quietand careful when it's necessary, but when it's time to be bold, you should stand out..."

Listening to Luke drone on and on, Ryan felt his head ache.He had trouble sleeping.

What was worse, with Raymond's operation, as well as having to prepare for the press conference, hehad barely gotten any sleep for the past several days.

"Luke!" Ryan said sharply, rubbing his temples.

"What?" It was only then that Luke finally stopped talking.

Without any expression, Ryan said, "Do you know something?"novelbin


Luke eagerly perked up his ears.

"You are more noisy than five hundred ducks!"Luke dejectedly slumped down in his seat, and finallyshut up.

The car instantly fell into silence.

Ryan closed his eyes and leaned against the seat.

Of course, he understood what Luke had been trying to tell him just now.

However, considering the situation that he and Wendy were in, those words didn't apply to him.

Right now, all he could do was silently make it up to her.


Hearing Luke's voice again, Ryan took a deep breath and impatiently opened his eyes.

"Can I speak now?"

Ryan stared at him without saying anything.

"I just want to say one thing..."

"Go ahead!"

"Well...I just got the news that Bruce boarded the plane back!"

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