My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 231: I Am The Witness Plop!
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Chapter 231: I Am The Witness Plop!

Cacia's men grabbed Cassie and threw her into the sea.The camera zoomed in on the scene, showinghow the water splashed after Cassie fell into the sea.

Her head popped out of the surface a few times as she struggled to swim up, but because her handsand feet were tied, all her efforts were in vain.

Soon, after accidentally swallowing a few mouthfuls of sea water, she stopped struggling.

As the ship slowly moved away, Cassie's figure in the water grew smaller and smaller.

All of a sudden, a wave came and engulfed her, making her completely disappear from sight.

The video ended abruptly, throwing the hall into a tense silence.

One second passed, and then two...

Five seconds later, like a drop of water falling into a "Damn it! I've been a reporter for so many years,but this is the first time I've felt like cursing someone!"

"Cacia should go to hell! I've never seen such a shameless woman before.Not only did she stealCassie's husband, but she also killed her for her properties.An arrogant mistress like her deserves tobe slapped!"

"She was a murderer, but she pretended to be a kind stepmother! How dare she?"

The crowd was absolutely furious.

They cursed one after another, especially the female reporters.

A mistress was every married woman's worst enemy, and Cacia was the worst mistress of them all.

Even after doing so many evil things, she had been shameless enough to act like an innocent womanand cheat the public.

After a while, the eyes of the reporters were drawn to Wendy.

She was standing there with her face to the side, and her eyes were still focused on the big screenbehind her.

Dressed in black pants and a black blouse, she looked poised and delicate.

At this moment, her face was pale, and her eyes were red.

It was obvious that she was fighting to hold back her tears, because she bit her lower lip hard, leavingdeep marks on her red lip.

Everyone watching her, both men and women, couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Wendy had lost her mother when she was just a child.

Her biological father didn't care about her at all, and her stepmother was a vicious woman.

And now, in front of everyone's eyes, she had even watched a video of her mother being murdered incold blood.

After everything that she had suffered in her life, there was no doubt that Wendy must carry a deepsorrow in her heart.

Outside the hotel, in the luxury car, there was dead silence.

Even Luke, who was usually talkative, remained silent.

As for Ryan, he clenched his fists as he stared at Wendy, who was standing with her back to thecamera.

Even through the screen, he could tell that she was just pretending to be strong.

At this moment, he wanted nothing more than to hold her tightly in his arms.

In that way, he would be able to help her bear all the hardships.

At the press conference, after cursing Casia, the reporters angrily thrust their microphones in front ofRuben.

"Ruben, what do you have to say about the video?"

"Not only did you have an affair while you were married to Cassie, but you even murdered her togetherwith your mistress and took over her properties.You're so shameless!"

"How can a scumbag like you dare to stir up trouble again?"

Ruben's face turned pale.He had never dreamed that Wendy would have such a video in herpossession.He swallowed nervously and tried to defend himself by saying, "No...This video must befake..."

Wendy winked at one of the security guards, and he tugged the rag out of Cacia’'s mouth.

The moment Cacia was able make a sound, she screamed, broke free of the security guards’ grips,and rushed to the laptop to grab the USB flash drive.

She wanted to destroy the evidence of her crime.

"Go on! There are a lot of copies of this video," Wendy said as she wiped off her tears.

By the time she turned around to face the audience, she had regained her composure.

She had already watched this video several times before, but every time she watched it again, she stillfelt the same heartache as she had felt the first time.

After returning home from abroad, she had focused on investigating the truth behind her mother'sdeath.

She had gotten a private detective on board, but since it had been a long time since her mother died, ithad been difficult to find any evidence.

It was only recently that Wendy had gotten her hands on this video, which had been left by one of themen who worked for Cacia back then.

That day on the ship, he had secretly filmed this video so that he would have some leverage in caseCacia tried to kill him in order to bury the gory truth.

When the results of the investigation led Wendy to this man, she found that he was incurably ill stat.

Killing but that had left him feeling uneasy for the rest of his life.

So when he was found by Wendy, he handed over the video to her without any hesitation and told herthat he would turn himself in.

Even though the video had ended, the scene of her mother being thrown mercilessly into the sea keptflashing through Wendy's mind.

She squeezed her eyes shut to get the image out of her mind.

‘Mom...How desperate you were when you were thrown into the sea like that?’ When Wendy openedher eyes again, there was a cold, they glinted angrily.

Staring with contempt at Cacia, she said, "Cacia, you're the one who killed my mother.What else doyou want to say?"

"No! This is a doctored video.You must have doctored it!"

Cold sweat dripped from Cacia's forehead.She would never admit to her crime.

"The court will judge whether it's doctored or not.Oh, I forgot to tell you.I called the police beforestarting the press conference!"

"What? The police?" Cacia stammered.

Color drained from her lips, leaving them dry and pale.

"Of course.After all, you're a murderer.We all saw the evidence today!"

Cacia still shook her head fervently and cried, "No! The video is doctored.You don't even have awitness! Don't talk nonsense..."

Hearing her words, the reporters gnashed their teeth in hatred.

The video was clear for everyone to see.

Cacia had obviously committed a murder.

In the face of such strong evidence, how could she still deny it? She was so stubborn! After panickingfor a few seconds, however, Cacia came back to her senses.

She knew that with such strong evidence, she wouldn't be able to escape today.But if she was going todie, then she would take Wendy with her.

The thought of that calmed her down.novelbin

"No matter what, it can't change the fact that you got pregnant when you were nineteen! Admit it, youlive a promiscuous life!" she said.

Wendy stared at her coldly.She hadn't expected Cacia to be someone who wouldn't give up even afterthey had lost.

But since Cacia was so determined to drag her name through the mud one way or another, shedecided to give her a taste of her own medicine.

"I admit that I got pregnant, but as for living a promiscuous life, I don't agree with you.Since you are notafraid of public humiliation, I don't mind exposing the truth to all the reporters here!" Wendy sneered.

‘The truth?’ The reporters were once again thrown into confusion.

They had no idea what Wendy meant.

This press conference seemed to be just one shocking revelation after another.

Staring at the reporters, Wendy said flatly, "Four years ago, I was a bridesmaid at the wedding of Rosieand Kane.The reason why I had a one-night stand with someone that night was because I wasdrugged!"

Her words left the reporters thunderstruck.

The crowd erupted into shocked exclamations.


"What? Who was evil enough to do that?"

"Wait, is it...?"

With realization dawning in their eyes, the reporters all slowly looked at Cacia.

Cacia's face contorted in fury.

"Wendy, don't blame me like this! You got pregnant because of your own bad conduct.How dare youaccuse me? Do you have any evidence, or even a witness? If not, I can sue you for slander!"

Wendy opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, a loud voice came from the back of thecrowd.

"Who says there is no witness?"

Hearing the sound, the reporters turned around at once.A woman with a gentle face and a slenderfigure walked through the crowd.

She was wearing a white turtleneck, a black fur coat, form-fitting black pants, and a pair of black boots.

Her long hair hung loosely over her shoulders, and she was wearing light, delicate makeup.She lookedsimilar to Cassie in the video just now.

"She is Wendy's sister.Reese, right?" one of the reporters asked.

Sure enough, the woman who had just appeared was none other than Reese.

Reese stepped onto the stage and stood next to Wendy.

"l am the witness!"

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