My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 221: One More Chance
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Chapter 221: One More Chance

Brian was furious.After he had taken over running the hotel, one inexplicable disaster after anotherfollowed endlessly, it seemed.

Because he was young and inexperienced, the executives and shareholders had very little confidenceand faith in him.

He had been battling with depression over the past few days and now this crisis fueled the situation.

What was worse, it was obvious that the management was at fault, but now it rested on his shouldersto rectify the problem.

Brian became more furious as he thought about the accountability that he was saddled with.

"We must give the public an explanation today! They are impatiently awaiting a response from us.Whois in charge of that hotel?" Brian snapped.

A senior manager, Nathan Bush slowly stood up with a sullen face.


"Do you know the extent of your wrongdoing?" Nathan looked unconvinced.

He had been working in the Vienna Chain Hotel since Anson opened the first hotel in Ywood.

Later, the hotel business was handed over to Jaylen, and Nathan then worked for him.

From opening a branch to being listed in the US, he had more than twenty years of loyal service in thehotel to his credit.

Even Jaylen would show some respect to him when he saw him.

But now, with so many senior executives in the meeting room, Brian rebuked him without hesitation.Hecould read Brian's mind.

Brian had to show that he was made of sterner stuff.

He had to convince the senior executives that he was more than capable of getting to the bottom of theproblem.

If raising his voice helped him gain prestige as a newly appointed head, then so be it.

Nathan was a smart man.

With a glint in his eyes, he lowered his head and apologized profusely, "Mr.Oliver, now that such adevastating incident has occurred in the hotel under my jurisdiction, I have an inescapableresponsibility to set matters right.I must admit that I was not aware of this problem until I saw it online.Itwas indeed negligence on my part!"

'’Negligence? How could he reduce such a monumental problem just by saying that he was negligent?’'Brian's face darkened with dissatisfaction.

"Nathan, do you attribute this entire crisis to your mere negligence alone?"

Nathan pretended to be somewhat angry.

"Mr.Oliver, I would have had no knowledge of this had it not been exposed on the internet.It was thefault of my subordinates! They chose to hide the truth from me.Mr.Oliver, you can rest assured that Iwill get to the bottom of this debacle.I will find out the truth and give the public an acceptableexplanation!"

Then he added in a harsh voice, "It may be our competitors who instigated it.Mr.Oliver, don't worry.Thetruth will surface after my thorough investigation gets under way!"

He so easily laid blame squarely on the shoulders of his subordinates and competitors.

Brian's gloomy face became even longer.

"This matter has had a very bad impact on the company's image! We have received such negativepublicity.Our years of hard work to build an affable image has been tarnished in a matter ofminutes.Since you have volunteered to handle it, I'll give you three days.If you can't calm down thenetizens in three days, you will be fired!"

Nathan's facial muscles stiffened.


"The meeting is over!"

No one dared to interrupt.

They all then vacated the meeting room in a flurry.

As Brian looked at the negative comments on the laptop, he was so enraged that he almost smashedthe laptop.

‘'Damn it! Why am I plagued by so much of trouble?'’ His enthusiasm towards Eris had reducedconsiderably.His desperate attempt to contact Wendy was futile as Ryan answered the call.

Honestly, he couldn't understand why Ryan had Wendy's phone.

'What exactly is the relationship between the two of them?' The more he thought about it, the moreirritable he became.

He was reaching breaking point.

Consumed with heated anger, Brian closed the laptop.

Brian prepared to leave the office for the day.But just then, his phone rang.

Recognizing the caller ID, he touched his face and neutralized his facial expression before answeringthe phone.

"Mom, it's still so early in the morning in the US.Why are you calling me at this hour? Is my dad fine?"

"Brian! What's going on at the hotel?"

Brian cursed in his mind!

'Damn it! Which big-mouthed gossip told her about it?'


"How do you plan to solve this matter?"

"Well, we plan to apologize and fire the relevant personnel."

Nellie was silent for a long time.

Brian was always afraid of his mother.


"What else?"

'What? What does she mean?' Brian was stunned.

Then he asked, "Mom, what do you mean?"

A few seconds of solid silence followed on the other end of the phone.

Brian was a little nervous and started perspiring.


"Brian, I am disappointed in you!"


"I came to the US with your father to give you a chance to find your feet in the company and manage itsuccessfully.You have worked in the company for such a long time, so you should know somethingabout the company.How is it that you only got to know about the problem when it was exposed on theinternet?" "

"Don't bother to explain! If you showed any real interest in the company, then the matter would havebeen reported to you first, and then it could have been duly resolved."

Brian maintained his shameful silence.

"Besides, since the incident, have you had the insight to ask yourself why a small sanitation issuewould lead to a serious of problems?"

Brian was stunned.


"Do you still think it's a coincidence?"

Brian was speechless.

That was exactly what he had believed.

"Mom? Do you mean someone did it on purpose?" Brian asked carefully.

Nellie became more and more disappointed.

She snapped, "Are you only wasting your time having fun with that tease Eris in our absence? You gotso distracted by that worthless slut that you neglected your duties in the company, and you didn't evenknow that someone was plotting against you! How can your father and I trust you with such majorresponsibilities if you are proving to be so inefficient? Seems like you are not ready to manage such abig company!"

Brian instantly tensed up.Tiny beads of perspiration accumulated on his forehead.

'Heck...What does she mean?'

"It only happened yesterday, yet it's become the hottest topic of discussion on the internet today.I don'tbelieve there's no pusher behind it!"

Taking a deep breath, Brian said, "Mom, I'll find out who is behind this."

"No, you don't have to!"

Brian was terribly scared.


"I have given you a chance, but you have failed to seize it.You idle away valuable time daydreamingabout the love that you and Eris share.Are you still an ambitious man or a slave to love?"

Nellie's voice became colder and harsher.

"Find a decent lawyer to write an apology letter and send it out before midnight.Your father and I willtake care of the rest!"

Brian knew that his mother was extremely disappointed in him.He was mortified.

In the past, he had never had a sense of crisis.

Bruce was not interested in his family's business and had been busy with his own business in theshowbiz all day long.

Therefore, Brian took it for granted that he would be in charge of the company in the future.

But according to his mother's words just now, he realized that that was not the case at all.

'Is it because Bruce is in the US with our parents and win their favor? Has he influenced them in someway? Have Dad and Mom changed their attitude towards him? The more Brian thought about it, themore panicky he got.

His body stiffened.

"Mom, I was too careless this time.Please give me another chance.I will minimize the damage to thecompany.I promise you that I will make amends and manage the company properly."

Nellie remained silent for a long time.

It seemed as if she was considering the credibility of his words.


"Okay! I'll give you one more chance! Three days! That is all you have! You have to calm down thenetizens and get their attention away from us, and find out who is plotting against us."


"After three days, your father and I will come back to check on your progress!"

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