My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 219: You May Leave
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Chapter 219: You May Leave

At that time, Wendy had already contacted a small clinic to remove one of her kidneys to be sold.

Raymond had overheard the conversation between Wendy and the doctor and flew into an infernalrage.

He prohibited her from taking such a severe line of action by threatening to commit suicide if she did8.5 He hugged her tightly and cried bitterly.

Eventually, she had to abandon the idea.

Since then, his hatred for his biological father increased manifold.

If it weren't for his father, Wendy would not have given birth to him and would have been spared a lifeof pain and unbearable suffering.

And if his father had not abandoned them, Wendy would not have had to bear the huge expenses ofraising a little boy all alone.

Therefore, when Raymond discovered that Ryan was his biological father, the grandiose impression hehad built up of him disappeared and was replaced by deep seated hatred.

"You hate me?"

"Just stop it!"

Raymond shut his eyes tight as if to make Ryan disappear.His intention of resistance was obvious.

"I don't want to hear your voice!"

In his eyes, Ryan was the most repulsive man he had ever met.

Sadness was scribbled all over Ryan's face.

He didn't pressurize Raymond to accept him straight away.He would have to bide his time.

He could understand the mixed emotions that the little boy was going through.That emotional rollercoaster needed to stop gradually.

Although Raymond and Precious were twins, their lives were poles apart.There was a distinctdifference in their socio-economic statuses.

Like a princess, Precious grew up in a wealthy family, enjoying the material comforts that most peoplecould only dream of.

Even though she was a premature baby, she had been taken good care of and had grown up healthily.

On the other hand, Raymond lived like a pauper with Wendy after he came into this world, and themother and son had endured endless hardships.

Now, a man who had never cared about him before, claimed that he was his biological father.

It was expected that Raymond wouldn't accept it.

With a sad look and the life force draining out of his fatigued body, Ryan moved the chair away tocreate a distance between himself and Raymond.

He hoped that this would comfort Raymond a little and literally give him space.

"Ray, I'm very sorry about what you and your mother had to go through because of me.Whether youaccept or not, I will do everything in my power to make it up to you."

Raymond didn't respond as if he had not heard a word spoken by Ryan.

Again, the room lapsed into an awkward silence.The tension in the air was palpable.

Fortunately, Precious and Luke came back at that moment and broke the tension.

"Ray! I bought you some fresh orange juice. Just taste it.If you like it, I will buy it for you againtomorrow."

She skipped to the bed with a glass of fresh orange juice in her hand.

Raymond struggled to sit up.He winced in a bit of pain.

Luke immediately hurried to help him.Raymond glared at him coldly.

'Uh! His eyes look unfriendly'' Luke was taken aback, and Raymond sat up on his own.

Luke rubbed his nose and looked away.

'Hmm.Is it an illusion? Why do I feel that Ray doesn't want to see me?'

"Ray, how's the orange juice? Is it tasty?"

"Yes, it is so nice and sweet!"

When she heard that, Precious' eyes lit up.

"Why didn't you buy a cup for yourself?"

Feeling embarrassed, Precious scratched her head and said softly, "I forgot..."

She had completely forgotten about buying herself one.

He was her only concern.

She wanted to buy it and bring it to him immediately.

"You are so silly and forgetful!"

Raymond held the cup up and put the straw to her mouth.

"Here! Have a taste."

Precious took a sip and said with great delight, "Wow! It's really sweet! I love it!"

"Drink more."

"Ray, you'd better drink the rest.I'm no longer thirsty."

She lied that she was not thirsty, but her sparkling eyes were fixed on the tempting orange juice.

Raymond patted her head gently and said, "I haven't recovered fully yet so I can't drink too much."


"Have I ever lied to you?" Raymond asked seriously.

'No, you haven't, ' Precious thought.

Raymond handed the orange juice to her and said, "Drink more and leave some for me please."

"Okay! With pleasure!"

Precious took the cup and drank happily with the straw.Her taste buds were satisfied.

Raymond looked at her tenderly Everybody was quite relieved to witness this.

"Ray, take a look at this."

Luke grinned and took out something from behind him.

"I got this for you.Do you like it?"

Raymond looked at it with disinterest.

It was a magic cube.He shot a quick glance at it and then looked in the opposite direction, projectingboredom.

"Uh..." Luke's smile froze.

"You don't like it?"

Precious said, "Ray, Uncle Luke has bought this magic cube especially for you.He said that it's yourfavorite toy.It will keep you busy and happy while you are in the ward."

Raymond said dispassionately, "Who said that I like to play with the magic cube?"

Precious was dumbstruck.Luke was also stunned.

"Don't you like it? I remember when we were in Ensfield..."

He clearly remembered how much Raymond enjoyed playing with it when Ryan had given it to himback then.

"It's just a childish way to coax a child."

Luke was speechless.He was not stupid.

If he didn't realize by now that Raymond was deliberating targeting him, then as an adult, he was not atall wise.

Then he said in a sorrowful tone, "Ray, you don't have to be so distant.Answer me from your heart.Am Igood to you? Do I treat you well? You can't be so cruel to me just because my mother hurt you.

How sad I am! Without even raising his eyelids, Raymond said, "You deserve it."

"What? Why?"

"Your surname is Oliver!"

Luke was stunned.

'Does he hate me just because my surname is Oliver? Wait!” Luke reminded him, "Precious' surnameis also Oliver.Why don't you hate her?"

Raymond took the orange juice from Precious and his cold face softened.He took a quick sip of thejuice and savored its sweetness.

After swallowing the juice, he said something extremely venomous.

"Precious...Are you qualified to compare yourself with her?"

Luke was shocked into deathly silence.

'Damn! My heart is shattered!'

There was a market not far from the hospital.

Soon, Wendy returned to the hospital with fresh lean meat and wonton wrappers.

As soon as she entered the ward, she sensed that something was wrong.They looked at each other,but nobody uttered a sound.

The atmosphere was strange.novelbin

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Mommy, I'm so glad you are back!"

Raymond's expressionless face broke into a bright, colorful smile.He touched his stomach.

"Mommy, I'm starving.I could eat a horse."

"I'll cook wontons right away."


Without any hesitation, Wendy went into the kitchen as it was getting late.

As soon as she left, the smile on Ray's face disappeared, as if his ray of sunlight had gone far away.

Luke was befuddled.

'Wow! He can be a good actor'' The tap in the kitchen was turned on, and soon the sound of meatbeing cut could be heard.

Raymond glanced at the crowd casually and said, "It's getting dark..."

His meaning was apparent.He wanted them to leave.Josie felt a little embarrassed being driven awayso bluntly.Nevertheless, she stood up from the sofa and said, "Then we will come and visit youtomorrow."

"No need to.I'm fine."

When Josie heard this, she didn't know what to say.

Anson cleared his throat and said to Luke, "Luke, let's go!"

But Luke didn't want to leave.It had been a long time since he had eaten food cooked by Wendy.

To be honest, Wendy's food was so delicious that he drooled at the thought of her food.

Luke approached Raymond with a smile and said fawningly, "Ray, how about I have a bowl of wontonsbefore I leave?"

Raymond's eyes turned cold.

"Your stomach is so big that I can't imagine how many wontons my mommy has to prepare."

Upon hearing that, Luke wanted to cry.

‘'What? I feel humiliated!'’

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