My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 197: On Her Own Merit
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Chapter 197: On Her Own Merit


Josie sat down next to her and started to rub her hand.

"What happened? She was fine just now."

Precious withdrew her hand from Josie’s clasp.She didn't want to be touched by her grandmother.


The little girl turned her head away and nestled in Ryan's arms.

Josie's heart broke.She was angry and worried.She hated Wendy with all her might.

Josie thought that Wendy must have brainwashed Precious by speaking ill of her.

Otherwise, Precious would have never rejected her.Precious had never behaved with her in thismanner before.

Precious would always throw herself into her arms and call her Grandma in a soft and loving voice.

"Precious! My child, I'm your grandma..."

"I want Ray! I want to see Ray!"

Although Precious was too weak to open her eyes, she was still worried about Raymond.

Seeing her in this state, Josie did not dare to speak anything harsh.

"Okay, yes.I'll ask people to send Ray back right now Josie stood up and hurriedly called the driver.

"Go and get Ray back."

When Wendy heard Josie command the driver to bring Ray, she said, "I'm going with him."

Josie wanted Wendy out of the house as soon as possible, so she asked the driver to take Wendyalong.

Without saying a word, Ryan handed Precious over to Luke and marched after Wendy.

"Ryan!" Josie snapped in a stern voice.

As Ryan halted in his tracks, she stared at him in disbelief.

"What do you think you're doing? Precious is seriously ill.Where are you going?"


Luke walked over to where Ryan was.

"You stay here with Precious and take care of her.I'll accompany Wendy."

Finally, Josie understood.She trembled with fury.She pointed at Ryan's face and said, "You areimpossible! Are you in your right frame of mind? My son, are you worried that I will ask someone toharm Wendy? How can you think so little of me? Do you really think I'm such a cruel person?"

"Isn't it cruel to kidnap a child?" Ryan asked in reply.

Josie was stupefied.

Trembling, she clutched her chest.

‘What an unfaithful son he turns out to be? How could I give birth to such a bastard?’ "Daddy..."

"Yes, sweetie!"

Weakly, Precious opened her eyes and said in a low voice, "Bring Ray back."

Ryan's eyes softened as he looked at Precious.

He gently touched her head and said, "Sweetheart, I promise.When you wake up, Ray will be back."

Precious closed her eyes in relief when she heard Ryan's promise.

Then, Ryan followed Wendy into the rain.

Leo arrived soon.He brought nurses and all kinds of medicine along with him.He gave Precious aninjection and started to prepare her for an infusion.

Precious had gone into a coma.

Josie and Luke were distraught over Precious.

"Leo, it seems that her condition has worsened than before."

In the past, Precious had never gone into acoma.Leo took off his mask and asked with a serious look,"Did she fall ill all of a sudden?"

"Yes.Just like in the past when she used to fall sick all of a sudden.We were talking, and suddenly, herface got all red and her temperature rose sharply."

Leo ran a hand over Precious’ head, which was very hot to touch.


"Let's start the infusion first."

That was the only thing Leo could do in the current situation.

Luke was distressed as he looked at Precious lying on the bed.She looked so tiny.

Josie wiped her tears as she sat on the edge of the bed.

She started to complain to Luke, "Ryan is so heartless.His daughter is so ill, but he is only worriedabout somebody else's son.How can someone else's child be important than his own daughter?"

Hearing Josie’s tirade, Leo cast Luke a look filled with questions.

Luke shrugged and ignored him.

"He was so nervous as if I would have really hurt that boy," Josie added.

It was true that she had kidnapped Raymond.

But she had just done it to frighten Wendy.

She had never intended to hurt Raymond.

Josie was not that type of a person.

How could she hurt a child who was as old as her own Precious? However, neither Ryan nor Preciousbelieved her.

The more Josie dwelled on it, the more furious she got.

In frustration, Josie vented her anger on Luke.

"I think she has all of you under some spell.That's why you all are taking her side.Ryan is bewitched byher.But I don't understand why you too.What is wrong with you?"


"You just shut up! I don't want to listen to you!"

Josie's eyes were red from continuously crying.She shoved a finger in Luke's face and scolded him.

"I think you are trying to piss me off! You knew that tramp was seducing him.Why didn't you stop her?And why are you helping them? Are you stupid? That woman's private life is a disaster.She's notmarried, and yet she already has a child.You were aware of all these things, yet you didn't deem itnecessary to inform me.I guess you have grown up now, and you don't need my opinion or permissionbefore doing anything.That is what you think, right?"

Luke rolled his eyes and did not say a word.

"Say something!"

Luke reminded her, "Didn't you just tell me to shut up and that you didn't want to listen to me?"

"You can go ahead and say something now!" Josie yelled.

"All right! Now allow me to enlighten you."

It was rare for Luke to be so serious.

"Firstly, Wendy is not a tramp—"

"Damn it, Luke! I will break your legs!"

"Even if you break my legs, I will not keep quiet.I have to say it, and you have to listen."

Luke put some distance between them and spoke loudly.

"It hasn't been easy for my brother to fall in love with a woman.

Now that he has met someone he finally likes, who am I to stop him? In fact, why should I stop him?Mom, you knew how Ryan has been from the time he was a baby.

You only saw his excellence.

Have you ever noticed his mood swings? Have you ever seen a smile on his face? To be honest, in thepast, my brother was like a robot.

Other than his work, he had no life.

He was just a man without any emotions.

No joy, anger, or sadness.

But after he met Wendy, he has changed.

He has all these different emotions awakening within him.He is more like an actual person now.

I really don't know why you have a problem with it.Besides, you don't know Wendy at all.

You concluded that she was a tramp and her private life was a disaster just because of the news.

Is that really fair to her? What's wrong if she has a child? She brought that child in the world on her ownmerit, and she didn't steal him!"

Josie was so angry that her face turned red, and her entire body trembled.

‘Huh? What the hell? On her own merit? Had her private life not been a disaster, she wouldn't havegotten pregnant, would she? she thought crossly.

"Mom, you have got to stop being so biased just because she has a child.Doesn't my brother also havea child?"

"That is not the same."

Josie thought even though Ryan had a child, Ryan still deserved a better woman than Wendy.novelbin

Luke rolled his eyes and asked her, "Why is that not the same? Aren't we all equal? Besides, why areyou so hell-bent on it? When you met my father, you were junior to him by twenty years, and he too hada son who was only two years younger than you.Yet you chose to be with him."

‘Nonsense! It was totally unreasonable! How could it be the same? Anson and I were in love with eachother.But Wendy had her own agenda!" Josie thought vehemently.

"Mom..." Josie turned to look at Luke with suspicion.

"Why are you on her side? Do you like Wendy too?"

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