My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 193: Where’s Ray
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Chapter 193: Where's Ray

Wendy's heart sank.

Unable to bear the frustrations any longer, she knelt on the ground and wept.

"Why is nobody answering?"

Ryan looked at the string of numbers on his phone, and his eyes flashed for a second.

All of a sudden, his phone rang.

It was Luke.

Ryan answered the call in a heartbeat.

"Hello?" he said, a sense of urgency in his voice.

The heavy rain poured in simultaneous thuds.

Wendy could not hear what Luke was saying, and she just looked at Ryan with expectant eyes.

She was so eager for updates that she did not blink when raindrops fell into her eyes.

However, she found that Ryan's face turned gloomier by the second.

Seeing the look on his face, she could not help but be even more apprehensive.

The instant Ryan hung up the phone, Wendy stood up and asked, "Is that about Ray? Has there beenan update about his whereabouts?"

"I know who has him."

Hearing this, Wendy grabbed his hand and urged, "Let's go! Take me to him!"

To her surprise, Ryan did not move.

"Let's go!" she urged again.

"Wendy, we've found out who took Ray away.He's not in danger."

Wendy was stunned.She was puzzled.It felt as though her brain had gone blank.She could notunderstand what Ryan meant by that.

'How could he be safe when he's missing? Besides, if the person who took him away meant no harm,why did they have to hide Ray?' "Wendy, I promise you, Ray is safe," Ryan assured.

"Are you sure?"


Wendy's knees buckled, and Ryan hurriedly held her in his arms.

"I'm fine.Just take me to him.I want to see Ray now."


At that moment, Ryan waved his hand as though signaling to someone from afar.

The driver immediately drove the car towards them, and the car came to a halt right next to them.

Ryan helped Wendy get inside.

Once they were seated, the driver handed them two dry towels and turned the heating on.

But instead of going to Ray, the driver drove to Ensfield, perplexing Wendy.

"Why are we going home? Has Ray returned?" she asked anxiously.

"No." Ryan put his hand on her shoulder.

"You can take a shower and change your clothes."


"You wouldn't want Ray to see you like this."

With a sigh, Wendy tugged Ryan's sleeve and asked again, "Is Ray really okay?"

"Yes, I promise."

The two gazed into each other's eyes for a moment.

His eyes were firm and deep, and they made her feel at ease.

It was only then that Wendy was able to let out a sigh of relief.

At that moment, she lowered her head and looked at herself.

She was soaking wet, and there were splashes of mud on her clothes.

'He's right.I look horrible.Ray will definitely feel bad for me if he sees me like this.'

They arrived at the mansion not long after.

Wendy got out and hurriedly took a warm shower.

Once done, she changed her clothes into comfortable ones.

Now that her hair was dry and she looked presentable, she walked out of her room.

Standing by the door of the living room, Ryan was waiting for her, a big black umbrella in his hand.

Like Wendy, he also changed his clothes.

In the heavy rain, Ryan's black car stopped by the door.

Without further ado, Wendy got into the car.

Luke was sitting in the passenger seat, while Precious was in the back seat.

The moment Ryan entered the car, the little girl rushed into his arms.

"Aunt Wendy!" Precious called.

Wendy forced a smile.She hoped Precious would forgive her for being unenthusiastic at themoment.She was really not in the mood to talk.

Ryan must have gotten a sense of what Wendy was feeling, so he stroked Precious' hair and said,"Aunt Wendy is tired."

Precious was understanding.

She nodded obediently and did not talk to Wendy anymore.

The car sped away in a jiffy.

Everyone was silent along the way.

Even Luke, who had always been particularly talkative, did not say a word and just kept a straight facethroughout the ride.

Half an hour later, they entered the gate of a manor in the suburbs.

When Precious realized where they were, she turned to Ryan and asked, "Daddy, didn't you say you'dtake us to Ray? Why would we come to Grandpa and Grandma's house?"

Wendy raised her head upon hearing that.

Ryan was at a loss at how to explain.

"Well...Ray is with your grandparents," he answered briefly.

Wendy looked at him in confusion.

In a low and hoarse voice, she asked, "Your parents were the ones who kidnapped Ray?"

Ryan did not answer and instead looked back at her with a sullen expression.

Seeing that the two were in a predicament, Luke chimed in and explained, "Wendy, Ryan and I had noidea why our parents did this.Let's not jump to conclusions.The most important thing to do at themoment is to find Ray.We can talk about other things later."

Wendy took a deep breath and nodded in response.

'Luke's right.What we should do right now is ensure Ray's safety.As for other things, I can worry aboutthem later.'

At the thought of this, she pursed her lips and did not ask any more questions.

Deafening silence filled the car as the driver drove into the manor.

The place was so vast that the car had to take several turns.

Not only that, it took several minutes for them to reach the house.

The instant the car stopped, a servant came to open the door.

The servant shouted into the distance, "Mr.Ryan and Mr.Luke have come! Miss Precious is with them!"

The four got out of the car at once.

Ryan held Precious' hand with one hand and Wendy with the other.

A servant then walked towards them with an umbrella.novelbin

Josie was waiting for them at the front door.

She was wearing a floral cheongsam, and there was a huge smile on her face.

The moment she saw them, she rushed out to hug Precious.

"My sweetheart, I missed you so much! I Haven't seen you for such a long time.Come and give me ahug!"

However, Precious nestled in Ryan's neck and did not even look at her grandmother.

'Humph! You locked me in my bedroom last time and did not allow me to see Ray and Aunt Wendy.Istill remember it!' she thought indignantly.

As the little girl just ignored her, Josie frowned and asked, "Precious, what's wrong?"

Precious just snorted in response.

Josie's heart sank.

She had been nice to Precious since the little girl was a baby.She was the one who took care ofPrecious, but the child just ignored her.She felt bitter in her heart.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Wendy, standing next to Ryan and holding his hand.

Josie could not help but frown at the sight.

‘'Precious has never been cold and unfriendly to me.She used to be cute and lovely.She would call meGrandma in a sweet voice.Wendy must be the one telling the girl to stay away from me.” Josie's facedarkened at the thought of that.

"Mom, it's pouring outside! Why don't you let us in first? Look, I'm drenched all over!"

Luke complained.

"Don't you have an umbrella?"

"I do, but it's raining heavily, and the wind is strong.I got wet even with an umbrella.Look.My trousersare drenched."

Josie looked at Luke's trousers.

Sure enough, they were wet.

Her gaze shifted at Ryan.She noticed that not only were his trousers wet, but his shoulders were aswell.

Even Precious' skirt was not spared.

Seeing that they were soaking, she quickly turned sideways and said, "Come in."

Luke winked at Ryan meaningfully.

Holding Wendy's hand and with Precious in his arm, Ryan went inside.

Josie didn't even cast a single glance at Wendy.

Wendy noticed it, but she just pursed her lips and stayed silent.

Everyone gathered in the living room.

The servants brought a pot of warm tea for the visitors to warm their bodies, but the tea lay on thetable, untouched.

The atmosphere in the living room was cold and dreary.

Unable to bear the heavy atmosphere any longer, Josie put her cup down and broke the silence.

"What's wrong? Why did you come all of a sudden just to show me your long faces?"

Ryan took a look at Wendy.He knew at a glance that she was on the brink of exploding.Without beatingaround the bush, he asked, "Mom, where's Ray?"

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