My Bossy CEO Husband

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“| hear you're collaborating with Karina on a film project as the scriptwriter. Is that true?”“Yes, that’s correct,” Tilda confirmed.

“Fantastic! Tilda, which role would you prefer | take on?”

Valeria asked with enthusiasm, reaching out to grasp Tilda‘s hand.

Hutton interjected with concern, “Honey...”

“Shut up!”

Valeria shot a sharp look at Hutton.novelbin

His words got stuck halfway in his throat, and he contemplated whether or not to say something before deciding against it.Tilda couldn’t suppress a chuckle at the scene.

She gave Valeria a once-over and curiously asked, “Are you expecting a baby?”Valeria, her expression sour, pressed a hand to her belly.

“You're quite observant. Have | put on too much weight to look good in pictures?”

Tilda offered a silent smile in response.

Hutton chimed in, unable to contain himself, “Come on, give it to us straight. She’s nearing the three-month mark of herpregnancy. Does that make her unsuitable for shooting?”

With a gentle smile, Tilda replied, “The initial three months are vital for the baby’s development. During this phase, a mother’sdaily routine can significantly affect the baby’s well-being, which requires extra care...”

She spoke calmly, outlining the precautions and advice for early pregnancy, and then concluded, “Yet, a bit of exercise canactually help with metabolism, so there’s no need for excessive worry.”

Valeria’s face lit up with admiration.

“Tilda, your knowledge is impressive. Someone uninformed might think you’ve gone through it yourself!”

At that, Tilda’s smile stiffened. She adjusted her spectacles, diverting her gaze.

“I'm just a scriptwriter. I’ve gone through countless scripts, that’s all.” Everyone’s eyes turned towards her, prompting heracknowledgment.

Their conversation was interrupted as a group approached.“Rosa.” Lyndon’s voice cut through, and Rosalynn turned to see him approaching with a group of women.“Lyndon.”

“Rosa, these ladies are eager to meet you. Allow me to introduce them.

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