My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 1497
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Chapter 1497

Even Ballard was caught by surprise, but he recovered quickly. Cold disdain filled his eyes as he looked at Rosalynn.

With how things were going, $.W. Studio would almost certainly win the bidding.

“Fantastic! Every era boasts its prodigies, and Ms. Fuller is certainly one to behold,” Gail exclaimed, her admiration evident.“Your compliments are much appreciated,” Rosalynn responded with a gracious smile before taking her seat.

The coordinator of the bid conference then beckoned the subsequent firms to proceed with their presentations.

Clutching her chest, Maggie leaned in and murmured, “Rosalynn, my nerves were through the roof earlier. | didn’t slip up, did 1?”With an encouraging smile, Rosalynn reassured her, “You were splendid.

Even the judges paused to inquire further.”

Maggie's lips formed a tight line as she confessed, “It wasn’t my presentation skills. Your designs were the star.

“It was our combined effort that shone today, Rosalynn countered, and their shared smile sealed the conversation.

As the presentations neared their conclusion, the coordinator indicated a short break, all the while seeking the judges’ input.novelbin

The judges conferred briefly before relaying their verdict to the coordinator, who, after the break, was ready to declare theoutcome.

“The bid has been awarded to S.W. Studio of Hughes Group.”

Despite her meticulous preparation, Rosalynn’s heart raced upon the announcement.Maggie wrapped her in a joyful embrace, and Rosalynn, smiling, returned the gesture.Her eyes met Gail’s across the room; the smiles they exchanged were of mutual pride.Then, amidst the celebratory murmur, a voice cut through.

“This outcome is unacceptable!”

The room fell silent as all eyes turned toward the source of the dissent.

Rosalynn turned her gaze in the direction of the abrupt voice and observed Ballard rising to his feet, his gaze fixed on her with anicy detachment.

The coordinator turned to his assistant for confirmation before addressing Ballard, “Mr. Morgan, do you question the integrity ofthe bid conference's outcome?”

Ballard replied with firmness, “Indeed, | do! The process was unjust.Ms. Fuller, the victor, not only fabricated her qualifications but also pre-emptively swayed the judges with bribes!”

His accusation sent a ripple of murmurs through the gathered crowd.

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