My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 1372
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Chapter 1372

It was clear that this man was adamant about not letting her go.

Selina heaved as her chest started to pound.

“Aldrich, | want to be the happiest woman in the world. But Brian is the one who can give me that. You can’t win against him.”His fingers stopped their playful motions as his expression turned cold.

“Is that how you see it? All he had to do was walk through a path that had already been laid out for him, That's all it is. Brian isnothing without his father,” Aldrich hissed, hatred seeping out his every word.

At that moment, Selina realized how severely she had underestimated this man.

She thought he was nothing more than a docile cat-something to play with and pass the time when she was bored. He turned outto be a far more dangerous and savage beast.

Ashiver ran down her spine at the thought of being bound to him forever.She didn’t want to be chained to him at any cost.

Selina softened her voice and said gently, “Aldrich, I’m not doubting your strength. But like you said, Brian already has goodresources to begin with. You're at a disadvantage. But | can help with that, if you’re willing to work with menovelbin

One of his brows raised in interest.


“I'LL go after him. Then, when | finally have him in my hands, I'll help you seize his power.”

Aldrich narrowed his eyes in suspicion, “Do you really plan on doing that? Or is this a trick

Selina feigned displeasure and pushed him away.

“Forget it. It’s pointless if you don’t trust me.”

With a smile, Aldrich reached out and tucked his thumb under her chin.

“It's a tempting offer, and with that great a performance, any man would have been fooled. Unfortunately for you, | knoweverything there is to know about you.”

His eyes were glinting with an almost deranged light. A cold feeling crept into Selina’s chest as she looked at him. She felt likeprey being watched by its predator.

“What are you talking about?”“Hmmm. Let’s see. There are a lot of good ones.”

Aldrich smiled, as if he was taking great pleasure in her agitation.

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