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Chapter 727

Chapter 727

“Calm down.”

Raphael looked nervously at the woman in front of him, and even Earl, the black cat, arched its body

and bristled its fur vigilantly.

“I, I don’t know.”

Christina felt as if her whole body had been burned by a fire.

She could not throw away the Scepter in her hand, no matter how hard she tried. The Scepter would

always return to her palm.

“What should I do now?” She felt terrible.

She felt very hot and uncomfortable. Scant of breath, she was anxious, afraid, and flustered.

“What did you teach me to say… I feel terrible. Help me.”

Christina was struggling in pain and knelt on the ground faintly, her left hand desperately grabbing her

hair and her right hand holding the Scepter. She angrily threw it at a big tree opposite but the Scepter

returned to her palm again.

As long as she held the Scepter, she was suffering as if her internal organs had been burned by the


Raphael didn’t mean to torture her in this way, and he didn’t know why this happened. Since there was

no record in the ancient books, he was a little panicked, and even Earl looked at this scene in


Then, something magical happened.

All of a sudden, the plants in the dense and green jungle withered and turned yellow at a rapid speed,

and even the roots of the grass were rotten. The leaves of the big trees of the whole jungle fell

collectively, and soon only the bare brown branches were left.

Raphael and Earl stiffened in disbelief.

The light withered grass was blown up into the sky, and the fallen leaves were scattered in a disorderly

manner by the wind. A lush land was instantly turned into a wasteland.

“I feel terrible. I want to throw this Scepter away!”

Christina still grabbed her hair in pain. Disheveled, she grimaced with blame and resentment.

“You hurt me on purpose!” Her voice became hoarse and deep.

“Raphael, you used me again and again!”

She looked up at him with resentment.

Raphael noticed that her usually clear eyes became cloudy, and her eyes were gradually bloodshot.

She became manic as if her consciousness was being replaced by something.

“I’ll let you suffer.” She muttered softly

Then, as if she had suddenly been free from the pain, she stood straight, holding the 5.5-inch gold

Scepter in her right hand. She became aloof and cold with the Scepter like a queen.

Raphael flew up in the air, and then floated in midair in panic. “You, you have to control your emotions.

Calm down.”

Before he was over, he was thrown by a force and hit the tree pole. Then, he was hurt with his face

bruised, his nostrils bleeding, and then he coughed and panted in pain.

Christina walked up to him with the Scepter in her right hand and indifferently looked at Raphael, who

was quite helpless.

Furious, Earl rushed over to attack her. It was small, swift, and had sharp with poisonous claws, which

was even able to entangle with the Snake God Nagar.

She did not turn around, as if she had already sensed the attack behind her. She waved her Scepter

slightly and Earl seemed to be thrown up high in the sky by a powerful force. It was so scared because

of the feeling of weightlessness that it meowed in panic.

As long as it fell, it was bound to die.

“Christina, don’t hurt Earl!” Raphael gasped and shouted.

She was actually not interested in the life of the black cat.

She looked straight at him with her bloodshot eyes. “You destroyed the magnetic field of my island.” A

man’s voice came from her throat, old, and powerful.

“I made a rule that no one is allowed to move the Stone Coffin. You broke my rule and destroyed my

island.” She was filled with anger.

She pointed the Scepter at Raphael furiously.

Although he had been mentally prepared, he did not expect he was in extreme pain after falling. All his

bones and internal organs seemed to have been crushed. He could not move and could only breathe


It was quite easy for her to kill him.

Raphael could not make any sound and felt that it took all his strength to breathe. At this time, Christina

was like another person and ignored him.

The man was the owner of the Island a thousand years ago before the Scepter was broken up.

Without saying another word, she dragged Raphael away.

At this moment, Raphael was almost at his last gasp. She straightened her back and held the Scepter

like a queen walking in front. Raphael’s body floated slightly on the ground, which was dragged behind

her by an invisible force.

Earl flew up into the clouds millions of meters high and fell at an extremely fast speed. The fluster of

such a jump made Earl meow in astonishment. It instinctively kept waving its claws in the air, as

frightened as if it had met a natural enemy.

She didn’t kill it. She slowed down the descent in the last few hundred meters and finally let it fall

steadily into a pile of withered grass.

Earl was almost scared to death.

It was still in shock.

Earl, which used to be extremely brave, now had no strength to get up, watching helplessly as she led

Raphael towards the Great Waterfall.

Earl knew that she was not Christina, but the real owner of the Scepter.

The Scepter was deliberately divided into three parts, hidden in the different locations of the three

islands so that the future generations would not get the Scepter to reappear in the world.

The records had long been forgotten.

The Scepter confused the human and occupied the human body. Its real master would reappear

invincibly in the world, possessing supreme divine power.

Raphael taught her to recite the ancient spell, never expecting this to happen.

He slowly opened his eyes, witnessing that the Water Column flowing down the Great Waterfall was

actually separated into two streams to make way for her. She walked like a queen into the Waterfall

Cave but was not wet at all.

The only way to enter the cave was through the narrow and dark passageway, the walls of which were

actually ablaze with flames. This blood-red flame that appeared out of thin air floated on the wall andnovelbin

extended deep into the inner part of the cave.

The dark, dirty, and stinky cave was illuminated by the eerily floating blood-red fire, and the whole cave

suddenly lit up

The blood-red light illuminated the damp and gloomy cave,

At the same time, Raphael, who had been brought in by invisible forces, suddenly lost his support and

fell to the ground.

This was the place where she wanted to bring him.

It was the cave of the Snake God Nagar.

“Come out.” She ordered.

Frightened, Nagar shrank into a ball and did not dare to approach her at all.

Feeling pain all over his body, Raphael noticed that Nagar was afraid.

Just then, a group of brainless people rushed in.


The subordinates of the Chief roared aggressively.

“Raphael, you traitor!”

In the eyes of the Chief, only Raphael could understand the stolen ancient book and must have plotted

to use that woman to steal the Scepter.

The Chief was furious and shouted in the cave, “Raphael, your mother, Alisa, is in my hand. Hand over

the Scepter, or I will burn her body.”

The Chief used this trick to blackmail Raphael every time, which restrained Raphael for many years.


Someone slowly called out the familiar name in a hoarse and old voice in the cave.

The Chief and his subordinates had completely broken into the Waterfall Cave and calmed down after

they heard the voice.

There were others in the cave.

Moreover, they almost forgot that there was a dangerous Snake God, Nagar, in the cave. However,

they didn’t understand why Nagar was so quiet, since the last time, Nagar was furious and shook the

valley with its huge body, trying to break through the Great Waterfall.

Also, the cave was so brightly illuminated.

The floating blood-red flames on the mountain wall were so strange.

At this moment, the Chief began to panic.


The Chief looked shocked, seeing Alisa fly into the air when he was about to ask.

“Who are you?”

“Who are you?” The blood-red light around them blurred their vision. The elders saw the figure holding

the Scepter in the middle of the cave.

She laughed arrogantly and said in a hoarse and deep voice. “Who am I? I am the real owner of this

island.” The voice resounded through the cave.

She was the real owner of the island.

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