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Chapter 719

Chapter 719

Christina suddenly had a bad feeling.

She stepped back nervously and kept looking around for some defensive weapons, but there was

nothing in this cave.

“Some things are doomed. You can’t blame others.” Mary muttered to herself and looked at Christina’s

panicked face. She looked exactly like her because after all, Christina was her daughter.

“It’s your fate. Don’t blame me,” Mary said calmly.

Christina immediately understood that she wanted to lynch her.

“You can give birth to me without raising me, but what do I owe you? How can you do this to me!”

Christina’s eyes were a little red. She tried to stand up straight.

Mary seemed a little guilty. She raised her voice and said sharply, “I told you, this is your fate!”

Christina thought it was funny and gritted her teeth, “I don’t believe in fate. I don’t believe in these

things.” novelbin

“You are not suitable to live on our island,” Mary looked at her and gradually felt at ease. “They decided

to kill you. It’s not that I want to kill you. I can’t do anything about it.”

“Besides, if you die in my hands, you will at least suffer less.”

Christina was shocked when she heard this. She thought that it was just a beating to vent her anger

and didn’t

expect these people to kill her.

She was completely flustered, and she looked around helplessly again.

There was nothing she could do.

What should she do?

Mary turned to instruct her bodyguard with a kind look in her eyes. “Let her die peacefully.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Christina’s face turned pale nervously. Even if she couldn’t beat the

personal guard, she had to fight hard.

Christina was ready to fight with the other party, but the other party picked up the pistol and hit Mary

hard on the back of the head with the handle. Mary fell to the ground in a daze and passed out without

knowing anything,

Christina was shocked and retreated vigilantly.

Countless possibilities flashed through her mind. This person might be the Elder or the Chief’s man, or

it was a

plot of the harem woman.

“Christina, I didn’t expect you to live so long in this crappy place. You’re quite stubborn.” A familiar

teasing voice sounded.

The person raised the brim of his lowered hat, revealing a pair of bright eyes.

Christina was surprised. “Lucy?” Her voice came from her throat. She couldn’t believe it.

“You’re really useless. The last time Patrick recognized me from afar. I was standing right in front of

you. Are you blind? You scared yourself to death.” Lucy continued to tease her mercilessly.

Although she was teased by Lucy, Christina was so moved that she was about to cry.

“Lucy, you’ve been missing for so long. I thought you were dead.”

Lucy glared. “Even if you are dead, I will not die!”

She did not expect to meet an old friend at this critical moment of life and death. Christina was really

touched when she heard the familiar voice.

“Lucy, how did you become my mother’s bodyguard after you lost contact with us…”

Lucy immediately became serious, “It’s a long story. There’s something important to tell you now.”

Christina glanced at her mother, who had been knocked unconscious, and nodded repeatedly, “Okay,

let’s get out of here first.”

Lucy interrupted, “Who told you that I came in to save you?”

Christina was stunned and then became angry, “Why don’t you save me?!”

Lucy waved her hand. “Don’t be silly. There must be more people outside the cave. If we go out, we’ll

be shot to death.”

“It’s too difficult to save you. I won’t do such a hard job.”

It sounded reasonable, but the tone was always unpleasant. Lucy looked perfunctory.

Christina gritted her teeth, “Then why did you come to me?”

Lucy stuffed half of an ancient book into her arms. “Read this book. Study hard. Everyone’s lives are in

this book. You must be enlightened and understand it. It took me a lot of effort to steal it from the Elder.”

Christina took the ancient book expressionlessly. The book was full of ancient symbols and

hieroglyphs. She could not understand a single word.

“So you lied to my mother only to bring me this stupid book.”

“Yes.” Lucy nodded.

Christina was very desperate, and she felt that she was really stupid just now.

Lucy was not reliable at all. How could this book save their lives?

Lucy was very satisfied seeing Christina’s expressions, and she added, “Your father did give orders.

When the Elder is free, he will find a way to kill you. Take care of yourself.”

“Thank you for the reminder,” Christina mocked herself solemnly.

“Don’t be like this. Don’t be so desperate.” Lucy was happy to see her being so anxious. “Someone will

come to save you, though it’s hard.”

Christina interjected, “Patrick was in danger as well.”

“Boss? I didn’t say that boss will come to save you.”

Lucy muttered to herself, “Anyway, this time, it’s up to fate. He probably won’t die… He should come to


Lucy pulled Christina into the iron prison and helped her lock the chain.

Christina looked shocked, “What are you doing?” This bastard even helped her lock the chain.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lucy did not dare to stay any longer. She helped Mary, who was

already unconscious, up and then she stood in front of the iron prison and said, “Christina, take care of


“I’m going to save the boss and the others now.”

“You, stop!” Christina was furious. “Make it clear!”

Lucy might think that Christina was too pitiful, or maybe she was afraid that she would be scolded by

Patrick later. She thought for a moment, then she throw an iron key at Christina, “This is a master key

that I invented. All these cages can be opened. Here’s one for you.”

can u

“Also, your brother will come to save you later. If you are afraid of being picked on by him, you can use

the Resurrection Spring to fight back.”

“Resurrection Spring?” Christina was curious and immediately asked, “Where is the Resurrection


Lucy had already held Mary walking out of the cave. She turned around with a sneer on her face, “They

are Nagar’s eyes.”

Mary had always been arrogant and domineering Lucy supported her and walked out of the cave as if

nothing had happened. The guards didn’t find anything strange and let them leave

The quard then went into the cave to check the iron bars and locks. Everything was fine He looked at

Christina carefully again and retreated

After the guards left, Christina’s heart was in turmoil

She held the master key and half of the ancient book that Lucy gave her

“Resurrection Spring is Nagar’s eyesShe muttered in disbelief

Nagar was the Snake God suppressed by the Great Waterfall

The Snake God Nagar’s eyes were clear and strange, like magical spring water

What made Christina feel even more incredible was that her brother would take such a big risk to come

to save


She didn’t trust Raphael

Now she was trapped in this cage, and there were so many people outside guarding her In Lucy’s

words, she should bet her life that Raphael would come to save her

Was the odds of winning such a gamble too low?

Christina secretly opened a few more pages of the ancient book, but she still couldnt understand

anything Alas, she felt that Lucy was making fun of her

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