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Chapter 716

Chapter 716

This made everyone curious. They were wondering why the Chief asked his wife to go out. But not long

after, Mary came back. The four attendants beside her carried a simple wooden board, on which lay a


Everyone was shocked.

Raphael had a complicated expression. He rushed forward immediately but was stopped by the


“What do you want?” Raphael glared at his father with a ferocious face.

His father carried his mother’s body here.

The body was Alisa.

All the Elders were shocked and confused. They did not expect their leader to bring the body of his first

Lady this time. None of them noticed it in advance.

Alisa had light skin like snow. She had long curly blonde hair, a small red mouth, and her big and

beautiful eyes were tightly closed at this moment. Everyone would be surprised at the first sight of her

because her perfect

appearance was more like an elf only recorded in legends rather than a mortal.

She was indeed not an ordinary person. It was said that she had once trespassed on the Third Island

by mistake, received the protection of God, and had immortal power. Some people also said that Alisa

was actually a descendant of Nagar. She was born with extraordinary divine power,

No matter how wonderful the legend about her was, the beauty in front had already closed her eyes

forever. She was asleep and could never wake up like the dead.

As for Alisa’s special immortal power, it caused a stir back then. Everyone was afraid of her, but they

were also very jealous. It was rumored that Alisa was an ominous monster. Her beautiful face was just

a shell, just to lurk beside their leader, waiting for the opportunity to retaliate against all the

descendants of the Strozzi family

The status of the Strozzi family on this island was unshakable. Alisa was protected by God, so they did

not dare to kill her. Finally, in ancient books, they found that the long teeth of the Snake God, Nagar,

could make people sleep with their eyes closed forever through piercing into their hearts. This was the

best way to deal with Alisa.

They didn’t kill her, just let her live like a living dead.

At this moment, the body of Alisa was as enchanting and beautiful as it was twenty years ago.

All the Elders immediately had a sense of guilt. Back then, they were all accomplices.

The Chief asked Mary to bring a torch in. Mary was very happy to do this. She put the torch close to

Alisa and she wanted to burn this woman Into ashes at this time.

Raphael pushed the guards in front of him crazily. “Mary, how dare you! Stop! Don’t get close to her!”

He shouted angrily

Second Elder and the others were also shocked and quickly stopped her. “Madam, you can’t do this.”

Even the Greatest Elder stopped her anxiously. “Madam, calm down. If you burn Alisa’s body, you will

be cursed”

“Go away! This is the Chief’s order,” Mary looked arrogant.

Disregarding etiquette, the Greatest Elder rushed forward and snatched the torch from Mary’s hand.

Then he turned to look at the Chief, who was simply instigating Mary to kill Alisa.

The Chief watched them as if he was watching a play

Feeling it was the proper time, he said slowly and in a deep voice, “Where is the Stone Coffin?”

It was obvious that he was threatening his son, Raphael. novelbin

If Raphael did not immediately tell the location of the Stone Coffin, then he would burn Raphael’s

mother with a fire

Raphael gritted his teeth. “There’s no map. You can only reach there by following me!” In the end, he

had no choice but to surrender to his father.

The Chief was very satisfied with what Raphael said and did not forget to remind him, “Then we will

leave tomorrow. Don’t play tricks.”

Raphael looked angry and depressed, but the Chief laughed happily and asked, “Although your mother

will never be old or dead, if I cut off her head, do you think she can still be alive?”

Raphael froze.

In an instant, the Chief changed into a cold expression and glanced around. “I settled the scourge, and

I saved our island.”

He, Augustus, was the leader and did not allow anyone to question him. He deliberately pounded the

Scepter on the ground and remind everyone present who was the owner of the island.

“Everyone, get out of here!”

This time, the Second Elder and the others did not dare to have any objections. As long as their island

returned to peace, they did not care about Alisa at all.

Patrick and the others did not know the dispute this time. Christina, who was alone in the Iron cage, did

not expect to die soon,

However, Mary’s personal bodyguard clearly heard that since he was actually Lucy in disguise.

Time was running out.

Should she inform Patrick and the others first, or should she save Christina first?

Lucy overheard a lot of news tonight, which made her confused for a moment. Tomorrow, the team

might set off to look for the Stone Coffin. Christina would definitely be killed before they set off. Maybe

they had already poisoned her or tortured her.

Lucy stood motionless at the door like a dutiful guard. In fact, her brain was in a mess.

“Those people probably wouldn’t do it that early… At least the Chief had some blood relation with

Christina. Even if she is to be beheaded, she will not be tortured.”

Lucy hoped that Christina could hold on for a while.

She turned around and hid in the night, then ran quickly. Lucy did not rush to save Christina, nor did

she inform Patrick. Instead, she ran to the cave where the Elders temporarily rested.

The Second Island was affected by the disaster, and the tsunami was raging. The Chief and the Elders

were forced to move. They were familiar with the natural environment of the island, and they did not

lack food. They all carried a large number of weapons, but these weak Elders cherished the ancient

books a lot and slept with them beside their pillows.

Lucy wanted to steal the books at such an urgent moment.

Lucy felt that if the Scepter really had some magical power, the problem must be that Christina didn’t

know how to use it.

If she could find the book and Christina would be able to learn how to use the Scepter so that she could

save herself. The ancient books about the Scepter were most likely be with Fusco.

Lucy moved fastly, and the group of Elders came out of the meeting slowly. The place where the Elders

rested temporarily happened to be unguarded. Fusco wouldn’t return so soon. In that case, she had

enough time to find the book.

The temporary cave was dark. The Elders each had a wooden bed. Their stone books were neatly

stacked at the head of the bed. The books occupied most of the bed, which made it convenient for

Lucy to steal.

Lucy took the night pearl stolen from Mary and rummaged around in the dim light. In the quiet cave,

there was only the sound of books flipping through quickly.

Although Lucy could not recognize the characters of these ancient books, fortunately, these books had

a lot of pictures. She would steal all the books about the Scepter.

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