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Chapter 701

Chapter 701

The night was getting darker. Just as Christina was about to fall asleep, the serpent opened its eyes

and spat out its red tongue.

It moved very slowly along the tree trunk and approached Christina slowly.

Christina was refreshing her spirit with her eyes closed. Suddenly, she smelled something fishy.

Inexplicably, her blood froze. It seemed something wet and cold was approaching her face.

Christina opened her eyes and almost fainted.

In front of her, a big snake head suddenly appeared in the air.

It was a large triangular head with dark green stripes and black spots. It had a pair of yellow-green

eyes with vertical slit-shaped pupils and was spitting out its tongue.

She was frightened, and her hands and feet were stiff.

The serpent was thicker than her thighs. It wrapped around her body in a circle. It felt cold and soft. At

this moment, Christina burst into screams. The unprecedented fear made her scream uncontrollably.


The serpent was stimulated by her shriek and suddenly tightened. Christina was strangled so hard that

she couldn’t breathe.

Out of the survival instinct, she struggled and reached the Scepter stuck on the tree. She pulled it out,

thrust it into the serpent, and nailed the serpent to the tree. It let go of Christina because of the pain

and shook its body violently.

Christina was not strong enough. The Scepter was barely pierced into the tree and was quickly shaken

off by the serpent. At this time, the serpent also threw itself straight under the tree because of the

violent swing. Bang!

The White Tiger under the tree immediately rushed forward and bit it hard and crazily, tangling with the


Christina was still in shock, looking at the fierce battle of the tiger and serpent under the tree. They

twisted together and hit the tree. Christina panicked, then she slipped and fell. Fortunately, the black

mud was soft, and her butt touched the ground first.

In the quiet night, a blood-red full moon hung high, and the lavender moon dyed the valley.

She got up in a hurry, picked up the Scepter with snake blood, and hid in a corner, not knowing where

to run.

At this moment, the White Tiger and the serpent were fighting fiercely. The serpent’s long tail swung

over, Christina was holding the Scepter and didn’t know what to do. She panicked and wanted to stay

away from the

two big beasts. But the serpent was faster. It seemed to be frightened So it withdrew its tail as soon as

it touched the glowing Scepter

Al this moment, the White Tiger bit down the serpent’s weak spot in one bite. The serpent immediately

wrapped itself around the White Tiger, and both were struggling desperately

Christina took a deep breath, held up the Scepter, and she quickly searched for the best escape route.

On the other side, the White Tiger was losing the fight. The serpent’s skin was too flexible, and the

White Tiger’s teeth could not bite through, while the serpent had already wrapped the tiger and

gradually tightened the winding to strangle it to death

Christina could not help but look at the two beasts. She could hear the screech of the White Tiger’s

flesh and blood being twisted. The White Tiger struggled to break free, but it was useless. The tiger

was getting weaker and weaker, and its mouth loosened. It was about to die.

The White Tiger seemed to have a spirit. It looked straight at Christina and hung on there in pain. Its

eyes were teary as if it were begging for help

Christina was touched.

“I don’t know how to save you,” she thought.

Perhaps the White Tiger didn’t deserve to die. There was a voice ringing in Christina’s head. She

couldn’t understand what language it was, but she clearly understood what it meant. [ Use your Scepter


The White Tiger over there was dying. Christina threw the Scepter in her hand at the serpent.

At that moment, it seemed like the serpent had been touched by something hot and scary. It

immediately bounced away and hurriedly released the White Tiger, gliding away from the glowing

Scepter on the ground.

The White Tiger crawled weakly on the ground to catch its breath, and soon it got the breath back. It

shook his body and ran quickly.

It picked up the Scepter on the ground and rushed towards Christina. The tiger threw the Scepter in

front of her. She immediately picked and lifted it. The next she knew, the White Tiger bit her by the back

collar and flew her up in the air, falling on the back of the White Tiger.

The serpent behind her chased after them closely. The White Tiger ran as fast as it could. Christina

leaned on the tiger’s back. It ran very fast and she instinctively grabbed the hair on its neck. She was

still at a loss. When she realized that she was being carried by a white tiger, she couldn’t help

screaming. Ah!

What was going on now?

Her head was empty. The wind blew her cheeks and her long hair while they were running. When

Christina was thrown to the ground by the tiger, she was still dumbfounded.

The White Tiger was seriously injured and exhausted after running all the way. It panted heavily and

turned its

head to lick the bruise from the serpent strangulation.

The night in this valley was not cold. The blood-red full moon in the dark sky had an indescribable

strangeness. There was a sense of tranquility and warmth here, which calmed everything down. This

scene was completely different from the fierce fighting between the serpent and White Tiger just now.

Hidden behind this tranquility and serenity, a frenzied slaughter clamored silently.

Christina took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She held the Scepter, her only weapon, tightly in

her right hand.

The White Tiger suddenly turned around and roared at her.

It was like a warning. novelbin

“I saved your life. That serpent is our enemy. Don’t, don’t bite me.”

Christina said to herself in a negotiating tone. Even she thought it was funny. At this time, she did not

dare to run away for fear of provoking the White Tiger. Fortunately, the White Tiger only roared at her

and did not bite her.

Seeing that the White Tiger turned around and ignored her, Christina moved her butt slightly, trying to

stay away from it. The White Tiger immediately roared again, warning her not to move.

As long as Christina didn’t move, it continued to lick its wound.

Christina felt that she was a hostage.

She was in a mess. Her stomach was empty and she was tired. She was covered with dirt and mud,

looking like a savage who didn’t know her fate. She looked up into the distance as if there was hope for

her. From afar, she could see the magnificent waterfall. Except for the sound of the water flowing down

the waterfall, she heard other sounds.

The tiger took her to a high place in the valley and hid among the trees. It had already thrown away the

serpent and was temporarily safe. She panicked all night and hugged the Scepter tightly. The White

Tiger’s hair was particularly obvious in the dark. Christina was very afraid. But she was so tired that her

eyelids gradually closed. She was always worried about whether White Tiger would eat her.

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