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Chapter 691

Chapter 691

Now they were alone in a jungle. A second ago, they were rafting in the river and arrived at the lush

virgin forest in an Instant

They seemed to cross the boundary.

Here, they clearly heard the sound of the waterfall, but could not find it.

After Patrick and his team searched around the place, they were sure that there was no big waterfall


“Where is the sound of flowing water from?”

Their mood changed from excitement and expectation to disappointment and even uneasiness.

Third Island was ominous and disturbing.

“Look for a place to rest for the night.” Patrick ordered.

At this moment, they were exhausted.

They got up and left the cave early in the morning, then tied up a raft, crossed the river, confronted big

fish and crocodiles, and then arrived here to seek after the big waterfall.

They could hear the loud sound of the running waterfall in their ears but just couldn’t find it.

Having experienced all of these, they felt disappointed and feared.

What the hell was this place?

“I don’t know,” Raphael said first.

Then everyone subconsciously peered at the Matriarch. Although she was not anxious, she also shook

her head.

All of them frowned in confusion, and Samba, such a strong man looked around vigilantly, afraid that

any dangerous creatures would pounce on him in the next second.

While pondering, he set up a fire and cooked.

Christina took a handful of herbs that she had been picked, which could stop the bleeding and reduce

the Inflammation. She hammered the herbs into dregs with stones and gave them to Samba.

His arm was injured by the claws of the crocodile’s forelimb. Although he had roughly applied some

herbs on the wounds to diminish inflammation before, the scratches were still inflamed and swollen. So

they needed to apply medication these days.

“Your wounds can not be exposed to water these days.” Christina specially warned him.

Samba listened carefully and nodded.

They threw the dried meat into the pot to cook the broth and had a simple dinner. Then they began to

discuss their plans for tomorrow.

“What are we going to do?”

“In which direction are we going to search?”

It was very strange. At this moment, although the sun had already set, in this dark and primitive forest,

all of them could clearly hear the sound of the rushing water of the great waterfall. However, they just

could not find it.

They could look at the map to find directions before, but now the map was completely useless.

Patrick was discussing with Raphael. Currently, Scepter was hidden deeply in Third Island so it would

be a waste of time to keep searching in this way, which would simply exhaust everyone. It would be

better to find Stone Coffin first, seal the cover of it again, and see if there are any new clues there.

Raphael refused right away. He didn’t care if the island collapsed or sank into the sea. He just wanted

the Scepters.

Patrick was slightly angry and he wanted to say something.

Suddenly, he noticed something in the dark so he looked into the depths of the forest.

Gary finished his meals and teased, “Raphael, isn’t your cat very smart? Let it show us the way…

At that moment, Earl, who had been squatting next to Raphael in a dignified manner, suddenly

changed to a vigilant posture.

The black cat became ferocious and hissed at the depths of the dark jungle.

Raphael and Christina could understand Earl’s hissing. They rapidly looked up and realized that

something had already surrounded them.

In the dark Jungle, countless pairs of green eyes were ferociously flashing.

Christina nervously grabbed the long bayonet beslde her. But before she could firmly hold the hilt, a

huge black body leaped out of the dark forest. With the burning blaze, they could see a jackal with

sharp fangs.

This was a large Jackal with dark brown fur, as tall as a horse, and its four claws were firmly landing on

the ground. Their eyes were fiercely fixed on them, their teeth bared and their mouths watering.

As if with animals’ Intuitions, these jackals Immediately almed at the member Aidan, who had been

bitten by the big carp on his leg, and pounced on him.

At the critical moment, Patrick raised his gun and shot the jackal in the abdomen. He kept shooting until

the beast fell to the ground.

Gunshots were heard everywhere, and the atmosphere became tenser and tenser.

However, more and more jackals rushed towards them. They seemed to be hunting. They had targetednovelbin

them from the beginning and now chose to attack.

It was estimated that there were eight or nine big jackals. In the beginning, they could barely hold on.

However, these jackals had great endurance and kept jumping up and down. Even though these

beasts were shot, the injuries were not in vital parts. The jackals were competing with them in

endurance. Who tired out, who lost.

A member was caught by a jackal and was pressed tightly to the ground by its claws. The next second,

his neck was broken by sharp teeth.

Blood gushed out.

Christina was so frightened by the scene that her face turned green and her body kept trembling


Although she had seen many terrible scenes since she stepped on the island, she had not faced death

so closely.

That man, her teammate, was killed by a beast in one bite.

Hearing the scream, everyone subconsciously looked back. At the sight of their member’s death, all

people got


But all their emotions or anger were useless at this moment. As they were distracted and turned

around, two more members were caught by the beasts. One’s leg was broken, and the other was

dragged directly into the forest by the jackal.

The nonstop gunshots, screams, cries, angry and helpless shouts resounded in the forest.

With the faint flames of the bonfire, expressions on their faces could not be clearly seen. Their figures

running in panic were blurred in the jumping blaze. The stars in the night sky were dim, witnessing this

bloody killing.

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