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Chapter 654

Chapter 654

When Charles and the others were about to go out to look for herbs, they found that Christina and

Samba were not in the palace. They had run away.

Strictly speaking, they did not run away in secret. Christina left a note.

“You can go to get the herbs. Samba and I will go to look for water. Don’t catch me back.”

The last sentence showed her determination.

Charles immediately took the note to Patrick. Patrick looked at it and wanted to say something, but he

fell silent.

Patrick didn’t go out to look for herbs these days. He had something else to deal with.

He had one-third of the scepter that Raphael wanted, and the ancient writing pattern on the golden

scepter needed to be deciphered. And he must also understand the “Barbarian Song” that Raphael

mentioned last time.

Patrick was really busy, and everything had to be reported to him.

Whether it was on such a deserted island or in the Hopkins family in the past, Patrick was always really

busy and rarely had time to accompany Christina.

Christina could live well alone, and she didn’t need Patrick’s company at all.

Patrick remained silent for a long time.

“Go and do your own things,” Patrick said in a low voice.

Charles was so surprised that Patrick was relieved that Christina was with that Barbarian outside. It

was not Patrick’s style.

At this time, Christina and Samba had already walked 20 kilometers. They slipped out of the palace

before dawn and kept walking along the upper reaches of the river.

Christina looked up at the sun above her, which was rising. She thought that Charles and the others

probably knew about her and Samba’s outing. She had no choice but to act first and report afterwards.

Patrick was a domineering man, but Christina always felt that he was worried about separating from


Christina didn’t like being controlled.

When Samba saw that she was tired from walking, he handed her a kettle. Christina shook her head at

Samba. Clean water was very precious now, and she couldn’t bear to drink it until she was really


On their left was a great river, in which the clear water was flowing. All the dead fish in the river had

been fished

before. The water kept flowing down from the upper reaches.

The river looked nothing unusual under the sun. The water was very clear and transparent, but there

were no living beings in the water.

Christina stopped and noticed that the plants near the river seemed to be a little withered.

As she approached the river, Samba grabbed her in panic, as if there was something terrible in the


“It’s okay. I just want to pull some weeds by the river.”

Samba understood what she said and quickly strode over. He randomly pulled up a few small weeds

with his big hand. The roots of the weeds were wet with mud.

Christina took a closer look at those weeds, some of which even had rotten roots. No wonder they



“Even the plants are affected.”

In the past, the plants growing by the river were much lusher. “Is this river poisonous?”

There were no laboratory machines on the island, and they didn’t know what was in the river now. Gary

and the others could only test the water with some primitive methods.

“Samba, I saw it yesterday. The water in your kettle is the river water.” Christina suddenly said tonovelbin


Since a large number of dead fish appeared in the river, everyone, including the Barbarians, was

informed not to drink the river water. They could only eat some succulents to quench their thirst, or go

to the lake in the forest to get water.

“Is the water in your kettle now the river water?” Christina wanted to snatch the big kettle tied around



Samba was frightened and quickly stepped back.

He was as nervous as if someone had discovered his secret. His huge body was stiff, and his

expression was very restrained. He was at a loss and did not dare to look at Christina.

It was as if he had done something wrong. He did not deny it, but he held his large kettle tightly and

refused to let Christina take it away

Christina would give up so easily. She continued to try to open his hands and snatch the bottle away.

If there was anything delicious to eat, Sarnba would immediately share it with Christina And Samba

was far less smart than Christina As long as Christina said something logical, Samba would think it was

right even if it was wrong

But Samba wouldn’t give her his big kettle.

“If you don’t give it to me, I can use the materials in front of me.” Christina said.

Then she ran straight into the river, cupping some water and drinking it.

Samba was so scared that he screamed and ran over quickly. He grabbed the clothes on the back of

her neck with his big hand anxiously.

“Samba, if you can drink this river water, I should be able to drink it too.” Christina looked innocent.

It was impossible for her to deliberately attempt suicide

Christina found out the secret of Samba drinking the river water yesterday, and he didn’t suffer any side

effects, so she wanted to sneak out today to find out whether the river water could be drunk or not.

Samba ignored what she said and wanted to reach into Christina’s throat to make her vomit the river


“I’ve drunk it. I can’t vomit it. I think it’s okay.” Christina struggled to escape from Samba’s hands.

Samba looked heartbroken.

It seemed that Christina was going to die.

Christina sighed helplessly.

“I won’t die.” She waved her hand vigorously.

The river water that Christina drank just now was bitter.

11 she hadn’t tasted it herself, she couldn’t believe that the river water which she drank before she

entered the island was cool and sweet. There was no industries on the island, and all the natural

ecological conditions here were primitive and pollution-free,

The water in the river became bitter, and it made her tongue a little numb. She felt her whole mouth

very uncomfortable, as if she had drunk a heavy chemical dye. And there was also a smell of sulfur and

other irritant


Christina didnt know much about chemical elements, but she was sure that the river was definitely

polluted by a large number of toxic substances

The fish and shrimps in the river were all dead, and the plants along the river began to wither,

Fortunately, Christina didn’t feel unwell now.

“Samba, I’m very strong now. Don’t worry about me.”

Christina showed up the muscles on her arms to comfort Samba. After entering the island, she was

more Nexible and muscular than before. Living here was more effective than taking any modern

bodybuilding training

However, Samba felt that Christina’s skin had turned a little fairer because she was locked up in the

cubicle for two weeks. He had been worried for a long time and felt that she had become ugly and


Christina was helpless. She had explained it many times that her skin was naturally very fair.

But Samba always looked at her sympathetically.

In Samba’s opinion, only tanned skin was healthy.

Christina sighed deeply again and changed the subject, “Let’s take these withered weeds back. We

have to tell them that the plants on the island are beginning to wither.”

Everyone was about to run out of their fresh water. The water of the lakes in the forest was limited, and

it didn’t seem to rain frequently on this continent. Christina hadn’t seen rain on the island since she

entered the island.

Their original plan was to try their best to choose plants to quench their thirst before solving the

problem of diseases. For example, although succulents tasted bad, they were full of water. However,

even the plants began to wither now.

Everything was getting worse.

“I don’t know what will happen.” Christina looked at the blue and cloudless sky in panic.

At this time, Patrick took the imprisoned Raine to the Matriarch’s house.

They were talking secretly in the room.

Patrick said that he could let Raine go, but it had conditions.

The Matriarch did not like Patrick. The people outside the island were so ambitious that they had been

bullying the Barbarians for many years, and the Matriarch had handed her most important golden

scepter to them. The Matriarch was angry but helpless when she saw Patrick coming.

Raine was imprisoned for some time, and the wound on his body recovered a lot. He was shouting for

his mother to save him.

“Ask her about everything about the Barbarian Islands, including those songs, legends, and curses *

Patrick said to the interpreter

Al first, the Matriarch was unwilling to speak, but Raine kept roaring as if he was blaming his mother for

not saving him

“The river will become bitter, and the forest will wither. People will be sick, and the sky will set fireballs.

The dark moment will come, and the sun will no longer be seen.”

The Matriarch sung in hoarse voice with sadness.

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