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Chapter 619

Chapter 619

Although Christina had known Samba for only a month, in her subconsciousness, Samba was a

savage man. Even if he was naked in front of her, she would not feel weird.

But when Samba suddenly took off the animal skin around his waist, Christina was shocked to see the

ugly and sturdy thing under his crotch.

When she came back to her senses, she immediately turned around.

Why did he take off his pants all of a sudden…

The savage woman showed a fierce look and began to tug at her clothes. Christina was struggling to

resist her… “What are you going to do to me? Don’t touch me!”

She picked up a sharp stone and threw it at the savage woman.

The savage woman probably never thought that Christina would attack her. Although the stone was

only as big as a fist, it was very hard and sharp. It cut right through the woman’s burly arm.

Blood flowed out of the woman’s arm.

The dark red blood dripped onto the grass with a pungent smell.

The savage woman didn’t seem to know that she was hurt. She touched the wound on her arm with her

fingers. As her finger was stained with blood, she put the bloody finger in her mouth and licked the thick

blood with her long tongue.

The blood made the woman look even more sinister. She widened her eyes and shouted angrily at


The woman was furious.

She bent down and revealed her fangs. It looked like she couldn’t wait to pounce on Christina the next


Christina was so scared that her mind was blank. She subconsciously grasped the sharp stone in her

hand even tighter

She was so regretful that she had attacked the savage woman.

She thought she was about to die.

For a moment, she felt an inexplicable sense of relief. She knew that living on this deserted island was

just a temporary thing. She didn’t have any friends here, and no one would come to save her. Maybe it

was better to die at this moment.

All of a sudden, Christina was overwhelmed by the pessimism she had over the past few days. She

told herself

that there was nothing sad about ending her ridiculous life. People would die anyway.

The savage woman seemed to be in desperate need to kill her. Her nails were very thick and sharp.

She rushed over like a beast. Christina was knocked down by her brute force and fell to the ground.

The back of her head hit the ground hard and the pain made her wanna cry.

The savage woman’s nails pinched Christina’s delicate neck. She widened her dark eyes and gave

Christina a ferocious sneer as if she was enjoying the process of strangling Christina.

Christina’s face was turning blue and white because of the pain. She felt suffocated and her neck was

about to be wrung by the woman.

She thought she was going to die. At this time, Samba suddenly rushed over and grabbed the wild

woman. They were fighting like wild animals.

Christina could not see anything clearly. Her whole body was powerless. She did not know what had

happened all of a sudden. She was panting weakly and hearing the roaring beside her.

After a long time, she was pulled up by someone. She opened her eyes and saw Samba standing

beside her. His big hands were supporting her and shaking her hard. It seemed that he was confirming

if she was still alive.

Christina had almost lost her life. When she was shaken by him so hard, she felt even dizzier.

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Samba seemed to be communicating with the savage family. They roared and shouted at each other in

a hostile tone.

In the end, They seemed to reach an agreement and stop fighting. Samba carried Christina on his right

shoulder and went back to the cave on the slope. She was locked back in the original small cave and

the entrance blocked by wood.

When Christina opened her eyes again, she recalled what had happened before. She was covered in a

cold sweat and her heart was still fluttering with fear.

She pinched her thigh. The pain was so real. She was still alive.

She was surprised that Samba fought with the savage woman for her. Her previous loss, shock,

depression, fear, and everything else stopped her from thinking.

At this moment, Samba came over and took her out of the cave.

Christina smelled barbecue. She looked up at the sun. It was around 3 o’clock in the afternoon. She

had been unconscious for about 3 hours. It was just enough for her to rest and regain her spirits.

Christina became very obedient after what happened.

Samba took her out and they sat beside the fire together.

Samba put a piece of roasted chicken drumstick in her hand. She lowered her head and ate it. While

she was eating, Samba was muttering something to her, but Christina did not respond to him. Then

Samba took out her kettle and put it into her hand. The kettle was full of water. Christina took a sip of

the water and curled up her body. She was trying not to resist or provoke these savage people.

The savage family was still there, and they were gobbling the food in a fierce way.

Christina lowered her head and tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible.

Samba seemed to think she was sick and kept staring at her. From time to time, he patted her on the

head with his big palm to make sure that she was not unconscious or dead.

Normally, when Samba slapped her so rudely, Christina would turn around and glare at him angrily. But

now, she was very sick. When he slapped her, she consciously stepped back and sat away from him.

Samba guessed that she was not in the mood. He took another big drumstick and stuffed it into her

hand. Christina took it but did not eat it because she had no appetite. Samba anxiously spoke to her in

his language, but she could not understand a word at all. The closer he got close to her, the more

afraid she became and stepped back.

Christina was really afraid of these savage people.

She was too naive to think that Samba would not hurt her. He was harmless and the savage people

were easy to get along with. As it turned out, these huge savage people could easily kill her.

After calming down, Christina noticed that as long as these savage people had food, they would not

pay attention to her. Occasionally, when she looked at the savage woman, the woman would glare at

her fiercely and then lowered her head and continued to tear the roast meat.

At 5 pm, they ate up all their prey today.

When they were full, they seemed to be in a good mood. Christina huddled up and secretly watched

them, She found that the savage woman took off her clothes because she wanted Christina to wear the

animal skin as she did.

The reason Samba had taken off the animal skin around his waist before was that he wanted to make a

new animal skin to replace the old one,

*… see” Christina suddenly understood what happened.

Samba had collected a lot of large pieces of wild animals’ fur. The savage woman roughly tore the

skins into small pieces and ordered all of them to wear the “new clothes“.

Christina was very regretful that she almost lost her life because of the “Now clothes”.

When Samba suddenly took off his pants, she thought he wanted to do something “dirty” to her.

Except for Christina, they had all changed their skins to beautiful leopard fur. The savage woman was

still glaring at Christina fiercely. It seemed that she still remembered what Christina had done to her.

Samba immediately pulled Christina behind him. After they muttered to each other for a few minutes,

they set off from the opposite direction of the forest.

Christina didn’t know where they were going.

Perhaps Samba thought Christina was walking too slowly, he carried her directly on the should. They

rushed in the same direction as if they were in a hurry to do something.

Christina originally had no spirit, but when she saw where they were going, she suddenly awoke her

spirit. They were going to the market.

To the savage people market?

Then she could go to the palace to find LUCY.

Suddenly, Christina felt a glimmer of hope. If she found LUCY, at least she would have a companion on

this island.

Christina had this thought in her mind, but she did not know what these savage people were going to

do. Of course, she did not have the strength to think too much.

The sun was going down, the savage people were hurrying on with their way.

By the time it was dark, they were some distance away from the original cave.

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The savage people found a place, made a fire, and camped there for the night.

Because they had barbecues before, they were not hungry. As these savage people had no

entertainment time, they rested when it was dark.

The savage baby was tied to a tree like a dog. The hemp rope was tied around his neck and the other

end was tied to the tree trunk. The baby seemed to be used to it. He rested against the tree alone,

Christina also understood another thing. It turned out that the anxlous and shouting voice yesterday

was made by the savage couple.

In front of them, the savage couple was entangling with each other and releasing their primitive desires.

Christina covered her ears with both hands and tried not to look at them,

At this moment, Samba suddenly stood up and looked warlly at the forest behind him.

Christina also glanced at the forest like him. Samba immediately pulled her up and hid her behind his

back Christina’s back was a big rock, her front was blocked by Samba’s huge body. She could not look

at the forest, nor did she know what was going on in the forest.

Suddenly she heard a loud “Bang”. She didn’t know if it was her illusion or not, but it sounded like a


“… Damn it, who has dug so many holes in the forest!” cursed Charles, who was crossing the forest.

At this moment, Patrick and the other people had arrived at the Barbarian Island,

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