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Chapter 616

Chapter 616

Ever since Samba brought Christina home, his life became much better.

In the past, he had been busy hunting for food all day long. He would eat well if he was lucky, but was

usually half hungry.

Now he had plenty of food. He dug many traps and pits in the forest. Small animals like pheasants and

rabbits fell into the pit and became their meal.

Samba didn’t need to run around the forest for food anymore. He only needed to patrol the deep pits of

various traps and pick them up if any prey fell into it. As a result, he could pick up more than ten

pheasants and hares every day. Like a rich man who collected rent, he lived a very comfortable life.

What made Samba even happier was that the girl he had picked up had recently gained some weight

and her

skin colour was not that ugly. Although she was still very thin and small, she was getting healthier.

Christina had recently gained weight and was tanned. Her originally fair and smooth skin had turned

wheat coloured. Her hands, arms and legs were stronger and she was more agile than before.

Today, Christina followed Samba to the forest to inspect their traps. She looked like a renter to see if

there were any prey in the pit to pick up. By the way, she casually laid firewood branches as a cover,

and put some small tomatoes as bait.



Samba’s face was bearded, and his dark eyes were as sharp as a beast’s. His huge body was full of

muscle and he had a sturdy chest and thick arms. He was full of strength. His skin was dark and rough.

Only a leopard skin was around his waist, and his long legs were as strong as elephant’s. Samba was

more dangerous than a tiger or a leopard at a glance.

Christina had never thought although Samba looked scary and dangerous, he would smile.

Christina was very shocked and she felt unbelievable. She looked at Samba’s bearded face and could

not see his expression, but his eyes were really relaxed and satisfied. They were walking in the forest

and Samba turned around to smile at her.

Christina froze.

In the past few days, Samba seemed to be in a good mood.

Although Christina did not know if the savage had a “Brain”, she wondered if the savage be in a bad

mood or if they have emotions and thoughts. She thought the answer should be yes, because the

newborn baby and dog also had emotions,

“… Why is he so happy?”

Christina couldn’t figure it out. But it was good for her that Samba was in a good mood, If Samba got

angry, he

could beat her flat with his big fist.

Today, they caught many preys. There were 18 pheasants, 16 rabbits, and a big wild boar screaming at

the bottom of the pit.

This made her happy. Christina especially laughed loudly when she saw the wild boar at the bottom of

the pit, who couldn’t climb up and scream. “Next time, we can dig more pits under the sunny hillside

and put a pile of wild boar’s favourite fruits…”

Even Samba would get injured when he hunt fierce animals like wild boars. His injuries were not

obvious because his skin was rough and dark. It was common for him to get hurt in hunting. Catching

wild boar in this way, however, was incredibly easy. novelbin

Samba also seemed to be surprised to see the wild boar falling into the pit.

Although he did not understand Christina’s language, every time Christina spoke, Samba would look at

her seriously, as if he could understand.

Christina had many expressions and she would play in an exaggerated way to express. Samba was

clever so he could quickly understand what she was trying to express.

A primitive savage and a modern woman could live together and cooperate with each other.

After harvesting so many preys today, lazy Christina didn’t want to bring all of them back. Anyway,

there would be prey every day, why didn’t they let them go?

Samba didn’t agree with that. Samba was abandoned by his race at birth. He was thrown into the forest

to live by himself as soon as he was weaned. If it weren’t for his good luck, he would have been eaten

by other animals, He was used to being short of food, so he cherished food very much.

In the savage’s world, food represented everything.

Samba would bring all the prey that harvested today back to the cave.

… I can’t. I can only carry two pheasants.” Christina refused to work.

A quarter of the chicken a day was quite enough for her. Why should she bring so many preys back? It

was troublesome to raise them, and they could not finish eating them today. Besides, they would have

preys every


Sambe was very obsessed with food. However, he became smart after living with Christina

saliba uprooted a tree about two meters tall. This kind of tree was like a poplar tree, with a straight

stem as thick as palms and few branches

In the depths of the forest, there were many old trees over a hundred years old. Like the old banvan

tree. the

trees got old and their roots fell down. These old roots are very flexible and strong, and Samba often

used them to tie up prey.

The prey was not killed. Instead, pheasants and hares were tied up with old tree roots and then tied to

the straight tree trunk. Samba used the trunk as a shoulder pole, with strings of prey on two ends.

Christina was surprised, “When did you become so intelligent?”

He actually knew how to use tree trunks as carrying poles to string up so many preys and bring them


However, there was still a wild boar weighing more than 300 kilograms. The pig’s hooves were tied up,

but the wild boar was too fierce and kept struggling. Although Samba was huge, it was a little difficult to

bring so many preys.

“Forget it. Let the wild boar go.”

Christina pointed at the wild boar, especially carefully looking at its dangerous fangs.

Samba stood still, and he seemed to be hesitant. At this moment, Samba suddenly became nervous

and glared fiercely at the left.

Christina didn’t know what happened at that time. When she came to her senses, she heard something

coming from the tree on her left.

Just as Christina was about to take a look, Samba’s big hand pulled her behind him and hid her. Not

long after, she saw three savages passing by.

They were a sturdy bearded adult male savage, a plump adult female savage, and a skinny cub as tall

as Christina

It seemed to be a family of three.

Christina hid behind Samba and peeked. She was surprised because she had not seen any savages

except Samba for a long time.

The last time they went to the savage market, she found that savages had a lot of communication with

each other, but Samba was isolated and liked to live far away from them.

At first, Samba ignored the savage family. But the female savage walked towards him. Christina felt

that the female savage looked at him with a burning and ingratiating look

They talked in their native language. The female savage was very plump. She seemed to be very

excited to talk lo Sambe a lot, but Samba answered tersely as usual

The male savage also walked over Me reached out to paul tus companion, but it was obvious that the

female Savage was one violent She was very dissatisfied and shouted at the male savage, feeling as if

the wife

12:39 AM

despised the husband for being too useless. Moreover, in the savage’s society, the status of the female

was higher.

Christina quietly watched the female savage fawning on Samba while roaring at her male companion.

She could not help but wonder if she was trying to seduce Samba.

Judging from the figure, Samba was indeed stronger than her male companion. Most facial features of

the male savages could not be seen with their beards, but Samba’s eyes were sharper, more energetic,

and he was younger and more charming than the other male.

And now Samba is more intelligent than other savages. Samba could hunt for more food and was the

new noble among the savages.

Was the female savage going to abandon her husband and hook up with Samba?

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