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Chapter 613

Chapter 613

Patrick and the others brought with them fire starters, cooking tools, and self-defense weapons. For the

first few days after they stepped into this island, they couldn’t fully adapt to the life here.

After that, they did not starve anymore. They hunted a lot of rabbits, pheasants, and even wild boars,

and a few sika deer.

After roasting some of the preys, they hung the meat on their backpacks and dried it naturally as

reserved food.

Charles was happy about their improved diet. Every time they rested and ate dried meat, he could not

help but sigh. “I wonder if Christina had any food.” He was so worried.

Crystal also showed a worried expression when she heard this. And she felt a deep sense of guilt as

she took a bite of meat.

After looking at each other, Gary and Patrick turned their gazes at Patrick on the other side. Patrick had

not eaten much in the past few days and had lost much weight. They then glared at Charles.

At the same time, they had a tacit understanding of kicking him from both sides. Charles covered his

butt in pain and jumped up. He then chased after them and shouted angrily.

At this time, Patrick put down a piece of rabbit leg meat on his hand and looked straight ahead with

deep eyes, silent.

(Meanwhile, at the other side of the island]

Christina was squatting in front of the fire burning a pot of hot water when she sneezed.

She then rubbed her nose, worried that she might catch a cold.

Before, she was depressed because she saw Lucy being tortured, but she could not save Lucy. She

felt that it was useless to resist. There was no way she could escape from the islands and go back.

However, even if no one came to save her, she couldn’t just sit back and wait.

After a few days, she cheered herself up.

Lucy was so strong that she should not die easily. And she was not a foolhardy person. She would

definitely swallow her pride to save her life when necessary. Although she was covered in bruises and

dragged into the palace cruelly, she was most likely still alive,

Thinking of that, Christina immediately felt that she could no longer be depressed,

Nothing could be changed by complaining. Lucy fought with the Barbarian so bravely just to survive,

and her experience was much better than Lucy’s. At least Samba didn’t hurt her. Anyway, she could not

be so decadent.

And she had to work hard to keep herself safe, adapt to the environment of the island and practice

more skills.

Only when she became strong could she protect others.

As usual, Samba got up at sunrise and diligently went into the forest to catch the prey. At about 2 pm,

he would usually come back with two or three hares or a wild boar.

They basically ate once a day. After he came back from hunting in the afternoon, he walked to the third

cave entrance, moved the heavy wooden door open, and then led her out.

He would give her roast meat and water.

Yet she did not understand why he kept her in captivity. She guessed that it was probably because she

looked too skinny and he wanted to fatten her up before selling or eating her.

This thought made her afraid to eat more every time and worried every day.

At first, she only ate one meal a day, and her stomach couldn’t stand it. Therefore, when she ate

barbecue, she would secretly hide a piece of meat for supper or breakfast.

Soon, she realized that he didn’t care if she hid the roast meat or how long she would keep it.

After the food was distributed, he only ate his share. And as for her share, unless she threw it out

herself, he then would pick it up and eat it. Yet he wouldn’t snatch her food.

A barbarian could be so noble?” She said to herself.

In fact, Samba was a very principled Barbarian. The swiss army knife and the small kettle he had given

her seemed to be recognized by him as her personal property. Even she had repeatedly used that knife

to cut off the hemp rope on her hand and cause him trouble, he did not take back the tools.

In this way, she took more advantage of him.

Today, he came back from hunting three pheasants with bright feathers in the forest. As usual, he went

to the third cave as soon as he came back and opened the heavy wooden door. When he bent down

and entered the cave, he found that the hemp rope tied to her hands had been broken by her again.

His face was bearded and his body was huge. Only his dark eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, but he

did not yell at her. He then turned to grab a new hemp rope and was about to lie her up.

Today, she became bold. And quickly, she stipped out of the cave.

With a hemp rope in his hand, he was dutt for a long time before he clumped out

However, this time she did not escape She went to pick up a handful of dry wood, used the flint she


before to start a fire, found a rotten iron pot, filled it with water. And then she carried two small rocks,

and put the iron pot on it to boil the water.

Standing still, he glued his eyes on her, not knowing what she was doing.

And he was very patient. Perhaps he felt that she could not run away under his watch, so he sat on the

grass on the slope beside him and casually grabbed a handful of fresh grass growing on the slope and

stuffed it into his mouth. It seemed that he was eating snacks.

On the other hand, she turned around and found that he was eating grass leisurely and did not mean to

tie her


Feeling excited, she was correct that he was a good-tempered Barbarian, just like a pet dog!

While waiting for the water to boil, she also grabbed a handful of grass from the slope and stuff it into

her mouth like him. After she chewed, the bitter taste choked her throat.

It tasted foul. Why did he feel like he was eating something yummy? novelbin

Soon, the water boiled. She then threw the chicken that he had hunted back today into the pot, scalded

it a few times, and carefully took it out to shed its feathers.

Although he was muscled, his eyes were full of surprise and confusion. He looked straight at her as if

he was getting more confused about what she was doing.

When she finished plucking three chickens, she pulled out a swiss army knife and cut them open.

When she took out the chicken intestines in one breath, he was completely shocked. His burly body

suddenly stood up and he roared at her and pointed at the dead chicken that had been completely

eviscerated on the ground.

With a sad face, he looked at her as if she was too cruel.

She had been lived with him for a long time, and could probably guess what he meant. She suddenly

became angry. “You’re a Barbarian. Didn’t you drink blood and eat raw meat? Why’re you looking at me

like that? I didn’t do anything outrageous.”

In his opinion, she had pulled away all the dead prey’s hair and guts, which was simply vicious.

Ignoring him, she then rubbed her nose and continued to make herself roast chicken.

And she sharpened a few twigs, forked the chicken with them, and slowly barbecued it with fire.

It was different from the simple and rough way he cooked before. No matter what prey he brought

back, they were thrown directly into the fire with the fur and internal organs. If the skin was burnt, he

would bite it away and only ate the meat in the middle. Yet she felt that it tasted really terrible.

However, he felt that her actions were 100 disrespectful to the ‘dead and that it would take a long time

to roast them like this. He did not understand why she did not throw them directly into the fire, What

was she was doing?

At this time, his fierce face showed Impatience, which made him look even more dangerous and

ferocious, but she was no longer afraid of him,

She was in a good mood, watching her roast chicken crackle with the lire, the golden crispy skin of the

chicken emitted a sizzling oll, and a smell of meat rushed to her nose,

This smell was much better than his “plg food.” Every time he threw the prey directly into the fire, it

smelled like coke, and the Internal organs were not removed from the meat, which was a little bitter,

“No seasoning…”

She then turned to look at the grass on the slope. Since he had caten it, it meant it was not poisonous,

Quickly, she grabbed a handful grass, chopped it and used it as onions. It was good to neutralize the


However, he began to suspect that she was playing, but cooking, “Have you learned?” When she

handed him a skewer of roast chicken, she asked him earnestly.

Of course, he didn’t know what she was talking about, but he took the roast chicken, sniffed it warily,

took the first bite, and then instantly “fell in love” with this taste. In less than a minute, the roast chicken

in his hand had eaten up, even the bones.

He then went to get the second roast chicken by himself. It could see that he was really enjoying it.

Although he did not say anything, the way he gobbled indicated that he like the food much.

Casting him a glance, she didn’t care whether he like it or not. In order to protect the dinner in her

hand, she quickly shoveled the chicken into her mouth.

Never had he eaten such delicious food before. He was so excited that he almost reached out to grab

her roast chicken. After being glared at by her, he immediately remembered his principles. He sat by

the side and watched her eat. But he was only half full.

From time to time, Samba turned to look at the forest, as if he was struggling whether to rush into the

forest now and catch another prey to roast.

“Don’t expect me to be your cook.” Actually, Christina hated cooking the most in her life.

She was like a boy since she was a child. Apart from the camping barbecue, the cooking and stewing

were not her strengths. And she could only cook mushy noodles.

She ate slowly. And he looked at the chicken in her hand with greedy eyes. Yet he couldn’t snatch hers.

He then got up and dragged two branches full of fruits over which he casually broke from a tree.

The fruit on the branches was light yellow, in the size of an egg, and the skin was smooth, but it tasted

a little sour.

After having one bite, she immediately spat it off.

The other kind of fruit was as big as a fist, and the skin was very thick. He chewed it directly. But she

peeled the thick skin with her bare hands and only ate the crystal white flesh inside. It tasted a little like

mangosteen, sweet and sour.

So, she only ate large mangosteen, and she didn’t even look at the yellow fruits.

Today, he found out that the “cub” he had brought home was too picky about food.

She was ugly, thin, and a picky eater, no wonder she was abandoned in the forest.

She then turned around with a strange expression. “What do you mean by that sympathetic look?”

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