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Chapter 608

Chapter 608

“Quiet!” Patrick glared around.

Gary and the others didn’t dare to make a fuss and shut up in embarrassment.

“… Check the food, weapons, fire equipment, lighting equipment, and prepare to land on this island.”novelbin

No one dared to resist Patrick’s order.

Patrick decided to go to the island.

Whether they trusted Raphael or not, they would follow the order.

Rafael glanced at the people around him and began to pack up with a deeper sneer.

“Which island is she on now?”

Patrick unfolded the map and spoke coldly.

Raphael knew that Patrick was asking him. In his opinion, only Patrick had some wit in the whole ship.

He walked slowly over with his hands in his pockets.

He looked down at this ancient hand-drawn map. Tsk, tsk. The map which the ancestors of the Strozzi

family personally drew and preserved for so many years finally fell into an outsider’s hand.

Derek, the owner of Raphael’s body, was indeed capable. He could actually ask Earl to do something

for him while Raphael was unconscious and even handed over the map of the Strozzi Islands to


“That was Christina’s. Don’t give it to him.” Charles, who stood up awkwardly, noticed Raphael’s eyes

and immediately shouted.

Raphael looked at the bruise on Charles’s left eye and sneered disdainfully. “How’s it possible for you

to collect my map of the Strozzi Islands?”

“Raphael, do you want my weapons?” Patrick asked impatiently.

When Raphael heard about the weapons, he immediately changed his expression and looked at

Patrick seriously,

It was obvious that Raphael cared a lot about those weapons.

Charles had always been very unpleasant with arrogant Raphael who occupled Derek’s body and even

enticed them to come to this strange place. This thing in front of them was not a human at all but some

evil spirit or ghost.

“Raphael, if you can’t help us find Christina, we’ll use this batch of weapons to blow up your stupid


Charles covered his left eye in pain and finally found a chance to yell at Raphael.

Raphael’s eyes narrowed slightly. Compared to his usual nonchalant look, he seemed to be

suppressing his anger. “Earl will look for her.”

Raphael compromised.


Patrick and Charles were both slightly shocked, on hearing this name. The cat was even brought here?

Earl was the spiritual black cat.

Just then, Alan walked in quickly with a metal black box from the control room. “Mr. Hopkins, there’s a


Earl was now already knocked out by the previous storm. Even though it was spiritual, it could not

stand such a bumpy trip and was weak and tired. It lay in the black box quietly.

Raphael reached out to pull it out by grabbing Earl’s neck.

Raphael glanced at Earl casually as if confirming that Earl was still breathing. “Well, it’s still alive.” He

was talking to himself without any sympathy or pity for it.

Cats feared water the most, especially such a big storm in the deep sea. It was almost killed.

As Raphael’s favorite pet, Earl quickly regained its strength. It shook its head and squatted upright. It

seemed that it had gotten used to maintaining a dignified posture at all times.

“… If you insist on looking for my little sister, then split up and send some people to follow Earl so that

you can find her.”

Raphael’s tone was so lazy and frivolous as if he completely ignored the life of his so-called “little


“You want us to believe in a cat?” Charles thought he was joking.

Patrick’s voice was cold and he suddenly said, “Christina is not on this island.”

Patrick’s words were affirmative. He was very sure that she was not on the island in front of him

because Raphael had always been vague and didn’t answer his question directly.

Raphael raised his eyebrows slightly and did not speak.

Raphael’s teasing look told Patrick that it was not easy to find Christina and the island in front of him

was not the destination at all

They split up.

Let Earl find Christina.

Everyone in the control room was shocked. Patrick showed a cold and sharp look and he suddenly

pulled out his gun from his waist and aimed at Earl, who was squatting on the control panel. He fired

several shots in a row.

Earl was so scared that it suddenly fluffed up and didn’t even dare to move its paws.

The bullets pierced through the electronic panel, making it sizzle. The bullet holes formed a small circle

while Earl, the black cat, squatted in the middle. It almost died.

Patrick was still pointing his muzzle at Earl with one bullet left.

Raphael was furious. “Christina’s on Barbarian Island now!”

He rarely got angry, but now roared angrily. If it weren’t for the cooperation with Patrick and that he

needed his help, Raphael would never have let him go.

“Barbarian Island.”

Patrick looked coldly.at Raphael and Earl and muttered. He showed an even more solemn look.

No wonder Raphael kept avoiding his questions and didn’t want to tell him where Christina was.

“Barbarian Island? Are there any barbarians living on the island?” Patrick asked coldly.

This time, Rafael sneered and smiled brightly. “Yes, a lot, a lot of barbarians, vulgar and barbaric. They

eat human flesh raw and drink blood.”

Charles knew the bitch Raphael said this on purpose. However, he had to be worried about Christina

as she was now on an island full of barbarians.

“How is she now?” Patrick asked expressionlessly.

“Still alive.”

Rafael replied the same.

Charles doubted, “Did you lie to us? They’ve been on the island for seven or eight days. Now she…”

Could she live this long?

Even if Christina had suffered any misfortune, Raphael would definitely not tell them the truth,

There was telepathy among blood relatives of the Strozzi family and Raphael seemed to have inherited

a very powerful ability. He was as mysterious as a god or a devil. He could see Christina’s current

situation when he

closed his eyes

“… My little sister was separated from the others. At that time, their cargo plane met a storm and broke

up in the sky. She washed ashore alone.”

Raphael seemed to feel that there was nothing to hide so he simply told the truth. Moreover, he wanted

to see them being scared and worried.

Sure enough, Patrick and Charles became even more anxious after hearing his words.

Charles scolded him angrily, “Didn’t you say at first that Mary had kidnapped her? You said that Mary

wouldn’t abuse her and she knew how to go back safely as long as she knew how to leave the islands.

Now you’re talking such bullshit! Christina stayed alone on that island for seven days!”

Patrick’s face darkened. He knew that Raphael was deliberately provoking him but didn’t lie. At this

moment, he had no choice but to believe Raphael.

Raphael said she was still alive.

Although the cruise ship could still run normally now, it could only sail 1000 nautical miles at most

because of the serious damage to the energy tank. And some people must stay to repair it.

Before the sunset, Patrick led a group of people trying to go to the island to find out what was going on.

The rest of them began to distribute supplies and prepare dinner and the place to stay tonight.

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