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Chapter 590

Chapter 590

At the last moment of the crash, everyone panicked and Christina fainted when the piercing sound of

metal exploding from the fuselage sounded.

She could only feel her body keep falling.

The wind from high above kept blowing past her body and her cheeks were hurting. She had a hard

time breathing and was about to suffocate at that time.

Christina thought she was going to die but the first thing that came to her mind was Patrick’s face.

Those vague images seemed to be very beautiful. She indulged in her memories for a short time as if

she was on the verge of death reminiscing about the past.

Until she opened her eyes again.

When Christina regained consciousness, she felt a sharp pain all over her body. Her throat was very

dry and her lips were chapped. She even felt a mouthful of sand.

She didn’t know where she was or whether she was still alive.

She was kidnapped on the plane by her mother who wanted to take her into an archipelago. She and

Lucy then fought back and then… Unfortunately, they were caught in a big storm.

The sturdy metal plane was as small as an ant when it encountered a natural disaster. The plane

instantly disintegrated and all of them screamed.

Fortunately, Christina found herself lying on the beach when she was awake. She probably fell into the

shallow beach and was washed ashore by the sea.

Physically and mentally exhausted, she gritted her teeth and finally climbed up to the land,

She turned over breathlessly and looked at the dark sky in confusion.

There were many cumulonimbus clouds in the sky and it was all gray in the distance as the sunshine

was blocked by the clouds. She could not even tell whether it was morning or sunset in such gloomy


Turning over, she slowly stood up on the beach and looked around.

This was an island.

It was very desolate and quiet and there was not a trace of humans. She looked up tiredly to see if

there was any wreckage of the plane washed ashore on the beach.

However, she didn’t see anything,

“… Is anyone there?”

Christina wanted to shout out loud but she found that her throat was so hot and painful that she could

not make any sound

She wondered if anyone else also survived.

She needed companions very much now. Where was Lucy?

Lucy was such a tough woman that she must be alive now.

Christina felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness. She was helpless looking at the unfamiliar

environment around her.

“What should I do?”

Her mind went completely blank.

Her clothes were still intact and the phone was still in her pants. She quickly took her phone out.

It really had a good quality as the phone screen was still bright.

In an instant, Christina felt a little hopeful.

She quickly unlocked her phone and tried to call for help.

However, there was no signal here.

There was no signal in this area.

No matter who she called, she could only hear a beep sound. novelbin

Christina fell into despair again seeing the signal bar on the top of the phone was blank.

Where is it exactly?

The periphery of the island was surrounded by sand, a large beach. No traces of human life could be

seen. In the center of the island, 50 meters ahead, there was a dense jungle.

The verdant vegetation is exceptionally lush, like the trees in the rainforest, towering into the clouds,

letting out a very gloomy and terrifying sense from far away.

Christina did not dare to step into this forest,

However, she was now very thirsty and hungry and the seawater could not quench her thirst. She was


with wounds and needed food supplies. Otherwise, she would not live long.

“I want to be alive.”

She had a strong desire to survive.

She wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes and the sand on her cheeks. Then she walked

towards the forest ahead.

She had to try hard even though it was the worst case.

The clouds in the sky were gradually penetrated by the scorching sun above and a gentle morning light


She stood in front of the forest looking at the huge leaves and then strode into the forest bravely after

taking a deep breath.

Christina could smell the trees around her while the sun shone through the huge leaves.

The surrounding trees were all towering into the clouds and their trunk was straight and tall. The roots

of those old trees grew one after another and the diameter of the trunk might be 3 meters.

She could hear some small noises. They were small animals like birds and insects, making small


With the noises of these little animals, Christina calmed down a little.

She would have been scared out of her wits if there was no sound in such a big virgin forest. She just

hoped that there won’t be a huge carnivorous beast suddenly running out.

She took every step tensely and gently so that she could run out of the jungle and go back to the beach

if something unusual happened.

Christina saw a thick branch in the direction of her left hand and her first thought was to use it as a


She quickened her pace and walked over thinking of this.

She walked in a hurry but then she suddenly screamed out. “Ah.”

Although the forest in front of her was dense, there was actually a slope right next to the branch.

Christina slipped as the black clay was so wet and then she slipped down.

The thorny branches scratched her clothes and skin while the dirty mud mixed with rotten leaves and a

lot of small beetles,

There was hard rock at the bottom of the slope. She groaned in pain and finally stopped when she

used her lernt foot and arm to hit the rock.

She gritted her teeth and gasped when she felt the pain in her left foot. Her whole body was dirty and

her long hair was stuck with dirty soil. However, she had no time to care about this now.

She looked up to the place where she had just fallen.

Christina was extremely angry for being so careless and in such a mess now. She was alone in such a

place and no one could help her.

There were some moist tears in the corner of Christina’s eyes. She endured the real pain in her feet

and the fear in her heart

Christina didn’t know if her leg was broken but it hurt so much that she gritted her teeth in pain even as

she just moved a little.

Her clothes were all covered in mud. She slowly retracted her feet and could sense a smell of blood

from the mud in her pants.

Her feet must have been bruised and her muscles and bones might also hurt. Her face was faintly pale

from the


Other women might just sit on the ground and cry in despair but Christina forced herself to raise her

head and hold back her tears.

“Don’t cry. It’s useless.”

“Lucy must be alive…”

“…I must try hard to live longer. There must be someone coming to save me later.” She kept thinking in

her heart as if it was a belief in survival.

Then Christina slowly stood up and sat on the rock aside. She carefully rolled up her pants to check her


She should now be in a deep pit in the forest as the air around was especially moist and cool.

She seemed to hear the gurgling of the stream,

Christina was so surprised when she suddenly thought of something. It was water.

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