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Chapter 545

Chapter 545

It was a fancy French restaurant.

The tablecloth was Champagne silk. On the table, two candles were romantically lit beside the two

delicious French roes. The crystal chandelier above them sparkled, which made the smile on the faces

of the man and woman sitting at the table even more charming and brilliant.

The environment here was quiet and elegant, with the melodious sounds of violins, which made the

entire atmosphere warm and sweet.

However, Chandler, sitting at the table next to them, had a fire in his eyes. He put up a menu in front of

the table to cover his face and secretly glared at the man and woman, who were enjoying the meal.

He gritted his teeth, saying, “What’s the point in lighting candles in the daytime?” Chandler looked so

jealous that he wished he could rush over to scold regardless of everything.

“Sir, is there anything wrong with our dishes?”

The restaurant manager walked around and found that the guests at this table had not eaten at all, so

he immediately went over to ask.

Chandler continued to glare at the “Adulterous couple” at the table in front of him and didn’t feel like

talking to the restaurant manager. Without looking up, he said perfunctorily, “No, it’s alright.”

“Sir, did our roast lamb chop not meet your expectations?” the restaurant manager was very dutiful.

Chandler only felt annoyed and looked up impatiently, “Your lamb chop is fine.”

“Is it because our sauce doesn’t suit your taste? Sir, if there is any problem, please feel free to tell me.

We will try our best to meet our customers’ expectations.” The restaurant manager in the suit had a

good attitude.

“There is nothing to do with your dishes. I just don’t feel like eating. Please leave me alone, thanks.”

Chandler was so upset that he was not in the mood to eat lobster.

Hearing his tone, the restaurant manager knew that it was not appropriate for him to say anything

more. He politely bowed and said, “Have a good meal. Just feel free to call us whenever you need any

help.” Then he left and continued to check other tables.

When Chandler saw the manager leave, he looked up and continued to watch with a gloomy face.

Then he was in a daze.

Where were they?

The table that Crystal had sat at was empty. Where did she go with the yellow-haired man, Henry?

He quickly stood up and looked around.

Seeing the familiar figure walking out of the restaurant glass door, Chandler hurriedly called the waiter

to pay the bill. He didn’t even bother to look at the price and threw a thousand euros directly onto the

table. His gentle and handsome face looked a little anxious. He immediately ran after them and was

afraid that he would lose sight of them.

“Sir, sir, you paid too much. You don’t need to pay a thousand euros…” The waitress who came over

shouted anxiously at his back.

The lamb chop he ordered only cost 299 euros.

The service in this fancy restaurant was rather good. The waitress immediately ran over and stopped

him. “Sir, here is your money…”

“Keep it as your tips!”

Chandler looked a little fierce and shouted at the pretty waitress in front of him. She seemed to be

frightened. However, Chandler was not in the mood to care about the others and immediately strode


Where did Crystal go with that Henry?

He rushed out and looked at the people walking on the street, looking anxious.

Chandler was not familiar with the roads in Paris. He turned to look around but found no sign of Crystal

The passers-by were fashionably dressed, laughing and talking happily. The couples held hands

intimately, wrapped their arms around their partners’ waists, and walked past him. He was on Avenue

DES Champs-Elysees in Paris. It was a famous shopping area and tourist attraction and was full of


Chandler felt a little vexed.

You could run this time but would have to come back.

As he was about to go back to the old residential building and wait for her, the loud noises arose on his

right. Chandler subconsciously turned to look over.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up as Crystal was in the crowd.

He quickened his pace to approach her. Then, Chandler’s face darkened as he found Henry leaning

against Crystal carelessly, and his right arm was even around her waist.

Chandler felt furious inside. It was like he saw a man trifled with his wife. He couldn’t help but rush over

and want to beat him up.

However, Crystal, who wore a fashionable light purple floral skirt, walked towards a hotel hurriedly in

her exquisite black high heels.

Chandler followed behind and could not believe his eyes.

They went to the hotel.

A couple had just finished their meal in a classy restaurant. They smiled at each other and walked

down the street with their arms around each other’s waists. Then they went to the hotel.

In this romantic Paris, they went to a hotel and checked in.

“The two guests did book one room just now.”

Chandler stepped into the hotel with a complicated expression and asked the receptionist with great

patience. He had guessed that a conservative woman like Crystal would not accept a strange man so

quickly. Even if she went to the hotel with him, they would stay in different rooms. However, the fact

made his heart sink.

“What a romantic Paris.” Chandler’s face was ferocious, and he said with sarcasm.

A woman’s heart was a deep ocean of secrets.

She had changed a lot. Because she was in Paris, she learned the concept of love from the local

people. She kept dating someone new. In Chandler’s opinion, the so-called “love was Paramount” or

“love at first sight”, was only taking liberties with women.

The yellow-haired man, Henry, looked very young, at most in his early 20’s.

So Crystal was dating someone younger than her?

Nowadays, this kind of relationship was really popular in Europe. Young people had good physical

strength and also had a lot of tricks. They could express love on the street, which greatly satisfied

women’s vanity

Chandler stood in the lobby of the hotel sullenly. His mind was filled with hideous thoughts. The thought

of her being alone with a man in the hotel almost drove him crazy.

He knocked on the door of the hotel madly.

“Creak!” the door opened. Chandler had lost his mind in anger. He grabbed Henry’s tie and punched

him hard on his nose. Immediately, his nose was bruised and bleeding. Henry frowned and cried out in


“What’s wrong with you?”

When Crystal heard the noises, she immediately looked over. When she saw Chandler fighting with

Henry, she quickly stepped forward and kept Henry behind her. She was so angry and snapped,

“Chandler, what’s wrong with you?”

was so

“Chandler, do you think you are rich, so you can beat others up at will? This is Paris. We will call the


Chandler was furious to see that she was still protective of this “Adulterer.”

“Well, I don’t mind you putting me in jail. So, go away. I won’t let him off today no matter what.”

Chandler was so furious that he punched Henry’s belly again.

In the end, they really went to the Paris police station.

Because the hotel staff could not mediate, Chandler seemed to have lost his mind, and his eyes were

only filled with anger. He kept throwing punches at Henry. Naturally, Henry would fight back, so they

ended up grabbing with each other. Their clothes were messy, and their faces were bruised. Crystal

shouted anxiously at them. The hotel staff had no choice but to call the police. novelbin

Chandler regretted it.

He admitted that he had been too impulsive just now. However, at that moment, he couldn’t control

himself anymore. Even if he made big trouble, he would beat Henry up because he dared to go to a

hotel with Crystal. He really couldn’t stand it.

He would never let this happen, especially as he watched them.

“We’re not as filthy as you think.”

Crystal’s expression was indifferent, and she looked at him as if he was a stranger.” We passed by the

street. My skirt got stained, and it smelled sour. Then, we went to the hotel and took a shower! Henry is

just being considerate and helping me. For a person like you, as long as there is a little doubt, you will

think of something dirty. Did I say anything about you and Erica in the past?”

Crystal’s angry tone involved disappointment and coldness.

“Mr Stephenson, I have no relations with you anymore. Don’t make everything your business.” She

gradually calmed down and looked at him coldly.

Chandler was speechless because of her words.

He wanted to argue and explain.

He was just too impulsive and nervous, and he didn’t really doubt her personality.

He couldn’t accept her having an intimate relationship with another man.

“… I’m sorry.”

Chandler lowered his head and tightly held the gift bag he had brought from home. Inside, there was

the necklace he had custom-made for her and the proposal ring.

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