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Chapter 531

Chapter 531

Christina was grounded.

The reason was that Senior Mr. Hopkins found out that she had gone to the Western Garden to make a

scene and bullied his little granddaughter Brianna. He was so angry, “Copy the Tao Te Ching a hundred

times and leaver here after she finished. No one is allowed to help her!”

“The Tao that can be told of is not the Absolute Tao; The Names that can be given are not Absolute

Names. The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth…”


Christina put her pen down angrily. “Why should I be punished?”

“How could grandpa, the old fogy ask me to copy this a hundred times? He didn’t even allow me to

leave here.”

“Your precious granddaughter is the one to blame. Why didn’t you punish her? It was Brianna who


The old man originally wanted her to copy some ancient sages’ books to calm down but she became

even angrier as she copied. No one believed her and even Patrick wanted her to apologize.

She just didn’t want to.

Nanny Faang knocked on the door and walked in with a plate in her hands.

“Miss, I just prepare some fruit and osmanthus cake…” There were three exquisite porcelain plates

filled with cherries, sliced mangoes, and osmanthus cakes. Also, there was a small bowl of Edible

bird’s nest which had just been made in the kitchen.

Though Christina was grounded and asked to move to a new guest room to reflect on herself, she still

enjoyed the same good treatment. They prepared five meals a day for her very carefullt.

“… You haven’t eaten much for lunch.”

Nanny Faang looked sad as she took the cold food away. She turned to look at Christina at the desk

and asked slowly, “What do you want to eat? I’ll have someone bring the food up early in the

afternoon.” In case she didn’t eat lunch and was starving later.

Christina held the pen in her right hand and was working so hard like a focused student, She did not

respond but continued to copy while opening another page…

Nanny Faang sighed and did not disturb her anymore, She walked out quietly and closed the door.

After thinking for a while, she still decided to plead with Senior Mr. Hopkins to avoid Christina beginning

a hunger strike.

Christina had thought of beginning a hunger strike but the food was so delicious that she couldn’t resist

the temptation and stole another piece of meat to eat.

“… You steal my osmanthus cake.”

After Nanny Faang went out, Christina revealed her true nature. She threw the pen away and turned to

look at the new food on the tea table but she saw the black cat.

She walked over. “No wonder I didn’t drink the milk yesterday but half of it was gone.”

“You thief.” Christina scolded it angrily.


The black cat was not afraid of people at all and was eating the osmanthus cake on the plate bit by bit

with its head raised proudly. Its golden pupils were shining with a strange light. Its cry was sharp as if it

was not satisfied with being called a “thief” by her.

“You stole my food without my permission. You’re exactly a thief.” Christina quarreled with a cat in


However, she thought about it for a moment but still didn’t know how it sneaked in. This was the guestnovelbin

room on the fifth floor of Eastern Garden with a set of furniture and usually, no one lived there. The

glass door lock on the balcony was broken and couldn’t be opened so only two small windows could be

opened to ventilate the room.

How could the cat climb up high here to the fifth floor?

“You still eat?… Ungrateful little thing.”

Christina then just sat down on the floor, throwing the cherries into her mouth, while complaining to a

cat. “You are clear that Brianna admitted it was her putting in the saffron crocus last time. Maybe she

slipped out that day and did something else immoral. The whole world doesn’t believe me. As a

witness, shouldn’t you make a statement…”

How would they believe a cat as they even didn’t believe what she said?

At this moment, in the study on the second floor on the other side, Charles looked at the computer

screen and sighed, “Ah, she is ill. She is actually talking to a cat.”

Christina had been locked up by Senior Mr. Hopkins for 7 days. Charles sneaked over to see if she had

finished copying a hundred times so that he could take her out for a ride to vent her anger. However,

Miss Dickens only copied it once in 7 days which was obviously a negative resistance.

She thought Patrick really didn’t care about her anymore. It turned out that he was staring at the

camera in the study every day.

Nanny Faang had mentioned it earnestly before that she was worried that Christina would not dare to

eat and would begin a hunger strike. Completely not! She ate well and lived well. Maybe she could

even gain a few pounds after a month of confinement.

“.. Why is this cat in the Hopkins family?”

Patrick looked at the screen and focused on the familiar black cat.

Although each cat looked similar except for its fur color, he had a good memory and this cat was clearly

the one they met last time in Crescent Garden.

Charles didn’t think so much. “Maybe Christina is bored now so she brings it back.” She always felt a

little uncomfortable when looking at this black cat. A black cat always seemed to be ominous.

Patrick pressed the call button. “Call Nanny Faang in.”

He had to be clear about his wife’s friends outside even a cat.

Sometimes even Charles felt that Christina was so restricted. How could she be “mature” in such an


“I just want to teach her a lesson this time but you all came to plead for her!”

In Senior Mr. Hopkins’s room in Northern Garden, Nanny Faang ran over and said, “Senior Mr.

Hopkins, Christina is still young. You can take your time to teach her.”

“… After I die, I still have to count on her to be the mistress. I don’t know what kind of chaos our family

would be in then.”

Rovy was also there. As he was making tea, he said, “Senior Mr. Hopkins, Tao Te Ching, which you

asked her to copy is mainly about ‘Wu Wei’…”

“Well, why are you all so anxious? I just asked her to copy some ancient books. I’m not abusing her.

Hmph, if she wants to be the granddaughter-in-law in Hopkins family, she has to learn this!”

He picked up the small white jade cup and took a sip of black tea. He snorted and warned, “If she

dares to mess around again, I’ll let her kneel down to the ancestors.”

Rovy was thinking about something and said bluntly, “Senior Mr. Hopkins, it’s possible that Christina

went to miss Brianna’s place yesterday to make a scene because…”

Rovy lowered his head and shut up in time.

“You go first.” Senior Mr. Hopkins suddenly asked Nanny Faang to leave.

Nanny Faang was also over fifty years old. She did not dare to stay any longer and quickly left hearing

his words. Obviously, there were some things that he did not want her to know so she naturally would

not ask any more questions.

In the bamboo forest of Northern Garden, the wind gently blew through a bamboo forest. In the

afternoon, the sun gradually set. It was really enjoyable to sit on the stone stool in the bamboo forest,

drinking the fragrant tea, enjoying the faint fragrance of leaves.

Senior Mr. Hopkins had always been very satisfied with his life now. His children had grown up and

there was nothing he needed to worry about. Although his granddaughter-in-law Christina was not

decent at all, he just wanted to let his unfilial grandson Patrick deal with her then.

Instead, it was Brianna, his adopted granddaughter, who worried him a little.

“Rovy, get someone to keep an eye on in Western Garden. If anything really happens to Brianna,

inform me immediately.”

Rovy nodded and replied, “Yes.”

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, “Senior Mr. Hopkins, do I need to mention this to Young Master


“No need for the time being.”

Senior Mr. Hopkins waved his hand and looked at the sunset in the west. As he grew old, he became

peaceful and tolerant.

“… Brianna has lived in our Hopkins family for so many years. She has good nature so don’t force her

hard if she doesn’t do the seriously wrong thing.”

Though Senior Mr. Hopkins was serious, he was soft-hearted.

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