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Chapter 521

"There must be a misunderstanding."

"Christina will never add saffron to my bird's nest soup."

In the hospital, Crystal needed to be hospitalized for prenatal care because of weakness.

Chandler said that the reason why she almost had a miscarriage was that the bird's nest, sea

cucumber, and fish gelatin Christina bought for her was mixed with saffron powder.

She felt a chill in her back at the thought that she had been eating these things for the past few days.

"... Fortunately, these dried goods need to be soaked and rinsed many times, or else you will eat

more." Chandler had ordered people to keep all the "Evidence" properly and discuss it after Patrick

returned from a business trip.

Chandler knew Christina, who was not the kind of vicious women. He was sure that it was not

Christina's idea, but he had to take it seriously since it involved the safety of Crystal and the baby.

"... Crystal, for the safety of you and the baby, stay in the hospital. I'll find a quiet and comfortable place

for you to stay at. Don't go back to Christina's place."

Crystal hesitated when he heard this. "But, this is definitely not Christina..."

Chandler poured out half a bowl of lean porridge and served it to her. "Don't overthink. Patrick and I will

figure it out. Now you just need to try to fatten yourself up and give the baby more nutrition, okay?" he

said in a gentle voice.

Crystal looked at him and nodded in agreement.

She knew that Chandler, reserved as he was, would take responsibility without hesitation once he

accepted her. Just like at this moment, he was really concerned about her and the baby in her belly.

"... Mrs. Shepherd spoke in a sacarstic tone just now." The door of the ward was pushed open, and

Mrs. Pei looked a little embarrassed. She brought in a cup of chicken soup.


Crystal sat on the bed and greeted upon seeing her.

Mrs. Stephenson looked at her and grunted.

"This is the chicken soup for you. Your father bought at the market early this morning and cooked it for


"Thank you, mom."

Mrs. Stephenson motioned for Chandler to pour out some chicken soup to cool down before drinking it.

Then she sat by Crystal's bed and said in a gentle voice, "Crystal, you suddenly went to the hospital

last night. Your father and I don't know anything. Don't blame us."

"Don't say that. I'm fine. There's no need to bother you guys."

Crystal's face was still a little weak and pale, but she forced a smile.

As for the reason why she was hospitalized, Chandler did not tell his parents in detail, nor did he

mention that saffron was found in Christina's tonics. Now more was better than less.

Mrs. Stephenson, on the other hand, didn't seem to have much enthusiasm to ask the reason. She said

politely, "It's good that you're fine."

But then, Mrs. Stephenson asked again, "By the way, did Christina tell Mrs. Shepherd anything last

night?" She seemed to be concerned about this more.

Crystal was just about to give her a perfunctory response.

However, Mrs. Stephenson frowned and continued, "Crystal, I know you're not a big talker. Maybe it

was because your father and I didn't come to the hospital in time to see you last night... I don't know

what Christina said to Mrs. Shepherd. Just now, Mrs. Shepherd called me personally. She sounded like

I was some kind of vicious mother-in-law..."

Mrs. Stephenson, as a famous professor, her reputation was also enhanced. She was respected by the

students. She had her pride, but just now she was taught a lesson like Mrs. Shepherd, which made her

feel aggrieved.

Her words left Crystal wordless. Mrs. Stephenson never let it go, because Christina hit Chandler in a fit

of anger. Although she also felt sorry for her husband, Christina was doing this for her sake, so she

naturally could not say anything.

"Mom, actually, Christina..."

"Forget it. Don't mention her anymore," Mrs. Stephenson sighed... "Our family does everything open

and above board. They can say whatever they want. We are not afraid of them."

"By the way, Crystal, we didn't force you to give up this baby when we discussed it with you. It came all

of a sudden."

Crystal immediately became nervous. "Mom, if you're afraid that Geoffrey won't be able to accept my

child, I'm willing to stay outside and not go back to the Stephenson family."

Having gone through the experience of almost losing her baby last night, she took her baby as

everything of her.

Mrs. Stephenson comfortingly stroked her soft hair and said kindly, "Don't be so nervous. We're a

family... Since we've decided to keep this child now, you should take good care of yourself and give

birth smoothly. The Stephenson family will certainly be able to raise a child."

Crystal was touched to hear that "We are a family." She was about to say something that she would be

filial to elders and take care of her child.

But at this moment, Mrs. Stephenson added in a serious tone, "Crystal, Geoffrey is the eldest grandson

and the first successor of our family. I hope you can also treat Geoffrey as your own child. Be nice to

him, okay?"

Crystal's expression froze in an instant.

She turned her face slightly to avoid looking at Mrs. Stephenson and nodded. "Okay."

Mrs. Stephenson immediately smiled with satisfaction, "The Stephenson family is so lucky to have a

such a kind daughter-in-law as you. You're so considerate. I'm sure everything will go well in our


At this moment, the phone on Crystal's bedside table vibrated. She took a quick look and saw that it

was a call from Christina.

She immediately took the phone and hung up.

She knew the rarely harmonious atmosphere would be disturbed if Mrs. Stephenson heard that she

was talking to Christina.

She didn't dare to answer Christina's call.

[In a spacious and luxurious bedroom on the second floor of east park, Hopkins family]

Christina was in a daze, looking at he phone.

Crystal had never hung up on her like this before. She thought maybe Crystal was also angry about the

saffron powder thing.

She wondered if Crystal suspected it was she did it.

Or both she and Chandler tried to avoid her?

"Well, they shouldn't. How could I do such a thing?"

Christina looked a little depressed. She sat on the bed, holding her cell phone tightly. She had an

impulse to call Patrick to tell him that she was really wronged.

But she didn't call Patrick for the reason that she didn't want to disturb his business trip, and the other

reason that she didn't want to be someone who called her husband to complain from afar.

She had principles.

Anxiously, she went downstairs to look for Nanny Faang... "Where did you buy the bird's nest, sea

cucumber, and fish glue I asked you to prepare? How could it be mixed with saffron?"

Nanny Faang, who was busy in the kitchen in Eastern Garden, turned around and was surprised to see

Christina ran into the kitchen. What was more surprising was her words.

"All the ingredients we use, dry goods, vegetables, and fruits, are supplied by fixed suppliers. Every

batch of goods has been inspected before they come in. Moreover, these suppliers have been working

with us for a long time, so there shouldn't be any food safety problem."

She stopped what she was doing and walked out of the kitchen with her, chatting, "Junior Mrs.

Hopkins, what did you just say about saffron?"

Christina looked at her with a serious face, listening carefully to every word she said just now. She

would not easily doubt the people around her. She excluded Nanny Faang from her list of suspects,

believing that she had no evil intentions.

"Some time ago, I asked you to prepare dry tonics. I was going to give them to a friend of mine. Did

you add anything to those dry tonics?"

"What? How could that be?"

Nanny Faang looked nervous and quickly explained, "I know Miss Zhu is pregnant. Her food must be

carefully prepared. There's absolutely impossible that I adulterate it with defective food..."

The butler who worked with her, in addition to taking care of their masters' diet, was particularly

concerned about their related personnel.

"I picked them myself last time. They were all the best dry supplements." She thought the Hopkins

family must give the best gift.

Seeing that Nanny Faang didn't seem to lie, Christina was about to ask something more when a sharp

and arrogant voice came. "All in your mind is to empty our things in Hopkins family."novelbin

Ms. Hopkins looked at her provocatively and sneered, "Christina, you married into our family and are

our granddaughter-in-law. You should be more considerate of your family. Why do you want to take

advantage of your family and only think about bringing all good stuff to your mother's home?"

"Ms. Hopkins, Junior Mrs. Hopkins has a good friend who is pregnant. It's just a small gift."

Nanny Faang said kindly, expressing that Christina was not the kind of woman as she said.

Given that Nanny Faang and the old housekeeper used to serve the old master, Ms. Hopkins showed

her some respect. She snorted, and turned to look at Christina.

Christina did not refute, which was rare. Usually, they were totally incompatible.

Seeing that Christina was a little preoccupied today, Nanny Faang asked with concern, " Junior Mrs.

Hopkins, is something wrong? Is saffron found in those dried goods? This is impossible... Do you want

to tell Young Master Hopkins?"

"No need."

With that, Christina walked out of Eastern Garden. Her mind was in a mess and she was not in the

mood to argue with Ms. Hopkins. She walked casually along the path with a puzzled face.


Suddenly, a meow came from the grass on the right side of the back garden of Eastern Garden.

She suddenly stopped and looked warily at the rose on her right. Sure enough, a fully tanned cat

walked out gracefully and slowly.

It wagged its long tail and squatted upright, looking straight at her with its golden eyes.

At this moment, Christina felt frightened. Before she could react, the black cat suddenly jumped nimbly.

It quickly burrowed into the grass and was out of sight.

In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly above her head. The little black cat quickly flashed in

front of her. She chased it instinctively.

The little black cat could easily hide itself in a dark corner. However, beneath the scorching sun, it ran

along a clear route, seemingly trying to lead Christina to somewhere.

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