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Chapter 518

Charles Shepherd sent Christina Dickens a message saying that he wanted to treat her to a slap-up

meal for no reason.

"... He is not the person that would come to me for nothing", thought Christina while studying the

message carefully.

Because Patrick Hopkins went abroad on a business trip the day before yesterday, Christina had a

good time these nights, because she didn't have to serve him anymore. And there was no reason for

her to reject a free dinner invitation.

She also thought about calling all her friends over and taking advantage of Charles.

Lucy immediately said that she would be there in time.

Crystal Zhu said she wanted to know if Chandler Stephenson would show up tonight.

As for the other former colleagues like Penny, they politely refused the invitation. After all, they knew

clearly that Christina was not in the same class as white-collar workers like them and thus was beyond

their reach.

This time, Charles invited Christina to dinner with full sincerity. He asked his whole family to gather

together and chose a mountain villa with excellent scenery, where his guests could enjoy the beautiful

scenery while dining and go to a spa afterward.

Because the villa was in the suburbs far from the city center, they made an appointment that they

would drive their own cars and meet at the villa.

"Chandler said he had no dinner party to attend tonight so he drove me there. You don't have to pick

me up." Crystal sent Christina a WhatsApp voice message. Christina could tell from her voice that she

was very happy.

Christina didn't want to stay with Ms. Hopkins all day, so she slipped out of the Hopkins family as soon

as she told Senior Mr. Hopkins that she was going out for dinner. Lucy took the opportunity, pressing

her to drive a fancy car of the Hopkins family and took her for a ride.

"The fact that Chandler would go to pick her up should make her so excited."

Lucy gunned the luxury car of the Hopkins family and roared on the highway. On the way, she kept

raving about how good it was to be rich while complaining about the conversation between Christina

and Crystal at the same time.

Christina subconsciously defended her good friend, "Everyone is born differently. You don't know whatnovelbin

happened to her, so don't make judgements so easily. Crystal is a person who would be happy with

what she has, which is also a good personality. After all, she is way better than those who would never

stop complaining."

Crystal's parents got divorced when she was very young. Her biological father never took her as his

own daughter and refused to pay the alimony. Then, Crystal's mother remarried and she had to move

into her stepfather's and lived with her bully stepbrother.

Lucy glanced at her and stopped scolding Crystal anymore.

Recently, even Lucy herself did not realize that she came up to Christina much more frequently. She

felt that it was not bad to hang out with her.

Lucy enjoyed driving this low-key, dark-gray, limited-edition Rolls-Royce so much that she should have

gotten off the highway to the villa but chose to take a turn.

"Charles invited you to dinner. You're the guest. So it's natural for you to be late." She continued to


Christina tried to stop her, but Lucy would not listen to her. Because it was Lucy, a complete car

enthusiast, that was holding the steering wheel.

As a result, at 8 pm, while Charles and his family had all arrived at the reserved private room in the

villa, Christina didn't even know where she was.

"... I might be there in half an hour," she was not sure.

Just then, she looked up and saw a very familiar building. When she got closer, she suddenly realized,

"Hey, how did you drive? It's the opposite direction. This is the Crescent Garden!"

This old district was in the complete opposite direction from the villa.

Lucy slammed on the brakes and parked the car on the side of the central square at top speed,

narrowly missing the street lamp.

"Don't look for excitement all day long. I don't want to die!" said Christina furiously.

Lucy was such a reckless person that she should drive in such a heedless manner.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I somehow drove over here", said Lucy awkwardly.

When she was about to get off the highway, she somehow took a turn and arrived here. It was as if she

could not figure out what went wrong.

"I'm grateful that you didn't drive me straight into the sea," Christina complained.

"Move your butt, please," said Christina, assuming the posture of the car owner. She thought that it

would be safer for her to take the steering wheel.

In addition, since the whole Shepherd family would come with Charles this time, she couldn't be too


Lucy changed seats with her immediately.

Then, Lucy thought for a moment and said casually, "Oh, this is where your old beau lives, isn't it?"

Christina started the engine and began reversing.

She turned around and threw her an angry look.

Old beau?

Crescent Garden was where Derek Fisher lived. Thinking of this, Christina looked up at the building

where he lived and muttered, "What about inviting him to join us?"

"I'll bet fifty cents. Derek is not willing to eat with a large group of ordinary people like us," said Lucy


Lucy had been in contact with Derek before, so she knew that he was difficult to deal with.

The more beautiful something is, the more poisonous it is.

Christina knew clearly that Derek was unwilling to come, and there was no need to force him. "Forget

it. Leave him alone."

Christina turned on the navigation and drove straight to the villa.

As the car was speeding along the way, the scenery outside the window was gorgeous. Cool winds

soothed their cheeks and lifted their hair. The two women, beautiful and flamboyant, seemed very


"Meow!" A sudden meow broke the peaceful atmosphere.

Christina panicked and immediately slowed down. "Did I bump into a cat just now?" asked her


Just then, a cat's head popped out of the control stick next to her driver's seat, and a pair of golden

eyes were staring at her.

Christina just froze while Lucy shouted, "Look ahead. Be careful!"

Christina suddenly regained her senses and immediately turned the steering wheel. She narrowly

brushed past the fence of the ring road and the car was scratched.

"You almost killed me!" Lucy glared at her.

Christina was also shocked. She took a deep breath and argued with her after the car slowed down.

"It's none of my business. You suddenly got a cat into the car!"

"It's not my cat." Lucy glanced at the black cat.

Christina frowned and glanced at the cat, who was sitting upright. This guy was not afraid of people at

all and looked very arrogant.

Whose cat it is? Look at its eyesight. It's really unpleasant.

It seemed that Lucy also noticed that the cat was a little overbearing, so she said coldly, "Forget it. It's

just a thief who didn't pay the fare, let's just throw it down."

All of a sudden, the black cat was on guard, and its tail was taut. It pressed down on its body as if it

was going to attack.

"Meow -"

It meowed and could see that its claws were very sharp.

Lucy teased. "You should want to play with me..." She immediately reached out to give the black cat a


Christina looked a little nervous and immediately said, "Lucy, its claws are poisonous."

"How do you know?"

Even Christina was a little slow. She pointed at the cat "It... it said."

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