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Chapter 513

[In the Eastern Garden of Hopkins family]

Just after dinner, Christina was sitting in the pavilion. When Nanny Faang felt that Christina was in a

bad mood tonight, she brought a plate of fruit over.

"I'm full." Looking at the fruits, Christina didn't have much appetite.

She then propped her elbows on the table, feeling bored. And she reached out and pointed at them

casually. "Just give them to Nancy and the others, or else it will be wasted."

The whole Hopkins residence was divided into several areas, and the servants hired were fixed to work

in one area. The servants in the Eastern Garden were often glad that Christina didn't put on airs. They

all liked her, except when she annoyed Patrick as he would vent his anger on them.

They prayed to God every day that she and Patrick could get along well with each other and stop


"You don't like the dishes at the dinner?" Nanny Faang knew that Christina didn't pay much attention

about rules. So she directly sat next to Christina and asked with concern.

Recently, Christina often went out to eat, saying that her friend Crystal's home-cooked food was


After a few cooks at home secretly found out about it, they all came to Nanny Faang, hoping that she

would ask what kind of food Christina liked. Christina was very picky in food.

At this time, she didn't seem to hear Nanny Faang's question. She propped her chin with both hands

and was thinking about something.

Suddenly, she stood up. "I think I'd better go to the hospital."

"Hospital?" As soon as Nanny Faang heard that, she immediately became nervous and asked, "Are

you feeling uncomfortable? I'll call the family doctor here." As she spoke, she did not dare to delay and

quickly got up.

Just then, Christina immediately grabbed her arm. "I'm not sick. I mean, I'm going to the hospital to seenovelbin


Nanny Faang turned to look at her, hesitating, and then said carefully, "It's past 8 pm now. If you want

to visit her, you can go tomorrow."

"She has a fever and is hospitalized. I don't know why she has a fever," Christina muttered thoughtfully.

"She didn't answer the phone, and she's pregnant now."

Nanny Faang then hurriedly added, "Junior Mrs. Hopkins, there's a fixed time for visiting patients in the

hospital at night. You may not be able to enter after 9 o'clock."

Christina raised her eyebrows. She didn't think about it at all. "I'll find a way in, don't worry."

Upon hearing her words, Nanny Faang smiled wryly.

She was worried, which was why she tried so hard to stop Christina.

Anyone could tell that Young Master Hopkins didn't want her to always be with Crystal all day.

Yet before Nanny Faang could say anything, Christina had already walked far along the wooden


It was not easy to persuade Christina.

After calling Charles and asking about the hospital and ward where Crystal was staying, Christina

drove straight there herself. On the way, she saw a few fruit stalls and got out of the car to buy a large

basket of fruit.

"If she stays in the hospital, what if Chandler takes the opportunity to force her to do an abortion?"

Christina carried a large basket of fruit and went to see her friend. In fact, her true purpose was to see

if Crystal had been bullied.

There was no one on the floor of the VIP ward. Along the way, she could only see some clean and tidy

medical supplies, spotless hallways, bright fluorescent lights, and the air here was filled with the smell

of disinfectant.

She frowned and walked faster. The sound of her high heels sounded in the quiet corridor.

Actually, she didn't like hospitals because of those bad experiences. Unless there was no other way,

she wouldn't want to come to the hospital.

When she passed by the nurse station, she saw a few nurses working overtime to prepare the

medicine. Right now, she was entertaining all sorts of ideas and quickened her pace. She wanted to

find Crystal's ward quickly, afraid that someone would murder her.

When she had just arrived at the door of the ward, there seemed to be another visiter here.

"At that time, Christina was right in front of our house. There were a lot of people passing by. But she

suddenly slapped Chandler in public."

Standing outside the ward, she heard Mrs. Stephenson's voice.

"Mom, I'm sorry. Christina is a little impulsive sometimes, but she definitely didn't mean it." Crystal's soft

voice echoed.

"What else can we do? We can't ask Junior Mrs. Hopkins to apologize to us." Mrs. Stephenson was

brooding over her son being slapped.

"Crystal, I'm saying this for your own good. Don't get too close to her... because no matter what

happens in the future, we will definitely be the one who gets all the blames."

"I know." This time, Crystal's voice was very low.

At present, Christina stood outside the ward. For a moment, she was in a dilemma. Should she go in or

turn around and leave?

"Since you're here, why don't you go in?" Just then, s gentle voice came from behind.

Chandler had just returned home to take a shower and change his clothes and then rushed to the

hospital to accompany his wife. When he arrived at the hospital, he saw Christina standing outside the

door with a strange expression.

Because they had some conflicts before, his tone was polite and estranged.

"I came to see why Crystal had a fever for no reason." She turned around and stared at him warily. And

she said with a strong attitude.

"Also, Chandler, I'm warning you, Crystal is pregnant now and she wants to give birth to the child. Don't

use Geoffrey being too young and now was not a good time to have another child as an excuse.

Abortion is very harmful to a woman's body. If you dare to force her to have an abortion, I won't let you


Unlike her hostile look, he stood still calmly and did not refute.

Yet her voice attracted the attention of people inside the room. Mrs. Stephenson immediately ran over

and saw her at the door with a fruit basket. She was immediately worried whether Christina had heard

her conversation with Crystal.

"It's so late. You, you're still here to visit?" She felt a little guilty.

Christina was carrying a fruit basket in her hand. It was obvious that she must have come to see her

friend. At this moment, Mrs. Stephenson was very embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Afraid that Christina would embarrass his mother, Chandler quickly stepped forward and said, "Mom,

it's late. You can go back and rest now."

Mrs. Stephenson glanced at her son and immediately replied, "Yes, it's late. Geoffrey needs me to tell

him a story before going to bed. I, I'll go back first."

Yet before she walked far, she then turned her head hesitantly and said, "I made fish soup for Crystal.

She can't finish it alone. You can drink some too. Don't waste it."

After that, she hurried into the elevator. And she seemed to press the close button a little urgently.

Christina only stood there with a cold face, then Chandler said, "Just come in."

She then snorted. "I don't need you to remind me, even if you don't let me in, I'll find a way in." Being

spoiled in the Hopkins family, she became more arrogant.


When Crystal saw her, she immediately looked guilty and wanted to get out of bed.

Just then, Chandler took a few quick steps over and immediately stopped her. "The doctor told you to

lie down."

"The fever has subsided. I can leave the hospital now."

"You're in the early stages of pregnancy. You're still under observation. Just lie down."

Crystal then continued to lie in bed, looked at Christina, and smiled apologetically. "I'm really sorry to

make you worry. You don't have to come to visit me so late. I'm fine, really. But he was worried and said

that I should be under doctor's observation for a few more days."

After casually putting the fruit basket aside, Christina then walked to the bedside, leaned closer to

Crystal's ear, and whispered, "Tell me, why do you have a fever? Did someone do anything to you?"

Although her voice was low, he could still hear it. He then said in an ironic tone, "Someone had brought

a group of friends to our house for dinner. It was raining heavily that day. But Crystal went out to buy

food alone."

After Crystal heard that, she glared at him. "Don't say that."

Only then did Christina remember that they were having a small gathering that day. Yet she didn't

inform Crystal in advance and rushed over to Crystal's house at 3 pm. And later, Crystal insisted to

prepare the food herself.

Therefore, they caused Crystal to catch a fever after getting wet in the rain.

Expressionless, Christina now knew that Crystal and Chandler were getting along well. And she

seemed to be too nosy.

All of a sudden, she felt that she had kind of become a hindrance to this couple.

"Well, Crystal, take care of yourself. I must go back now." She said politely.

Crystal noticed that she seemed a little unhappy and then quickly said, "Christina, please don't take it

to your heart..."

Maybe Christina heard what Mrs. Stephenson said just now.

And Christina forced a smile and pretended not to know anything. She waved her hand. "The most

important thing is that you are fine and the fetus is healthy. If you need me, then call me."

Crystal then smiled at her. "Okay."

Right now, Christina felt that she should leave now and then turned to leave.

Just then, Chandler suddenly said to her, "Christina, I appreciate your concern for Crystal. I've already

discussed the child with Crystal..."

Hearing that, she quickly turned around. When she heard him mention the child, she immediately

became vigilant again. "Chandler, it's your baby as well. Don't be so heartless!"

"No, that's not what he means." Nervous, Crystal immediately spoke for her husband.

"It's not what you think," she then said with a happy smile on her face, "He promised to let me give birth

to this baby."

At this moment, she was in a good mood. She had talked to Mrs. Stephenson just now. "His parents

also said they were willing to accept my child. If Geoffrey can't accept my baby, we can raise it outside

first. When Geoffrey is a little older, we then bring it home..."

Widening her eyes, Christina listened to that with disbelief.

Turning around, she glared at him angrily. "This is the solution your family came up with?!"

He looked a little embarrassed. And he also knew that this arrangement was unfair to Crystal and the


Yet Crystal immediately defended, "Don't scold him."

Christina pinched her lips tightly, feeling angry. Then she walked out of the room without looking back

with a frown.

"Christina, don't be angry..." Crystal shouted behind her worriedly.

In the room, he held her down again. "Don't worry about her. Take care of yourself and the baby first..."

When Christina heard what they were saying, she was getting more agitated.

Now she felt like she was making superfluous efforts.

When they quarreled, Crystal called her in the middle of the night and cried that Erica had talked to her.

She was going to divorce Chandler. Now that they were reconciled, Christina became a bad person

who destroyed their relationship in the end.

At night, she was feeling low. She tossed and turned on the soft bed with the quilt in her arms and

couldn't sleep.

Meanwhile, Patrick had a very important video conference in the study and finished his work until one

in the morning.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?"

He pushed open the door and subconsciously looked over to the bed. The soft light at the head of the

bed was on, and the beautiful woman on the bed curled up with a thin white duvet. There was

annoyance in her eyes.

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