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Chapter 511

The weather changed suddenly at noon. The sky, which had been bright and clear in the morning, was

now covered with dark clouds. The heavy rain started to pour down soon.

Crystal was buying some fresh food in the supermarket, preparing for lunch with guests that were going

to visit her in the afternoon.

She was caught in the sudden heavy rain.

Crystal had just left the supermarket with bags in her hands when it started to rain. In order to protect

the baby, she didn't wear any makeup today. The pink dress she was wearing, which was specially

designed for pregnant women and had cherry blossoms on it, was wet with the rain. So was her face

and ponytail.

Like all the unlucky people around her, she rushed back to the supermarket again quickly to hide from

the rain.

The heavy rain was pouring down in front of her. She felt cold as the wind which carried raindrops was


Crystal put the two bags of food on the ground and took out her phone to call herself a taxi. As a

mother-to-be, she couldn't catch a cold. The baby's health was currently the most important thing to


Just then, a dark blue BMW drove this way at an extremely fast speed, splashing dirty water on the

ground everywhere. Pedestrians shouted in anger, "Can you drive or not?"

Hearing the noise behind her, Crystal turned around.

She recognized the car immediately. Just as she was standing there still in shock, the car had already

stopped in front of her.

Chandler rolled down the window, glaring at her, "Are you insane?"

"Why did you run out when it was raining so hard?" scolded Chandler, who couldn't help but feel angry

when he saw her drenched in rain.

Crystal didn't make any reaction since she was still surprised about seeing him here. Being scolded by

Chandler for no reason filled her heart with grievances.

Chandler regretted it immediately when he saw her sad expression.

He really shouldn't have been so impulsive just now. He caught a glimpse of a familiar figure when he

was driving just now. He drove closer and found that it was Crystal coming out of the supermarket with

two big bags full of food, which made it very easy for him to guess that she was going to cook for all of

them today.

Damn it!

He should have thought of this earlier. Christina was bad at taking care of people. When the two girls

lived together, Crystal must be the one who took care of everything.

Charles was right. Christina was enslaving Crystal.

The more Chandler thought about it, the angrier he became. He glared at the two bags on the ground

and snorted, "Are you an idiot?" This wasn't the first time he called her an idiot.

Crystal was used to it, considering the word "idiot" as proof of their intimacy. However, ever since Erica

called her stupid that day, she only felt aggrieved when she heard Chandler saying that again.

"Yes, you're right, I am an idiot. Only idiots will marry you and be the third man in your relationship with

another woman! Yes, I'm stupid! I'm not good for you! Are you happy now?"

Crystal retorted with a straight face. The rain kept streaming down her hair and face. She looked so

pitiful with tears welling up in her eyes.

Chandler stared at her, not knowing how to comfort her. How he wished he could those words back!

"I didn't mean that."

His voice trembled a little as he was trying to apologize and say something to make her feel better.

"We all know how picky Christina is. You don't have to go out on such a rainy day to buy food for her..."

Crystal said defensively, "I'm willing to do it."

"Christina is nice to me. Don't speak ill of her." Crystal always defended her friend even though she

knew there were only limited things she could do for her.

She was obviously on guard against him. Chandler's feelings became complicated when he found that.

He had reminded himself hundreds of times not to be mean to Crystal when he saw her the next time.

He would talk to her with complete calmness and frankness.

However, he hurt her again this time. He hated himself so much for hurting the people he cared most

about by mean words.

"Get in the car," Chandler said softly.

Crystal took a step back and refused in a low voice, "No, thanks. I called a taxi. It should be here soon."

Chandler swore he had intended to be calm and patient with her, but she really irritated him by refusing

him in wet clothes.

Chandler raised his voice and warned, "Don't force me to get out of the car and grab you in."

"I said I don't need your ride."

Crystal looked a little hesitant, afraid to be surrounded by crowds if they continued to quarrel in public.

It would be so embarrassing.

Chandler knew what she was thinking, so he raised his voice deliberately. "Pay my money back today,

or I swear I'll give you a hard time today!"

Crystal was flustered. "What? When did I owe you money?"

Chandler sounded even more righteous. "Are you denying it? I have an IOU at home with your

signature on it! Leave with me now, or I'll see you at the police station."

Lots of people were waiting for the rain to stop under the eave of the supermarket. Hearing Chandler

mentioned money and police station, they all got interested and started to gossip.

Gazed by those curious eyes, Crystal blushed in embarrassment. "No, I didn't..."

"You're doing this again. You always embarrass me."

Crystal had no choice but to get into the car. She threw the bags and slammed the door, complaining.

Chandler asked her patiently, "Are you seated?"

Crystal refused to speak to him, straight-faced.

Ignoring the gossip outside, Chandler started the car. It was true that he had always done these kinds

of things to her ever since they met.

He found that interesting but had never considered if she would be angry.

"Where are we going?"

Crystal, who was sitting in the car, finally came back to her senses and realized that she had made anovelbin

wrong choice. She shouldn't have got into his car. It was awkward with only the two of them in the car.

Looking straight ahead at the road, Chandler tried to stay as calm as he usually was, "Your clothes are

wet. We're going home so you can change them. Otherwise, you will catch a cold. Do you want to

catch a cold?"

"I don't want to go back..." Crystal sounded a little nervous.

She was like a child who had run away from home for a long time. The more she got closer to home,

the more scared she became.

She was never a heartless woman. Every time she was bullied, she would recover and forgive them by

herself after a few days. She didn't really want to leave that house. The reason why she was hiding like

an ostrich was that she didn't know how to face it.

This marriage was actually under Chandler's control because he knew Crystal too well. He was clear

that she would never leave him.

Instead of forcing her to go back home, he drove them to the neighborhood she had been living in


It was a perfect place for pregnant women to stay with its quiet and beautiful environment and excellent

community service.

Chandler was checking the surroundings carefully for dangerous things or people as he drove the car

into the neighborhood. It suddenly occurred to him that Crystal and he would have a happy life together

with their child in the future after they moved out.

His hand on the steering wheel stiffened. Only then did he realize that he was actually looking forward

to seeing their child too.

Chandler parked the car in Christina's garage easily. To make Crystal's life more convenient here,

Christina had left her in charge of the whole house. In her opinion, Crystal was probably going to live

here for a few years.

"... Give these to me. You can leave now."

Crystal tried to take over the two bags Chandler was carrying for her.

It was impolite to invite others to Christina's house.

Chandler raised his eyebrows in surprise. Crystal was obviously braver than before. Being friends with

Christina had somehow influenced her positively. At least, she had learnt to refuse others and protect


"Are you going to abandon me after using me as a driver? How heartless." Chandler blamed her with

serious eyes.

Guilt filled Crystal's heart. She was so afraid of being blamed.

Before she could react, Chandler took out the key from her pocket and opened the door. Then he

turned around and urged, "Hurry in. Change your clothes first."

Crystal stood still in shock.

He manipulated her again. Crystal sighed when she realized this.

While Chandler put the bags into the kitchen, Crystal had a shower in her room and got changed. She

was annoyed with herself for taking the enemy home. Christina would definitely despise her for being

so spineless if she knew about this.

Probably affected by the bad mood, Crystal felt a little dizzy after the shower. Somehow, it was hard for

her to walk steadily now.

She was trying to stay awake and think about what she should say to Chandler when she saw him

later. A voice came from the living room just as she walked out of her room.

Chandler was listening to a voice message in the living room. "Dad, we will have the parent-child

activity indoors because the teacher told us it was going to rain on that day. It's not canceled, so

remember to come here on time tomorrow! I'll be waiting for you, Dad!" Geoffrey had learned to send

voice messages with his smartphone.

The innocent and excited voice of the child echoed in the room. Crystal and Chandler looked at each

other in silence.

Crystal couldn't reach a consensus with the Stephenson family when it came to children.

If they didn't welcome her child, she would raise him or her up by herself.

She would never give up on her baby, even if she had to divorce Chandler for that.

Crystal lowered her head in tears so that Chandler couldn't see how weak and sad she was right now,

"Leave now. Hurry up. I don't want to see you." She said that extremely fast.

She wanted to sound tougher but couldn't do it since her heart was currently soaked in deep

grievances. Her soft, half-crying voice made her sound like she was begging him to go.

Chandler's heart hurt so much when he heard her voice.

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