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Chapter 509

Christina was a sinner.

She hid her close friends and was suspected of instigating divorce and ruining the happy life of the

couple. These were heinous crimes.


Christina was wearing a lavender Persian cat apron with her long black hair tied up high. A few strands

of hair on her fair neck were dripping with water. In her fair and beautiful face, her eyes were clear but

full of anger.

Her left hand was on her waist, and her right hand was holding a wireless vacuum cleaner as a scepter,

pointing furiously at the two men at the door of her house.

"Don't stand at my door. Disappear immediately."

There was a small yard with a small fence in front of the gate of the villa. Charles and Chandler did not

dare to approach the gate at all. They only stood outside the small fence and tried to negotiate with her.

Charles was pulled over to be a peacemaker. "Christina, don't worry anymore. Ask Crystal to come out

and let them sit down to have a good talk."

Before he could finish speaking, Christina's face turned angry. "I was so angry when seeing you. Get

out of here."

The wireless vacuum cleaner on her right hand flew straight at them. Charles dodged in horror and saw

the high-end wireless vacuum cleaner beside his feet break into pieces with a bang.

God, how fortunate that it didn't hit his head.

"Christina, you are going to murder me!"

"Crystal's hiding can't solve anything. We only want to talk with her."

"Talk what? Do you want to bully her together and ask her to have an abortion? You, heartless people,

keep still. I'll go into the kitchen and get a knife..."

Hearing this, Charles's face changed in fear. He quickly hid behind Chandler and did not want to benovelbin

hurt as an innocent citizen.

"Christina, I just want to see her."

Chandler, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke with a gentle and firm tone. There was no

fear on his face.

Christina stood at the gate, frowning and looking at him.

She said that going into the kitchen to get a kitchen knife could only scare Charles, but Chandler didn't

buy it at all. Christina threw the vacuum cleaner just now only to scare them away.

But Chandler was more experienced than Charles.

"Crystal doesn't want to see you."

Christina's tone was still cold, but there was a bit more seriousness in it, showing that she was not


There was a sense of loss in Chandler's eyes, but he was still standing with a gentle and handsome


Crystal rarely refused people. She didn't know how to refuse at all. It had been three days since she

moved out of the house this time. He thought that she could calm down within these three days, but

Crystal's phone was always being turned off, so he had no choice but to come over personally.

But he was blocked at the gate by Christina.

"How has she been these days?"

Chandler suddenly dropped his voice, as if begging her.

Christina's heart suddenly leaped. She couldn't stand anyone begging her.

If he was aggressive, she would naturally beat him up. But looking at Chandler's disappointed look, she

really did not know how to deal with this situation at once.

Christina was a little flustered. "Crystal, of course, Crystal has been living well these days. I've moved

all the best things in the house and bought her a lot of tonics. You don't know how happy we can live

here together. We don't have any worries." Christina rambled on and began to talk illogically.

All in all, she wanted to express that Crystal was living very well here and the two stinky men should

quickly disappear.

Charles heard some information from Christina's words that Christina had also almost moved in since

Crystal lived in there. No wonder Patrick had become so aggressive recently.

Crystal ran away from home because of family dissension, and Christina ran away with the excuse of

accompanying her friends.

Chandler was a good talker and negotiator, but now, he could only stand outside the house and looked

hard into the glass window, trying to see the woman hiding in the house. He fell silent and didn't know

what to say. He knew he had let Crystal down.

Christina was impatient. "What the hell? You really want me to kick you out?"

Fortunately, Miss Dickens did do it in person. Instead, she took out her cell phone from her trouser

pocket and called the community administrator angrily.

"What the hell happened for your services? You put bad animals into the community."

"I'm really sorry about it. We'll deal with it now."

They lived in a luxury residential area. The annual service fee for security here was expensive. So the

service was naturally of high quality. Soon, someone came to ask Charles and Chandler to leave.

Christina looked at the two men being invited out with dignity. Charles looked a little embarrassed,

gritting his teeth to say that he must buy a villa here to vent his anger.

Christina was sighing that the people here were so efficient, and at this moment, a familiar clear voice

came from behind her.

"I really don't understand why you like to meddle so much. There are no profits."

Christina suddenly turned her head and looked at Lucy with astonishment.

"How did you get in?" Lucy even stood right behind her.

Lucy looked at her disdainfully and didn't bother to explain. It was just a piece of cake.

Before Christina asked, Lucy, pushed the door open and shouted, "What are you having for lunch


It was as if she had entered her own house.

This woman was really too presumptuous.

Christina hurriedly followed her and slammed the door, said dissatisfiedly. "Hey, hey, hey, Crystal is not

your servant. Don't order at our place. This is not a restaurant."

Crystal came out of the kitchen with a big bowl of chicken soup and a warm smile. "It's okay. Just one

more person and one more set of tableware."

Lucy was satisfied with her attitude. She ran to the kitchen to wash her hands, sat on the dining table

chair, and shouted, "Dinner, dinner." It was rare to see her so happy.

Food was the paramount necessity of the people.

She worked so hard and went through all terrible difficulties just for her stomach. Because Crystal was

so good at cooking, Lucy's liking for her rose to a high level.

"Next time, if Chandler and the others come over again, you can tell me. I don't charge anything. I

promise they won't be able to come back in a month."

Lucy picked up a piece of chicken wings with soy sauce, which was sweet, just to her taste. She was in

a good mood.

If Lucy made a move, she could send people into the crematorium directly and professionally.

Even Christina was still frightened about it. Crystal immediately waved her hand in panic. "No, no


Lucy was holding a chicken nugget in her mouth. Seeing that they didn't really want to do it, she

muttered, "How boring." There was no flirting in her world but only took action to beat who she disliked.

As for the conflicts between couples, frankly speaking, she didn't know how to deal with them.

She lowered her head and looked at the large grouper that had just been served on the table. The food

really had a good taste. She had been eating fast food or eating in restaurants before. Of course, she

had also eaten more luxurious and tasty dishes. But after eating such home-cooked dishes yesterday,

she had always been scrounging free meals off them.

Considering the dishes on the table, she considered making friends with these two women reluctantly.

"Don't forget what I told you to do." Christina reminded her meaningfully.

Lucy was chewing a piece of beef. Her hands were also not idle at all, trying to peel the shell of the

Australian lobster, and the big grouper just now was all but bones.

"I know, I know." She swallowed her food in a rather impolite manner and replied unclearly.

Christina was speechless. The valiant and cold image of Lucy collapsed now. This guy's eating looking

were really...

"Oh, just like locusts' crossing..."

Crystal smiled in a good mood. "Eat more if you like. I'll cook more tomorrow." She was optimistic.

Seeing Lucy eating so appetizingly, she also wanted to eat more.

Recently, she had been heavily vomiting during pregnancy and felt nauseous whenever she ate.

"Have more millet and sweet potato porridge." Christina looked at Crystal sympathetically.

Yesterday, Crystal ate a piece of beef, the meat was still in her mouth, but she suddenly turned around

and trotted to the toilet to throw up.

They asked her what was the cure against vomiting because Christina was a veteran after all. But she

really didn't know about it. She could eat well when she was pregnant. No wonder Patrick said to her

how fortunate that she didn't be influenced by the baby at that time.

The three women were huddled in the exquisite and luxurious villa. After eating and drinking, they lay

on the living room sofa in great enjoyment. Crystal made them a pot of black tea thoughtfully.

"I've already told you why women should get married. We can live a good life like this."

Taking a sip of tea, Lucy sighed contentedly and looked at Crystal's belly.

"If what is in your belly is born, do you mind me playing it?"

She said it casually as if giving birth to a child was like keeping a pet for her. Pets were used to kill the

time. So the owner could bully them when he or she was in bad mood.

Crystal was frightened and embarrassed, not knowing how to deal with it.

"Don't bully my child."

"Don't worry. It won't be bullied outside except me. I'll teach him."

"What are you going to teach?"

"Ordinary survival skills... If it's a boy, he has to be stronger, or else he'll be sissy," Lucy said with a look

of disgust, "If it's a girl, then she has to be more powerful. Otherwise, how can she get along?"

Christina agreed and nodded. "Yes."

"If it's a boy, he can play with my twins. There are many new clothes in Hopkins family that haven't

been worn, and there are a lot of toys..."

"I prefer a girl."

Crystal went into the kitchen and took out another fruit platter. Christina and Lucy continued to eat.

Crystal listened to the heated discussion about her baby, which was completely different from what she

had experienced in the Stephenson family before. she smiled and felt warm in her heart

The Stephenson family didn't like her child and didn't want her baby at all.

Thinking of the Stephenson family and Chandler, a trace of sadness added to Crystal's delicate face.

But she tried to hide it from Christina. She didn't want her good friend to worry about her.

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