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Chapter 505

It was almost morning. Christina returned home to rest in the early morning light.

She couldn't just stand by and let her best friend suffer alone from marriage problems, so she dragged

in lots of people in the middle of the night to look for Crystal. Christina had not planned to persuade

Crystal to go back home but intended to take her to the Hopkins family, where the Stephenson family

dared not to act rashly.

"It's about someone else's family matters."

Patrick was not interested in interfering in other people's family problems, but he did not explicitly forbid

Christina to do that. He just reminded her to keep within proper bounds.

As soon as Christina lay down on the soft, king-size bed, she immediately closed her eyes, pulled thenovelbin

covers over her head in a daze, and drifted off to sleep.

She mumbled in her sleep, "Crystal is like a sister to me. Chandler Stephenson, you're a bastard..." Her

grumbling and swearing voice gradually sank to a whisper. Soon, she fell completely asleep on her


Patrick didn't want her to dash around at midnight and couldn't take a rest until dawn. With a

disapproving frown on his face, he bent over the bed and gently drew down the covers that Christina

had pulled over her head.

Purely from his standpoint, Patrick did not appreciate Crystal's weak personality. Of course, Crystal

was not his employee, so he would not be hard on her, nor did he have any opinion about her

considerate behavior. But she was Christina's friend, he must know something about her.

Christina didn't have a lot of friends. This was probably because she had been close to Derek since

she was a child. Derek was really outstanding. Most men did not dare to compare with him, whereas

women would usually take Christina as a rival in love.

It was normal for Patrick to stay up all night. He tucked Christina in. Seeing that she was breathing

evenly and sleeping soundly, he walked out of the bedroom with light steps.

As he walked, he took out his phone and sent a text message to Chandler, "Make this right."

It was obvious that Patrick was pressuring Chandler with these pithy words.

After a while, Chandler replied, "I know."

They had known each other for more than ten years, so they could understand each other well just by

saying a few simple words. That was a classic example of the friendship between two men.

Though Patrick had put pressure on the Stephenson family, after a private discussion between

Chandler's parents, they still felt that it was not the appropriate time for Chandler and Crystal to have a

child of their own.

"They had gone too far!"

Mrs. Stephenson was in her bedroom, talking to her husband. Contrary to her usual practice, she had

now a look of anger on her face. "I can't believe Patrick just looked on unconcerned as Christina

slapped Chandler."

"She thinks she can be domineering just because she's the granddaughter-in-law of the Hopkins

family? Have the Dickens family and Hopkins family never taught her to behave herself? Even if we are

at fault, she shouldn't have slapped our son in public. If this gets out, how humiliated will Chandler be?"

Mrs. Stephenson was a professor from a famous university. She was knowledgeable and

approachable, frequently communicating with her young students. Her manner of speaking was

normally polite and humorous.

However, no matter how well-bred she was, she couldn't restrain her anger when her son had to

endure the indignity of being slapped.

"Earlier, when I heard that they were good friends, I have told Crystal not to get too close to Christina.

They have very different characters and family backgrounds. Our family can't compete with the Hopkins

family, and we are not interested in making friends with someone of a higher social position."

Mrs. Stephenson looked angry. She felt that Crystal had been indiscriminate in making friends, and

Christina was abusing her power and meddling in the domesticities of the Stephenson family.

"Okay, stop being mad."

Mr. Stephenson sighed and comforted his wife in a low voice.

Mrs. Stephenson's grievances, as she reflected on what had happened, were increased by every

review of it. People usually said that she had a harmonious and intellectual family. Her girlfriends were

always envious of her happiness. She herself felt very content with her life too.

But Christina had spoiled the whole thing. It looked like her family was inferior in every aspect and she

had to be humble.

"I saw my son being bullied. How can I not be offended? Chanler is our only child now."

As Mrs. Stephenson spoke, her eyes glistened with tears. She thought of her elder son, who had died

young, and her heart ached.

Mr. Stephenson's face was also filled with grief. The death of their elder son was a bitter pill to swallow.

Their elder son was named Mark. The Stephenson family had been teachers for generations. Mr.

Stephenson and his wife were also professors in famous universities. Mark, inherited from them, was

especially gentle and liked to read books. He was hired to teach at a famous university at a young age.

Chandler was different. Although he looked as elegant as his brother, he found it boring to read

ponderous books and do academic research. He preferred commercial activities and started his own

business. That's why he had made friends with Charles, Patrick, and other business tycoons.

Chandler was lively and outgoing. He liked to spend time with Charles and other businessmen and

often went abroad. Mark, on the other hand, enjoyed a quiet life and spend most of his time at home,

so naturally, the parents preferred their elder son.

One day, unexpectedly, Mark insisted on traveling abroad like Chandler. But he did not return alive.

How could they ever get over the pain of losing their young beloved child?

Everyone in the Stephenson family was depressed for a long time. After that, their younger son,

Chandler, changed a lot. He developed his business domestically, settled down, and gradually became

a family man. Later, the birth of Geoffrey finally created a happier atmosphere in the family.

But there was still one problem: Chandler's marital troubles.

"If Mark were still alive, there wouldn't be so much trouble in our family. Mark was so filial." Mrs.

Stephenson sighed and wiped her tears on her sleeve.

Mr. Stephenson patted her on the shoulder and gently comforted her, "There, there."

Mrs. Stephenson raised her head and looked determined. "I did not oppose Chandler when he wanted

to divorce Erica and marry Crystal..."

"But Geoffrey is too young. He is just in primary school now. Crystal has a good character, but once her

own child is born, she will definitely be partial. When I visited Mark's grave, I have sworn to myself that

I would die to make Geoffrey happy."

Mrs. Stephenson held her husband's hand. "Let's discuss it with Crystal. They can have their child in a

few years. This one is not meant to be."

Mr. Stephenson lowered his head. After a long time, he nodded.

The door was not closed tightly. Crystal stood outside the door with a pale face. She had heard their

words clearly.

"Bang, bang, bang." An orange ball bounced over from the other side of the corridor.

Startled by the voice, Crystal looked up and saw Geoffrey in an exclusive light blue sportswear. He was

trotting after the ball.

"How many times have I told you not to play with the ball indoor?"

Crystal blurted out and looked at Geoffrey. He was a handsome boy of five or six years old.

"Geoffrey, come over to grandma."

The elders heard the noise outside and immediately became vigilant. Only when they stepped out did

they realize that the door was not closed tightly. Crystal was standing in the corridor. She might have

heard something.

As soon as they came out, they saw Crystal telling Geoffrey off. Their first reaction was to speak for

their grandson.

"Crystal, don't scold him. Christina came here and made trouble yesterday afternoon. She scared the

child. Geoffrey didn't sleep all night last night. When he got up this morning, he got dark circles under

his eyes. It made my heartache."

Mrs. Stephenson stood in front of Geoffrey as if she was afraid that Crystal would abuse him.

"I'm not scolding him. I just think that children should be taught..." Crystal said in a soft voice, trying to


Mrs. Stephenson emphasized, "Geoffrey is not in good spirits today."

They spoke in a friendly and polite manner, but the feeling of alienation was obvious.

Crystal lowered her head and said nothing.

She might not be smart, but she was sensible enough to know that Geoffrey was the spiritual

sustenance for her parents-in-law. They spoiled him and took it for granted that she, Geoffrey's

stepmother, should keep her mouth shut about it.

Looking at Crystal's injured look, Mr. Stephenson had pity on her and said gently, "Crystal, we are a

family. If there is any misunderstanding between us, don't take it to heart. We know that you are doing

this for the good of Geoffrey, but your mother and I will take care of the child's education. Don't worry."

Crystal forced a smile and nodded at him.

The elders were quite satisfied with Crystal because she was obedient and sensible.

"Crystal, your father and I want to say something." Seeing that everyone was here, Mrs. Stephenson

got things straight.

Crystal was not difficult to communicate with. Basically, she would accept the elders' request.

Mrs. Stephenson took her hand and said kindly, "Crystal, what happened yesterday..."

Crystal looked pale and nervous. She didn't really want to talk about that.

"Mom, take Geoffrey out to play. I'll talk with Crystal first." Chandler said while striding over.

Crystal looked up at him, regarding him as her savior. She jerked her hand out of Mrs. Stephenson's

and came to Chandler.

Looking at the young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson had mixed feelings. Mr. Stephenson beckoned

his wife to leave them alone, but Mrs. Stephenson still exhorted. "Crystal, I know Christina and you are

good friends, but it is really not advisable for you two to get too close..."

Crystal's face turned pale.

Chandler put his arm around her trembling shoulders and tried to comfort her.

Mrs. Stephenson could tell that her son was affectionate towards Crystal, and she didn't want to make

things too difficult for Crystal, so she added gently, "I'm not saying that you can't get along with her. I'm

just giving you some advice. After all, I'm an elder and more experienced. I don't want you to get into

trouble later."

Hearing her words, Crystal's face turned as pale as death. "I see."

Mrs. Stephenson was satisfied with her obedience. She nodded, held Geoffrey by his hand, and took

him somewhere else.

Crystal and Chandler were left alone in the corridor.

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