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Chapter 495

The black cat had been lurking here for seven days and nights.

Derek was super sleepy. He could fall asleep on the road outside. Sometimes, he fell down the hill

accidentally and he didn't bother to get up. He could sleep with his eyes closed in a comfortable place

on the lawn.

It seemed like he was afraid of nothing.

Once, the black cat saw him fall asleep in the bath. His whole body was soaked in water, and his head

slowly sank down along the smooth bathtub. He almost drowned him.

However, the black cat, who had successfully broken into his house several times, failed to attack him


He was really a strange man.

There was a lot of dust in every corner of Derek's room, and he didn't ask anyone to clean up. He just

packed and threw away everything that looked dirty and messy.

The black cat was very dissatisfied with the environment. It was used to being served, used to having

countless servants, and used to being served food regularly.

Derek, on the other hand, would not feed a cat.

He couldn't even feed himself!

Just as Derek was thinking that he would not have any new clothes to change tomorrow, the telephone

in his room rang.

It was his uncle, Larry.

"Derek, I ordered fifteen sets of clothes at the counter and asked the service assistant to deliver them

to you. Remember to open the door." Larry reminded earnestly.

"And your apartment hasn't been cleaned for a long time. Why don't you go out tomorrow and I'll go

clean it up..." Larry said to him in a negotiated tone.

In fact, Larry really wanted to scold him in his heart. If it was someone else, he would lose his temper.

Derek wouldn't let anyone into his apartment, not even a cleaner. Several layers of dust had

accumulated in the corners of his house. God had given him such a good look, but he was an idiot in

life management.

"My apartment is very clean." Derek said slowly.

Larry almost choked on his internal injury. What the hell was clean? How could it be clean?

He didn't know that Derek's so-called "clean" meant to throw away everything in the house so that it

had nothing and of course it was clean.

Larry, an old man in his fifties, was a charming playboy when he was young. He had dated countless

women. He also had a bottom line back then. He would never marry any woman he had affair with. He

was a non-marriage believer. It was the next life for him to have children.

But one day, when he came into contact with the silly Fisher boy, the bastard child, and the bad-

tempered little girl Christina, Larry felt that children were not that annoying, and it was good to have

some concerns.

Recently, he had been in love with Betty Eisenhower like a young man in his first love.

But he was shy to express his love. Just think about it. An elegant lady like Betty can't like a man like

him. Maybe he was disappointed in love. Now Larry's attention had been turned to Derek and

Christina. He liked to take care of their lives whenever he had nothing to do. It helped kill the pale and

boring time for him.

Recently, Larry became more and more like a nagging housekeeper, holding his phone and reminding

him with concern, "Derek, did you pack and throw away your sheets again? There seem to be a few

new ones left in your house. That one was changed three days ago... It's not a matter of money for you

to change these things, but I heard that the newly bought things have a high amount of


"Forget it. Next time, I'll have your clothes washed and sent over."

"And don't drink those expired things in your fridge, especially milk. The last time you drank expired

milk, your stomach ached so hard and your face turned pale. You're going to the ICU in a few years if

you keep doing this."

The more Larry spoke, the more energetic he became. "I bought you a lot of food in the supermarket

and got someone to deliver it to you. I put it at the security guard downstairs. Remember to get it..."

Derek had a good habit of not interrupting other people's nagging. He was a very good listener. Of

course, whether he really heard it or not was another matter.

"How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Larry was most worried about his health, especially

the last time he saw with his own eyes that he was hurt all over and was so weak that he was almost

out of breath. It really scared him.

"Has anything happened recently?"

Derek subconsciously turned to look at the bedside table. The black cat was also staring at him. Just

as he was about to speak, he said slowly, "There's a..."

"Did Christina call you recently? Did she contact you?" Larry was so lively that he cut him in.

When Derek heard him mention Christina, his blue eyes hesitated for a moment and then told him,

"She scolded me..." His tone was calm, but he was actually a little emotional when he mentioned her.


"Why did that girl scold you?"

Larry was very protective of him. Before Derek could say the second half of his sentence, he was

already angry." She had married the Hopkins family to enjoy her life as Mrs. Hopkins. She became so

arrogant, didn't she? She had already forgotten our past friendship. She's heartless. What's so good

about the Hopkins family? Patrick is so sophisticated. None of the Hopkins family is easy to deal with.

None of them is good!"

Larry had seen Christina and Derek grow up together, and they were engaged by her grandfather. He

had firmly believed that these two were a couple.

Out of nowhere, a man named Patrick appeared and took Derek's wife away. He was despicable and

shameless. Larry was really upset with the Hopkins family.

Compared to Larry's anger, Derek was not so angry about Christina's marriage. At first, he was

shocked, but then he accepted it. Christina didn't seem to hate Patrick, and she didn't ask to leave.

Christina did not ask for anything from him as she did when she was a child. He would do whatever she

said. Now she no longer asked him to do anything. Derek was also confused for a while. He did not

know what to do in the future.

So, he decided to Italy to investigate the Strozzi family.

Not long after returning, he got this strange disease.

Thinking of this, Derek's eyes were filled with confusion. He walked towards the black cat on the other

side of the cabinet.

The black cat was alert. It knew very well that this seemingly casual and lazy man was actually very

dangerous and could kill it at any time.

The cat jumped out of the bedroom and ran towards the living room.

It thought that Derek was going to grab it by the neck again and threw it downstairs inhumanely.

"That's mine."

When Derek walked out of the living room, he saw the unknown black cat licking the milk in his cup.

He frowned slightly and got a little annoyed.

He didn't like people entering his space, and he didn't like any creatures using his things.

The black cat seemed to know that this would annoy him, so it was even proud. With a twist of its butt,

it deliberately dropped Derek's crystal cup off the table.

The crystal cup was heavier than ordinary glass and more resistant to fall. It didn't break, but it just

knocked on the floor and rolled to Derek's feet.

Derek lowered his head and looked at the cup beside his feet expressionlessly. He looked a little pale.

It was not important whether the cup was broken or not for him. What was important was that a cat had

used it.

On the other end of the phone, Larry nagged a lot and found that Derek did not respond at all, so he

roared a few times to see if he was listening.

"I don't have a cup." After a while, Derek's unique deep voice came slightly.

Larry was confused hearing that.

After a while, there was a crackling noise. There seemed to be some sounds of turning tables and

cabinets over on the other side. Bang, bang, this sounded like he was going to tear down the house.

"Derek, what's wrong with you?" Larry became nervous and immediately asked him.

Derek was still the same and he ignored him.

Larry was hesitating with his phone in his hand. Should he rush over and find out what happened now?

But as to Derek's odd temper, he was probably just packing up the things he thought were dirty and

throwing them away. Last time, he threw the entire sofa out.

"I told you, I don't like people coming into my room!"

Derek's voice vaguely reached Larry's ear through the phone.

Although Derek's voice always sounded sleepless and lazy, Larry could tell that this time Dereknovelbin

seemed to have been provoked by something.

What happened? Larry was even more nervous. Who entered Derek's room?


No way. He wouldn't drive her away if it's Christina.

Was it the delivery guy who dropped over?

While Larry was guessing, he heard that Derek was even angrier. His voice was still lazy, but with

some anger, and he said slowly, "You can enter my room as long as you are made into a specimen."



Larry's face immediately changed. He grabbed keys and stromed to Derek's apartment in a panic.

Oh my god. Someone's going to die!

At this time, in Derek's apartment, he was chasing a cat. The cat was small and kept dodging. He had

restrained himself before, but this time the cat used his cup, which annoyed him.

Derek did not show any mercy. He rummaged through the cabinets, and the room was in a mess.

The black cat gripped the crystal chandelier from the ceiling with its four claws and swayed in the air.

Right below, Derek was not joking. He found a bottle of formalin. He looked at the crystal chandelier

above him seriously with his blue eyes and was about to make a cat specimen.

"Get down!"

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