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Chapter 488

"Derek has always been concerned about Christina. He must have sensed something before and then

went to an island in Italy to meet someone. Later, he contracted such a disease."

A severe look passed over Patrick's face. "Did Derek come into contact with the Strozzi family?"

"The ancient coin that Christina picked up a while ago is the badge of the Strozzi family."

"Badge of the Strozzi family? I don't know what you're talking about."

Donald waved at him. "Now that you're so capable, you can find out what you want by yourself. I'm just

an ordinary retired man now. I don't care about many things anymore."

Patrick frowned when he saw that Donald looked indifferent. He asked directly, "Who is Christina's

biological father?"

Who was Christina's biological father?

This question caused a massive shock to Donald Dickens's calm heart. His expression changed

considerably. "I don't know!" He tried to calm down, but he failed.

Every time he thought of such a man, he was outraged and could not calm down.

At that time, Mary had sex with an unknown man and was pregnant. Mary was famous in her social

circle, and many men were pursuing her. She didn't even notice that she was pregnant until the fetus

was five months old. Still, General Eisenhower didn't allow her to have an abortion but was afraid that

the premarital pregnancy would attract gossip. In the end, Donald offered to help hide the matter, and

Mary married him.

Donald volunteered because he was not worthy of Mary, but he admired her brilliance and did not care

who the child's biological father was. As long as Mary married him, they would live a happy life as his

original pursuit.

However, no matter how hard he tried and was obedient to Mary, she still missed the unknown man

she had only met once.

Who was Christina's biological father?

Donald wanted to know the answer more than anyone else that he had gone crazy to investigate.

Every night, he was mad with jealousy because his wife didn't love him.

During that time, he lived a tragic and depressing life.

In the end, he decided to realize Mary's dream and secretly send her away to find that man. He let gonovelbin

of her, but he could never set himself free for so many years.

He was always a little humble in the privacy of his mind. Why was he no match for that man? Why was

he always inferior to that man in Mary's eyes?

"Christina's surname is Dickens. She will be my daughter for the rest of her life."

Donald suddenly became excited and said forcefully, "Even if that man comes back and suddenly

appears, Christina is still my daughter. No one can change this fact."

Donald had raised Christina for so many years. Although he felt guilty that he had treated her too

harshly, from the moment Donald saw her born, he had concluded that this girl was his child.

"If there's nothing else, go out!"

Donald didn't want to talk about the topic that made him heartbroken.

It was the second time Patrick had been kicked out of the door by Donald in such a cold tone, but

Patrick did not leave this time. He stood up and looked straight at him with deep eyes.

"Derek must have investigated the badge of the Strozzi family. He's sick now."

Patrick's tone was quite serious. "I don't care who Christina's father is, but I hope you can provide

useful information. I believe you don't want to see some unpredictable danger lurking around


After hearing what he said, Donald calmed down. Did Derek have a strange illness recently? He didn't

inquire about it. However, he didn't want to see Christina in danger.

Gazing at Patrick's serious expression, Donald felt a little uncomfortable again. It was as if he, a father,

did not care about his daughter and let Patrick worry about it alone.

Donald deliberately changed the subject and snorted angrily. "The biggest danger around Christina is

that Ms. Hopkins, who is always making trouble for her."

Patrick paused. He was about to urge him to get down to business because Donald must know

something about Christina's biological father.

However, Donald had been sulking at him before and waved his hand. "Get out, get out."

Patrick looked terrible but did not force him anymore. As a wily old bird, Donald would have his ideas.

Donald stayed alone in the study all afternoon. He suddenly forgot the joy of seeing his grandsons on

his birthday.

"Mary, are you coming back?"

Donald looked through the window at the setting sun on the hillside.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, a light golden light fell into the room. Donald took a deep breath,

then stood up and walked out of the study.

Just then, Betty prepared dinner and came to him. "It's rare for Christina to bring the two children here.

Why are you alone in the study? Come out quickly."

Betty had once admired Donald in her heart because Donald was young, charming, and responsible,

and he was extremely good to her sister. She felt a little sorry for Donald's original choice.

Now, Donald, his brother-in-law, was her relative.

For Donald, Betty had always been his sister and someone he could trust.

"Betty, do you still have those things that your sister used to have when she was young..." Donald

suddenly asked her.

Betty was a little shocked by the question. "What are you looking for all of a sudden?"

In the Dickens family, it had been a long time since he mentioned her sister, Mary.

Donald looked severely, and he said slowly, "Go back and look carefully to see if your sister leaves any

diary in the past."

Betty didn't understand why he suddenly wanted to look for his sister's diary, but she agreed, "Okay,

when Christina and the others go back, I'll go to the warehouse and look for it carefully."

They walked into the house side by side. Donald said, "Later, tell Christina and the others to rest at

home for the night. Call them back to the Hopkins Residence early tomorrow morning."

Betty was unhappy. "Why are you in such a hurry to chase them away?"

It was rare to stay with the children. Besides, Mrs. Dickens would not bear it.

"A married woman is another family's daughter-in-law. My grandsons are still young. They are not used

to spending the night outside. The Hopkins family doesn't want the children to stay out for too long.

Christina is so careless, but as her aunt, you must think of this for her."

Betty joked at him. "Donald, ever since you stopped making money, you've been thinking about

whether Christina gets wronged in Hopkins family, haven't you?"

Donald looked a little embarrassed. He turned around and stopped talking about it.

"By the way, has Derek been sick recently?"

"What's wrong with him? Is it serious?" Donald remembered what Patrick had just mentioned. Even

Patrick said it was a strange disease. What was going on?

Betty became nervous. "Derek has been sick recently. Christina mentioned it on the phone. Have you

heard anything? Is Derek seriously ill?"

Donald was silent. It seemed that Christian didn't know the details.

Betty frowned and said to herself, "I'll ask Christina. I asked her to invite Derek to celebrate your

birthday, but I forgot after seeing two children."

"You can forget anything, but don't forget to look for your sister's diary."

As they stepped into the room, Donald emphasized again.

Betty was an intelligent woman. Donald kept emphasizing her sister's diary, which made her curious

about the talk between Donald and Patrick in the study.

Her sister, Mary, had a habit of keeping a diary since she was a child. In the past, for privacy reasons,

she respected her sister and never read her diary. However, her sister had ruthlessly left her husband

and daughter behind for so many years to pursue that unknown man. She had some resentment

towards this sister in her heart.

When her sister was here, she always set the cat among the pigeons. Betty thought she would rather

believe that her sister had passed away than come back and disturb the peace now.

The dinner was vibrant. Christina personally cooked a bowl of noodles for his father. However, the taste

was terrible.

Donald took a bite and whispered that the noodles were undercooked.

Patrick glanced over him, suggesting that he should be satisfied. The bowl of noodles Christina cooked

for her was burnt.

Charles was not polite at all and burst into laughter.

They cut the birthday cake, chatted together with the children in the small living room. They joked at

Christina for the embarrassing things she did. The atmosphere was so happy.

The twins spent the night at the Dickens's home. Adults were worried that their children would not

sleep well at night. Surprisingly, the children slept in a big bed with Christina, and both of them were

very obedient and slept soundly.

Even the most intractable younger son, Small, threw away his favorite bottle and held tightly to

Christina's arm, with his little face rubbing against her contently all night.

At half-past four the following day, the twins opened their eyes wide and played on the bed by


Seeing that they were awake, Christina quickly woke Patrick and Charles up and asked them to feed


Charles sighed at the difficulty of being a parent and fed the baby with a bottle. Parick was called aside

by Betty, who also got up early. She stuffed him with a few bags of gifts and asked him to bring them

back to the Hopkins family.

Christina ran out quickly. "Auntie, we didn't say we would go back so soon. Grandpa is very old-

fashioned, but he also agreed with us to bring the baby over for a few days."

"The children were still young, and there will be more opportunities in the future. Take advantage of the

fact that they are awake and have been full, and you can drive back. Have a good trip."

Christina was almost kicked out of the house, which was different from her original idea.

She thought that her aunt, grandmother, and father would all urge the children to stay in there for a few

more days. She always felt that she was inexplicably driven away by her family.

"Do your dad and the others have anything else to do? Why are they so anxious to let us go back?"

Even Charles felt that they were a little anxious.

"They don't have anything else to do except to stay with the twins every day."

Christina didn't understand either. Betty had stuffed bags into the car, Patrick put the twins in the baby

seat, and the driver started the engine.

Christina waved to her father and grandmother outside the car window. "Then when the children have

their first birthday party, you can go to Hopkins family and see them."

"Be careful on the road. The twins were in the car. You can't drive too fast."

Mrs. Dickens still couldn't bear to part with the children. After the car drove away, she turned to Donald

and Betty unhappily. "Christina said that Hopkins family agreed to let the children stay for a few more

days. Why are you so determined to drive them back?" The old lady was a little angry.

Donald just patted his old mother on the shoulder, turned to Betty, and reminded her again, "Go to the

storeroom to look for your sister's diary. If it's not in the storeroom, then go back to the Eisenhower's

old residence today and find it carefully."

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, Betty agreed, "Okay."

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