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Chapter 486

It was past 7 in the morning and the sun was shining. The car finally arrived at the Dickens family.

The driver of the Hopkins family felt tense all the way. When he stopped the car, he was relieved. He

usually picked up Patrick, but this time it was different. Right now, he helped Christina drive her and the

babies here without the Hopkins family's permission.

Fortunately, the road was empty in the morning and there was no traffic jam. Their car drove steadily

and evenly, without any bumps along the way.

"The babies are here!"

As soon as the car stopped, the door of the Dickens family was opened.

Mrs. Dickens and Betty ran over first and shouted excitedly, "Have you brought the children?" As they

spoke, they both looked at person in the car at the same time.

When Christina had just opened the car door, Mrs. Dickens saw the babies with her sharp eyes and

she then shook Betty's arm, looking quite delighted. "Betty, hurry up and give the babies a red

envelope. It's the first time they come to our house. The envelopes can bring them good luck."

"It's so stuffy in the car. Hurry up and carry them into the house." The old lady couldn't wait to see the


And Betty also smiled. "Just come inside."

"Where's my dad?"

Once Christina got out of the car, she remembered that her father was the protagonist today and


Casting her a glance, Mrs. Dickens answered perfunctorily, "Your father has gone out for a walk and

exercise. He would come back later. Just ignore him."

Then she pulled her granddaughter a little with eagerness and asked carefully, "Christina, let me hold

the babies. I miss them so much..."

Looking at them, Betty had a gentle smile on her face. She then carried out another baby from the car

and walked into the house first.

Their true purpose was not to hold a birthday party for Donald, but wanted Christina to bring her babies


Standing aside, Patrick and Charles were completely ignored.

"Patrick, you don't seem to be very popular in the Dickens family." Charles whispered his inmost words


Yet Patrick got out of the car and replied calmly, "Yesterday, Donald and Mrs. Dickens called me

personally to invite me over."

Of course, it was all to bring the babies back to the Dickens family. But they had to get his permission


Therefore, no matter how much the Dickens family disliked him, they had to treat him as Christina's


Charles was astonished by his words. Sure enough, Patrick was used to get everything under his


Although his attitude towards the Dickens family was too strong, he still cared about them for the sake

of his wife. For example, the reason why Donald could receive quick and professional rehabilitation

treatment after his stroke was that Patrick gave off his support. And he indirectly helped the Dickens

family's company affairs.

In the room, Christina was chatting with Betty and the others.

"Early this morning, we sneaked over the house and set off here. We originally wanted to take a short

flight, but we were afraid that the sound of the plane taking off would affect the babies' ears..."

At this time, Betty held a baby very gently. The elder one of the babies was very obedient and quiet. He

twisted his little body and kept looking around the strange environment of the Dickens family. His big

eyes were like grapes, clear and lively, as if he was curious about everything.

Her heart softened in an instant as she held the soft little boy in her hand.

"The Hopkins family takes good care of the children. How cute they are!"

She then lowered her head to amuse Big, and her smile became gentler.

Meanwhile, Small in Mrs. Dickens's arms was different from his brother. He waved his chubby hands

and kept kicking with his short legs, especially irrepressible. The old lady wanted to hold him steady,

but the little guy was too lively and active.

Seeing that, Christina could only sigh. "Grandma, let me hold him. He has a lot of strength and always

likes to kick people." As she spoke, she carried Small into her arms and hugged him tightly.

Right now, she looked like a strict mother. With a warning look in her eyes, the noisy baby in her arms

was immediately quieted down.

The child's blue eyes were clear and bright. He looked at his mother for a while, then turned over and

buried his face in her abdomen. His hands clutched her sleeve tightly, as if he liked to lean on her like


For the elders, every action of the child was very adorable.

Mrs. Dickens looked very glad and asked softly, "Have you fed them since they got up so early?"

Upon hearing that, Betty quickly became nervous. "Christina, don't forget to feed them."

Christina had always been careless. She would be worried if Christina took care of the babies alone.

"She'd fed them once in the car." Charles then walked in with a smile.

Only then did Mrs. Dickens and Betty notice the two men. They had forgotten Patrick and Charles were

here, which was really rude of them. They then quickly poured tea for Charles and asked him to have a

seat with a smile on their faces.

"Where's Patrick?"

Betty looked at the door. Did she have to go over and invite him into the house in person?

Knowing what she was thinking, Charles then joked, "If Patrick wants to come, you can't chase him

away. Haha... He just received a phone call and needed to tell the staff something outside the yard."

Mrs. Dickens quickly said, "He's very busy. Let's not disturb him."

Because Patrick was so capable that even if they were all elders, they still looked very reserved in front

of him.

Charles knew the attitude of the Dickens family to Patrick very well. He then sat next to them and

deliberately changed the subject. "Christina, didn't you just say you were going to feed the babies


With all their attention on the babies, they instantly felt relaxed and delighted.

"They caught a cold a few days ago and have to take medicine."

"They're better now. No more fever and only cough occasionally."

As Christina spoke, she took out the medicine and tried to force them to drink it, but the Dickens family


"Christina, why does this medicine smell so bad? Which doctor prescribed it? They are about to cry

before they take it."

As soon as the medicine was taken out, the babies' eyes immediately wet, looking especially

aggrieved, as if they were ready to cry at any time.

Yet their mother ignored their aggrieved looks and was going to hold them tight and forced them to take


She even said, "They won't cry when they get tired."

Then she stuffed a spoonful of liquid medicine into their little mouths. The two babies were "trampled"

by their mother and started to squirm. Yet they were too little to resist.

Small, who was the first to take it, cried so miserably that the elders present were heartbroken.

Mrs. Dickens and Betty looked at them anxiously.

Just then, Donald had just come back from a walk. When he saw his grandsons being bullied, he grew

angry. "Is this how you treat your children?"

After Christina heard his words, she looked up at her father and said, "Happy birthday."

Yet he was furious and rushed over. "Happy birthday? I just want to see them on my birthday. Why did

you make them cry?"

She said, "Dad, you're recovering very well now. You don't need a crutch anymore. It's hard to see you

had a stroke before."

While speaking, she quickly put the crying baby in her arms on the sofa, reached out, and carried her

eldest son into her arms, using the same method to force him to drink the medicine.

Seeing that, he became furious at her "cruel" treatment of the babies." It's my birthday. You want to

make me suffer another stroke? Put the baby down immediately. Stop putting the spoon into his mouth.

You're hurting him!"

Quickly, she finished feeding her son the last spoonful of medicine and said calmly, "It's okay. He

doesn't cry even taking the medicine."

At this time, smacking his lips, Big ate up the medicinal juice at the corner of his mouth very

cooperatively, looking at his mother obediently.

Betty couldn't help but praise him. "Good boy."

And Charles leaned closer and muttered, "Highly cooperative. This is definitely inherited from his


Christina turned her head and looked at her youngest son with a frown. "Small is very delicate. Every

time he drinks liquid medicine, he cries as if he wants to tear the sky apart." This little guy'd made a big

fuss in the Hopkins family.

Small seemed to understand that his mother was complaining about him.

With tears in his blue eyes, he then slowly stopped his crying and kept looking at his brother. He

sobbed a few times, burped, and stopped crying.

Donald then reached out and gently touched his little head. "You're also a good boy."

Looking at her father's kind face, Christina continued to complain about her little son, "He is almost a

year old, yet can't even speak."

As soon as Donald heard that, he glared at his daughter angrily. "It means he's accumulating


And Mrs. Dickens immediately echoed, "Right, I heard that many extraordinary intelligent people grow

up relatively slowly when they are young. He will definitely have a bright future."

Yet Christina was rather speechless at their words.

Sure enough, the elders all over the world would think their children were the best.

Outside the courtyard, Patrick heard his son crying loudly. He then hung up the phone and walked in.

He nodded at Donald as greet and said, "Small always cries so much." He then walked to his wife.

His reaction made the Dickens family people shocked. He seemed not to care much about the child's

crying. Yet they thought that the Hopkins family would be very careful about the babies. They were

worried that if the babies cried, they would be blamed for not taking good care of the babies.

"Since the babies are here, don't eat out for dinner. We'll just cook some home-cooked food at home.

What do you think?"

Mrs. Dickens asked in her kindest tone.novelbin

"Patrick and I aren't picky about food," Charles then smiled friendly. In order to ease the atmosphere,

he teased, "Christina is the most picky eater."

Mrs. Dickens then laughed awkwardly at his words.

Meanwhile, she reminded Christina, "Go rest in the room with the babies for a while. You must be tired

after the long journey."

After that, she smiled and said, "Patrick, take a seat. Make yourself comfortable here."

Although Patrick was her grandson-in-law and a junior, she was afraid that she would say something

wrong. So she quickly led Christina and the babies into the room and left the others to Donald to


After they entered the room, Donald said, "I'm recovering very well. I don't have to go..." Just as he was

about to say, he didn't need to go to the rehabilitation center anymore.

Yet Patrick interrupted him, "There will be a professional to evaluate your condition."

He turned Donald down.

When Donald heard his words, his face darkened. In front of Patrick, he had no say on this even if he

was Patrick's father-in-law, which made him angry.

"Didn't you see? I can walk and run now! I'm very healthy. And I don't have to go to the rehabilitation

center anymore."

With a stubborn temper, since he could walk without using a crutch and was greatly recovered, he

didn't want to be treated as a patient anymore.

In particular, the medical staff in the rehabilitation center were like lackeys, making him especially

embarrassed. Other patients all felt that he was using special privileges and became envious.

Patrick must have asked the rehabilitation center to give him special treatment.

"Did the doctor agree to your request?" Patrick lowered his eyes and glanced at Donald's paralyzed left

leg, and asked coolly.

Seeing that he was so calm, Donald became even angrier. "Call the doctors there and tell them that I

don't have to go back for treatment again. Ask them not to bother me all day long!"

Just then, Charles quickly eased the tension. "Uncle, calm down." In case Donald's blood pressure

rose again.

But Donald only snorted angrily. If his son-in-law was Charles, he wouldn't be so angry right now. He

had seen the dirty and complicated side of the business world. Who would have thought that he would

be embarrassed by his son-in-law now?

If it weren't for the etiquette, Donald would have screamed that if Patrick didn't give order to those

doctors, how would they let him stop the treatment so easily?

On the other hand, Patrick, who was sitting opposite him, picked up a small cup of black tea in his right

hand. He sniffed it and then took a sip, looking completely calm.

But right now, Donald was so angry that he wanted to smash the tea table.

Feeling very relaxed, Patrick poured himself another cup of tea and continued to drink tea. He

especially glad to see his father-in-law angry at this time, for Christina had made him angry all the time.

Charles silently looked at the strange scene and felt that Patrick was taking this opportunity to retaliate.

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